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So, I've been pretty sick for a couple weeks- low grade fever, coughing, sneezing, general crappiness... Etc. 

Well, on Saturday it got like really bad, like fever of 101 and extreme achiness and coughing and delusions bad. Today I went to the doctor, but then tonight my fever went up to 103, which is the point where my step mom says it's time to go to the hospital. 

So we went, sat around, I got X-rays, peed in a cup, got my vitals taken, you get the idea.

Well, they gave me an antibiotic, some Tylenol, and some Perkisets while I was there.

If you know anything about medicine, you might know that Perkisets are for pain...

And they also make you dizzy, lightheaded, and generally kind of high.

So every time I turned my head, the room spun, and everything was funnier than usual, and when I got dressed to leave I almost fell over, so my step mom got them to wheelchair me out, which was pretty interesting... 

Anywho, the ride home was a little dizzying, and my step mom had to help me up the steps... The grass and stairs were fuzzy and I toild my dad I was high.

Drugs are fun. 

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