Part 19: Blow out the Candles and Cut the Cake

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~ Raven ~

Beast Boy and I danced for a while before going to sit on the couch to talk. Not the best idea considering the music in here is pretty loud right now, but oh well.

"How are you enjoying your birthday, Rae?" He asked as I leaned into him. "Well, Slade hasn't attacked me, my dads not trying to destroy the world and I'm with you, so, yea, this is a good birthday so far," I said sarcastically as I smiled at him. He was grinning his goofy ear to ear smile at my statement.

"Hey, I got you something." He pulled out a package from under the couch, obviously expecting that we'd sit here, and handed it to me. "You know you didn't have to get me anything..." I said, taking the small paper wrapped present from his hands.

"Of course I did, it's your birthday." He said. "Yea, but... You're already helping me get my emotions back. That's probably the best present you could get me..." I tried rewording everything so that it was as subtle as possible, but judging by the look on his face, he was about to say something dirty. "No! Don't you dare!" I said, using my magic to keep him mouth shut.

"Mmhm! Mmnnmh!" He was trying to say something but the black ora covering his mouth was preventing him from speaking clearly. "Fine..." I mumbled before waving my hand, making the ora disappear.

"That wasn't very nice," he pouted. I leaned over and pecked him on the cheek. "Better?" I asked. "Better."

"Now, hurry up and open your present!" He nudged my side with the arm that was wrapped around me, urging me to open his gift. "Okay, okay, I'm opening it!" I pulled on the ribbon at the top before gently pulling the tape off the sides.

"You can rip it y'know?" He told me. "Yea, but the paper is pretty, I might wanna keep it..." I said, admiring the dark blue colour with black stripes. I finally managed to get the paper off safely and my jaw nearly dropped when I saw the book on my lap.

"You were the one who bought this?" I asked. "Yep. I saw you keep going back to it, so I figured it would be a nice gift for your birthday," he said, pecking me on the forehead. "Thank you Beast Boy," I said, grateful.

Before we could continue talking, the music stopped and all the 'glow sticks' dimmed to an almost invisible light.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!" We could hear voices beginning to sing the birthday song. We turned around just in time to see Cyborg walking in with a cake in his hands that appeared to be in the sale of a bird. To be more exact, a raven.

"Happy birthday dear Raven! Happy birth to you!" They finished as Beast Boy and I stood from our position on the couch.

"Cmon Rae, make a wish and blow out the candles!" Beast Boy exclaimed as he grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the table where Cyborg put the cake.

"O-okay..." What was I gonna wish for..? Not that it'd come true, but I'd like some reassurance that tonight will be fine... Everything will be okay... I guess that's my wish, for tonight to go smoothly.

I blew out the candles and the room lit up again. "Anyone want some cake?" Cyborg asked, one of his arms retracting in and a knife coming out.

There was a chorus of voices as everyone agreed to having cake. We all got a piece, making the cake look not so much like a raven anymore. Oh well, it tasted really nice.

For the rest of the night, we continued to play different party games like charades or celebrity heads. It was a lot of fun. I'm actually surprised that nothing blew up. At around 11, everyone went home.

There was one teeny tiny little thing that Beast Boy and I may have overlooked... The other Titans are still going to be home tonight, better yet, just metres away from us in their rooms... Oh my god that's not good.

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