Chapter 3

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Tw//sensitive topics

"Why's that?" Jaemin asked, taking a seat on the chair besides the hospital bed. Keeping his gaze on the ground, Beomgyu spoke quietly. "I don't want to go back there..."

Jaemin frowned and tried to ask further. "Why don't you want to go back?" A visible tear rolled down the young teenaged boy's cheek.

"They hurt me a lot," Beomgyu said inaudibly, but the older was still able to make out his words.

"What do you mean they hurt you?" Jaemin interrogated. It's all part of his job. The male has to try to see if he can get children to open up about their home life situations so that he was able to help them.

Call it manipulation, call it doing his job, call it whatever. Jaemin has a way he speaks to children that gets them to open up to him sooner or later because he knows they won't be able to hold it in for much longer.

The way he uses his words his very gentle, relaxing, yet his curiosity and interrogation played a major role in his tone. And that's what creates this mind game he plays. He's not doing it just for fun or to make fun of these children. He's doing it for their safety and protection.

Jaemin would never make fun of anyone going through agressive and abusive relationships, whether it be with parents, friends, or other parts of their family. Jaemin feels he is connected with them and their reasonings, but he doesn't recall the reason why.

"They beat me...for no reason," the young teen finally confessed to the older male in the room. Jaemin felt his heart ache as he listened to the boy recite the horrible things his parents have done to him, but mentally takes notes that he can write down later.

After his discussion ended with Beomgyu, Jaemin made sure to write everything down on his clioboard. He was an intern of a Youth Care center company. He has been doing in since his last year of school started. He likes gaining his work experience early, plus it was a requirement either way.

He loves the different cases. Everyone's matter and situation is different from others and there are certain ways to approach it. The company he's been interning has loved and are impressed with the great work he has achieved within his last school year as they may possibly hire him as a full time employee after he graduates.

He filled out his sheet with Beomgyu's information on it. The poor teen had 'fell' down the stairs, but truth be told he was shoved down the stairs by his parents and now the boy had a broken shoulder and foot. Jaemin returned his clipboard to the company's desk he is interning at, filing a report against Choi Beomgyu's parents.

That was Jaemin's favorite part of his internship. Being able to conclude his case and report the parents responsible for their aggressive actions towards their child. That has been something Jaemin has loved.

He feels good when he's able to help the children find a better home or a better living arrangement. But sometimes, not all cases pull through as there would need to be more evidence confiscated. Hence, when Renjun comes into play and helps the younger with his forensic ability.

Jaemin arrived at the orphanage to visit all the children, especially one in particular.

"Jaemin~" the young kids that were age ranged between 3-12 came running into the older for a hug, which Jaemin gladly accepted with a smile.

"Hi, kids! You aren't giving aunty a hard time now are you?" Jaemin asked the smaller children who simultaneously answered with a 'no.'

"I'm glad to hear that. How about we go play?" Jaemin suggested and the children squealed, running to the backyard where their playground was.

Jaemin didn't see the certain four year old who he's grown fond for the past year and a half. He made his way inside the bedrooms and found the boy he was looking for, playing with blocks by himself.

"Hey, bud," Jaemin called out, grabbing the attention of the small boy whose face lit up in surprise.

"Bunny!" The four year old boy came running and hugged the older who returned his hug back.

"I missed you! What are you doing here all by yourself, Jihoon?" Jaemin asked the small boy who wiggled free from the hug.

"I no want to play them. Want to play by self," Jihoon smiled shyly, waddling over to his blocks and patting the ground next to him which signaled for the older to sit beside him.

"Bunny play?" Jihoon asked and Jaemin nodded his head while helping the boy build with his blocks.

Jihoon wasn't the type to go around asking people to play with him. He was more of the shy type who'd rather play by himself, but would play with the other children if they offered.

As soon as Jaemin laid eyes on the small boy more than a year ago, he instantly fell in love. He found himself visiting the orphanage at least once a week to see him and of course the rest of the kids who he loved dearly as well.

If Jaemin could, he'd definitely adopt this child right there and then, but he can't. Though he plans on doing so in the future when he has enough money to buy his own apartment. That was his promise to himself, to give Jihoon a home.

"Bunny, what this?" Jihoon stood up, holding the attached locket in the palm of his hands.

"It's my necklace and it means a lot to me" Jaemin told the small boy who held it very gently in his hands. Jaemin doesn't even know why he said the last part, but in a sense he does have some sort of connection with it.

"Pretty," Jihoon stated before distracting himself with the blocks again. Jaemin smiled and tucked the chain inside his shirt, partially because he doesn't want to be asked about it and the other part being that he doesn't want to kids to accidentally break it.

Jaemin knows he shouldn't care if it were to break since he has no idea why he has it and where it came from, but something keeps telling him to keep it safe and to look for it's hidden message.


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