Chapter Seventy One

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When Justin left at seven thirty in the morning, Niall and I had a quick breakfast and then got dressed to go film. I brushed my now brown hair -- the blonde dye had finally worn out -- and left it hanging around my shoulders. I had no makeup on, since they were only going to add some. 

I grabbed my phone, keys and wallet and headed downstairs into Niall's car. Why don't I have a car yet? I should get one. 

"Ready?" Niall asks me as he turns the car on and puts it in gear. I nod once and he pulls out of the driveway.

The car ride is filled with a comfortable silence and when we arrive, Niall gets out first, and then opens my door for me. I kiss his cheek as I get out and he closes the door behind me. His fingers immediately tangle  with mine as he locks the car and we walk into the studio.

As soon as we walk inside I am hurried to one dressing room while Niall is rushed to another. I greet Patricia with a hug and say hello to Lidia, Patricia's assistant who does my hair. I am sat down on a chair and Patricia works on my makeup, while Lidia begins my hair.

When they have completed their masterpiece, I am swirled around in my chair to look in the mirror. I was amazed with how gorgeous I actually looked. My brown hair was slightly curled, but still fell loosely around my shoulders, and my makeup was flawless, with a thick line of eyeliner around my eyes, a few coats of mascara and a bright red lipstick plastered on my lips, making them look bigger than they actually were.

I don't even have another second to examine myself or say thank you as I am rushed to wardrobe. Patricia shows me where my clothes are laid out on the sofa and then leaves the room. 

I don't take my time to slip into the black leather full-suit outfit. It zips up in front and is sleeveless, with a turtleneck as well. Around my waist sits a silver belt. I put the black three quarter leather jacket over and squash my feet into the knee-high black wedges. On my hands I wear elbow-high, black leather gloves that have no fingers.

I examine myself in the mirror before leaving the room. 

When I reach the set, I see Niall talking to Director X. He is clad in a pair of black skinny jeans, white Supras and a white button up shirt without the buttons done up. I could see his toned chest and I suddenly go weak in the knees. No matter how many times I look at him or touch him, he always manages to make me feel weak.

The set has green screens around it, with a red vintage car in the middle that I'm guessing I will be sitting in. 

Things go in a rush. I am quickly introduced to Director X, he tells me what I must do, I give Niall a kiss and he wishes me good luck, and then I am sat in the car.

"Lights?" Director X calls. "Camera? Action!"

I hear the familiar twinkling sound of the music, and have to pretend I am driving. I do as I was told, but I am nervous as hell. I am meant to look straight ahead and not at the camera, so I do. 

Luckily, I spot Niall in front of me, and I suddenly have the courage. I begin to sing the song, even though they will just put the professional version over.

When the song is done, Director X calls, "CUT!" and then we move on. Patricia takes my jacket off me and replaces it with bandolier that hangs across my chest. 

We move on to the next set. It has more green screens surrounding a large wooden platform with heaps of red poles. 

I am told to stand in the middle of the platform and my choreographer teaches me the poses I have to do at different times of the music.

When Director X calls action this time, the music starts from the first chorus, and I feel nervous again.

I stuff up a few times, but in the end I get it right.

When it is cut, I sigh in relief as I step off the platform. 

"Ok, let's do the scene with Niall for today, and then we will wrap it up. Tomorrow, we will shoot the other few scenes." Director X calls, not just telling me, but everyone else as well.

I am rushed back in to the dressing room and am sat down for hair. They don't change my makeup this time, but my hair is quickly straightened and tied into a high ponytail with a scrunchy. They add extension to the ends of my hair, making it feel heavier, but it looked good. 

The outfit I get changed into is black baggy pants, with a three quarter zip up black jacket that shows my belly button. Underneath that I wore a tight cropped top, with black wedges on my feet and fingerless black wrist length gloves. 

I am taken to the next set. On the back wall it is covered in magazine and newspaper articles, pictures of Niall, and a whole bunch of scribble with red strings taped across it all. There is a desk and boxes and a few chairs scattered around the place.

There is a last minute call for Niall to take his shirt off, and he does so, making me weak once again. We both stand in the middle of room, telling each other good luck. 


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