Chapter 4

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The day went by quickly and Jaemin bid his goodbyes to the children and gave Jihoon a peck on the cheek. He walked through the busy streets back to his shared apartment.

He has to get home before it gets too late and he doesn't want to go to sleep late as he has school the next morning.

Arriving at the front of his apartment complex, he jogged up the stairs to the second floor and unlocked the door. As soon as he got inside, he slipped off his shoes and headed to his bedroom to grab clean clothes for after he takes a shower.

Pulling off his shirt in the mirror, he remembers the necklace circled around his neck. He slowly lifted his hand to touch the locket and closed his eyes to see if he can remember where he received it, but no avail.

He let out a sigh and removed his necklace, placing it on the sink. He took the rest of his clothes off and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water hit his body.

After taking a shower and getting dressed into comfortable clothing, he put his things inside his room and went to the kitchen to make something to eat.

He's not that hungry, but he knows he should still try to eat something even if it's a fruit. He threw bread into the toaster and opened the fridge to grab the butter.

The toaster beeped, signaling that the toast had toasted enough so he took the bread out and placed it onto a plate and started to spread the butter on it.

After eating his toast, the front door opened which revealed Renjun. Jaemin washed his plate in the sink while giving Renjun a greeting, but not looking at the older just yet.

"Hey, how was your day? Did you eat?" Jaemin asked as he dried the plate and hooked it on the plate rack.

"I-it was fine. I ate," Renjun said quickly and Jaemin finally turned around with a smile that soon dropped.

"What the hell happened to you?!!" Jaemin yelled, worriedly making his way to the older's face and touched it, the older wincing from the contact.

Renjun had a busted lip and a swollen cheek. Jaemin was furious and confused as to how this happened. Where was his boyfriend when it happened?

"N-nothing, don't worry about it," Renjun looked away and pushed back from Jaemin's grasp.

"Who did this?" Jaemin asked more calmly this time after taking a deep breath.

"I don't know, but that doesn't matter because I beat the dude's ass anyway," Renjun responded with a shrug.

"Jun, how many times did I tell you not to get into fights?" Jaemin scolded and slapped the back of the older's head.

"Hey, don't hit me! It wasn't my fault this time," Renjun spat.

Jaemin groaned in annoyance, but nonetheless dragged the older into the bathroom to clean his wounds.

"Can you tell me what happened now?" Jaemin asked again, while applying medication on the older's wounds.

"This creepy man decided it would be a good idea to try and kidnap me," Renjun told. "He hit me and I guess he didn't expect me to defend myself so I kicked him straight in his oh so precious baby maker and punched him in the face. Then some other guy came and saw that this man was trying to take me so he helped and told me to run so here I am now."

"Bitch thought that just because I'm short, I can't beat his ass," Renjun taunted and puckered his lips while motioning a slice with his hand across his chest. "He surely had a rude awakening."

Jaemin let out a sigh of content as he was glad the older was okay and he didn't injure anything too badly. He let out a soft chuckle and ruffled Renjun's hair.
"That's the Junnie we all love and adore."

"Damn right, hoe! Bow down to me, peasant!" Renjun demanded with a point while standing up as Jaemin was still seated.

"In your dreams, let Yangyang do the honors," Jaemin spoke as they walked out of the bathroom with Renjun's wounds cleaned.

"I should thank the boy who helped me if I ever see him again," Renjun said.

"My oh my, the prince must thank his knight and shining honor," Jaemin dramatically spoke as the two of them plopped down on the couch.

Renjun punched Jaemin's shoulder and scowled, "Shut up! I was the one who beat him up first!" Jaemin rolled his eyes playfully.

"Why didn't Yangyang walk you home today?" Jaemin asked as he pressed multiple buttons on the remote to find a movie channel.

"He had to leave early for a family emergency," Renjun spoke as his attention was now focused on the television and Jaemin nodded.

Renjun went out with his boyfriend to the movies to spend time with each other, but that was cut short when the younger received a call from his mom, saying it was urgent and that he should come home now.

Renjun being the understanding boyfriend he is, told him it was okay and that they can always hang out next weekend. Yangyang will sure be angry at himself for letting the older walk home by himself once he sees Renjun tomorrow.

Jaemin laid his head on his best friend's lap while staring blankly at the television, Renjun stroking the younger's hair.

"Wait a minute..." Jaemin broke the comfortable silence.

"What?" Renjun questioned as Jaemin sat up to meet the older's eyes.

"You said you didn't start the fight this time?" Jaemin inquired, hiding back his smirk.

"Yeah, what about it?" Renjun responded.

"So you do admit that you start other fights!" Jaemin accused the older with a playful smirk.

"What?! No I don't!" Renjun defended himself and Jaemin crossed his arms on his chest while shaking his head.

"Nope! You admitted it, hah!" Jaemin laughed, but Renjun suddenly shoved the younger off the couch which caused the laughter to turn into a whine because of the pain his lower back encountered.

"What happened? I thought it was funny?" Renjun questioned innocently, peeking at the ground with a sly smile forming on his lips as the younger glared at him.

Thank you for reading! I know it's a bit boring right now, but I promise it will get better! <3

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