Chapter 6: Jealousness

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~ Beast Boy ~

I sat in my room thinking about the past 2 days. Raven told me the situation she was in, and asked for my help. I was ecstatic to help, thinking maybe, I could be the one to, y'know, help. I was a bit disappointed to have to write a list for her and teach her how to flirt, but in the end, it's what needs to be done to make Rae happy.

Teaching her how to flirt was fun though, I got to watch her do a whole bunch of adorable things that would make any guy, possibly even Robin, fall for her. I'm just upset that Aqualadd is the one getting to watch her enjoy herself.

I stared up at the ceiling from my bedroom floor, thinking about Rae. All of a sudden a picture of Rae in those cute shorts that I picked out for her earlier, and Aqualadd, kissing popped into my head. I squinted my eyes closed and tried to picture something else, anything else but that.

'...And it'd look really cute on you' is what I wanted to say to her, but I knew she'd feel weird if I did. Maybe I should just tell her how I feel? Get it off my chest...

2 long years of my life I've been forced into living with the only girl I've ever liked more than Terra. 2 very long and painful years of cracking jokes and trying to get closer to her, hoping, praying, that she'd let me in one day. And now that she has, it's to help her win over the heart of someone else.

I heard the bell ring from downstairs, breaking me away from my thoughts. Ravens home!

I turned into a cheetah and ran out of my room. I ran to the stairwell and turned into a humming bird and flew down to the first floor as quickly as possible. I burst through the door and speed walked to the door, noticing that someone was coming down the elevator.

I pressed the button to open the door before Robin came out of the elevator, and saw Aqualadd standing there, Raven cradled in his arms.

"She started falling asleep at the fireworks show, so I figured I'd carry her back." I saw Raven look up sleepily. "Hey Beast Boy." She smiled up at Aqualadd as he placed her feet on the ground.

"You really didn't have to carry me, I could've walked, or floated..." Her cheeks turned slightly pink as Aqualadd grabbed her hand, swinging it back and forth. All of a sudden I felt a pang of jealousy flood through me.

"Oh well. Goodnight Raven." "Goodnight." I watched as he bent down and placed his lips on hers. It took every bit of strength I had to not turn into a gorilla and rip his pretty little head off. I took a few calming breaths as I watched Rae walk back inside. It's only their second date, and they only started 'dating' today!

"I see your date went well." I heard Robin say as I closed the door. "Yea, it did, didn't it?" Her voice sounded a little like she was in a dream state. Gross.

"Hey, Raven, can I talk to you upstairs? I just wanna ask you something." I wanted to tell her how I feel, before this whole thing with Aqualadd goes too far. But I had a feeling I'd probably fail miserably. "Sure, let's go." She took my wrist and pulled me into the elevator. Well she's cheery. When she let go, I swear I could still feel heat radiating from where she touched me just moments ago. She pressed the button on the elevator, leaving Robin behind. "Are you guys for real?" I heard him say as the door closed in his face, Raven smiling and waving at him like it was some practical joke.

"Eh, he'll get over it. So, what did you wanna talk to me about, BB?" What. The hell. BB? She's never called me that before. "Oh, could we wait till we get to my room?" Just as I said this, the elevator opened. "Yea, sure." We managed to sneak past Starfire before she could manage to bombard Raven with questions and went straight to my room.

As soon as the door closed, she let out a sigh. "This is why I don't smile." She said, back to her usual monotoned voice. She began rubbing her cheeks as if they were stiff. "I see your date went well." She grunted and slid down the wall to the floor, cradling her legs to her chest and resting her chin on her knees. "What's wrong?" I saw down beside her with my legs crossed.

"This is harder work than I thought it would be. Forcing myself to hold his hand and cuddle him and." She gulped before continuing. "Kiss him. I'm starting to question if all of this is actually worth it." I felt my heart go a little lighter, but it soon sunk again when I noticed her distressed face.

"So, you don't like Aqualadd?" She shook her head. That little clapping monkey in my head just did a somersault, so did my heart. "Oh good..." I said to myself, maybe a little too loud. "I mean, why not?" I said, trying to cover up my stupidity.

"He's kinda clingy. I was enjoying myself for the first bit of our 'date' but then after we kissed, he wouldn't let me go. He was constantly holding my hand, complimenting me, asking when he could see me again. I was trying so hard not to let my smile fade or let myself slouch as I got tired or complain. Dating is hard." She let out a tired yawn as she leaned against the wall. (Okay, Be honest, how many people yawned just now?)

"Tired?" Of course she's tired, she's been with Aqualadd all night. "Mhmm." She closed her eyes for a moment, I guess trying to rest them. She began slowly sliding down the wall to the floor, so I moved myself to be next to her and quickly caught her before she fell to the floor.
Her head ended up on my shoulder. After a few seconds, her eyes fluttered open.
"Hmm? Beast Boy? Did I? Sorry." Flustered, she quickly sat up straight. "Why are you sorry? Your just sleepy." I shrugged, trying to keep my cool.

It was actually nice to have Rae sleeping on me, even if it was by accident and only for a second. "I should go to bed." She clasped a hand over her mouth as she yawned again. "Here." I stood up and reached my hand out for her to help her up. "Thanks." She took my hand and I pulled her up. When I let go, my hand felt all tingly.

"C'mon." I could tell she was really tired, so I placed my hand on the small of her back as I guided her to her room. Surprisingly enough, she didn't object or complain or threaten to rip my hand off, she let me keep my hand there. When we reached her room, she said something I was not expecting in a million years. "Uh, could you come in with me please?"

She's not only letting me into her room, but asking for me to come in. My head is also swimming with the possibility of her wanting me to help her dress... No! Don't even think like that Beast Boy! I mentally slapped myself for even considering the idea.

I closed the door behind us and walked her to her bed. "Thanks Beast Boy." She turned around and hugged me. Hugged, me! That doesn't happen very often, and when it does, it's because I've done something really nice for her. "Uh, y-your welcome." I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her small frame. I could still smell the light scent of her perfume as she hugged me.

"So, what are you gonna do about Aqualadd?" I asked, trying to ease my own awkward out of the hug. She let go of me before replying, leaving me slightly disheartened. "I don't know. Maybe I should just go through with it and then we could break up or something." She dropped back onto her bed, still fairly exhausted.

"Well, I'm gonna sleep now, goodnight Beast Boy." She grabbed my hand, GRABBED MY HAND, and smiled, SMILED. "Thanks again for helping me so much." I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I looked down at our hands.

"U-uh, yea, n-no worries." I closed my fingers around hers and saw a light pink on her cheeks also. "Goodnight Rae." As soon as she let go of my hand I quickly raced out of her room before I said or did something stupid. More or less, before my heart exploded.

I raced across the hall and to my bedroom, ignoring Cyborg as he pasted by and closing my door, almost trapping my own hand in it. I calmed myself down, but still feeling the burning heat on my hand. "Why does a simple touch do this to me?" I asked myself as I opened and closed my fist, trying to get the warm numb feeling to go away.

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