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Okay so guys, I wanted to tell you about my brain. It's interesting.

My brain is divided into four parts, each of which control different aspects of my personality. No, I don't have MPD or anything like that.

So almost 25% of my brain is made up of what I call White, the good one of the Jokers. She is fun and nice and hates hurting things. She's my good side.

Another almost 25% is made up of Black, the mean one of the Jokers. He's the one who gets mad, says mean things, and curses. He's also the one who steals, lies, cheats, does bad things.

Then in between those two and fused into both of them is Grey, the rational one. They are the one who is intelligent, who keeps Black and White from getting on each others nerves, and who doesn't lean towards 'save everything' or 'kill everything'.

Then in the back, taking up a good nearly 50%, is Circus Monster. He is the one who is scared, who has anxiety, who gets depressed, who Black torments. He is the one that comes out when people make me upset or scared.

And that's my brain. That's who I am.

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