Part 14: We Found Nothing So Now Its Time For Games

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Raven and I had spent hours in the bookstore and I had noticed that she kept going back to this one book whenever she thought I wasn't looking.

When we were leaving, I told her to wait for me while I put away the books, so she waited outside for me to finish. "Okay, Rae. What were you reading?" I found the book and took it off the bookshelf. It was a romance novel. Wow, I didn't know that she read these. I still haven't gotten her a birthday present. Maybe this can be it.

I flipped through the book and found a fold on the top of one of the pages. This is probably what she was up to, I think she wanted to come back and buy it later. Too bad I'm buying it for her.

I handed the lady at the desk the book so she could put it in a bag and gave her the money for the book and she thanked me. "Hey, if a girl with pale skin and short purple hair comes back and asks about this book, could you not mention that I was the one who bought it?" I asked her kindly.

She nodded and put a finger over her lips. "Thanks!" I wrapped the bag up around the book so that it was hidden and hurried outside.

"What took you so long? Oh, what did you buy?" When she noticed the bag in my hand she instantly became curious. "I found this cool comic book in there and I had to buy it!" I lied.

"Wow, you never cease to amaze me Beast Boy." She said sarcastically. "Sorry that the book store was a bust as well, Rae." I apologised.

"It's not your fault. It's mine for thinking that this could ever work. Let's just go home."

"Okay." I knew there was one more way to help her, I was just trying to gain the courage to offer my help. Maybe I should ask tomorrow, and not while I'm using her to get back home. I don't feel like leaving wet tracks through the tower.


~ Raven ~

When we got back to Titans Tower, I went straight to my room to meditate. Or at least that's what I told everyone. I secretly want to go back to the bookstore to buy that novel that I was reading before. It's not exactly like I'm gonna let anyone know that I was intentionally reading a romance novel. I'd probably die if the others found out that I wanted to read that book. If I can't have a real romance, then I'm gonna read about it.

I opened my window and flew myself down to the bookstore again. When I went looking through the bookshelf that I had put it back on, it wasn't there. How could someone have bought it already? It's been less than an hour!

I walked up to the lady at the counter to ask about it. "Excuse me, but my friend and I were here not too long ago and there was this romance novel that I was reading on the back shelf over there," I pointed towards the bookshelves that I was looking through earlier,"did someone buy it already?" I asked her kindly.

"Yes, another girl came in after you left and bought that book. I'm terribly sorry if you were interested in it." She spoke softly. "Oh, okay. Thank you anyway."

Damn it. The one thing that I was looking forward for my birthday was just pulled out from underneath me.

When I got back to the tower, everyone was doing what they usually do. Robbin was trying to stop Starfire from cooking and Cyborg was kicking Beast Boy's butt in video games. Maybe today I should join them? Take my mind off of things. Maybe.

But if I do then I'll get happy. If I get happy then the pink cloaked girl in my head will get stronger. She won't be able to control it and something will break. If something breaks then I'll get embarrassed and the little, scared, grey cloaked girl will get stronger. More things will break. Then I'll get mad at myself for not being able to control it and then, well, you get the point.

"Hey Rae, wanna play vides games with us? You can verse the winner..?" Beast Boy asked in a suggestive tone. Before I could think, the happy girl in my head screamed out at me. "Yea, sure." I nearly clamped my hand over my mouth I was that surprised at my own words.

Thinking about them probably made them pay attention to what was happening and she got carried away. "Seriously?! Cool, you can verse the winner!" He pet the space on the couch beside him and encouraged me to come and sit with them. "Coming," I groaned mentally as I sat on the seat beside him.

I watched his intense concentration as he tried his hardest to beat Cyborg. "Woohoo! I won!" Beast Boy yelled as a big 'K.O.' appeared on the screen.

"What?!" Cyborg yelled. "You never beat me, how did you beat me?!" He complained. "I dunno, maybe just pure skill!" He said cockily. "Now come on, hand your controller to Rae!"

"Raven," I corrected him as I took Cyborg's controller. "So, uh, how do I play..?" I asked them both.

"This button for short range attacks, this button for long range attacks, this button for special attacks - you can only use those when this bar is full, this is to duck, this one is jump, and if you jump then press this button then your character will smash anything underneath it, oh, and this one is to move your character around." Beast Boy pointed out all the buttons and their use.

"Okay, I think I got it. Can this round be a test run first..?" I asked. "Sure, I'll go easy on ya!" He said confidently.

We started the game and chose our characters. I quickly tested out the buttons and they all did the commands that Beast Boy had said.

"Okay, I think I'm ready to start the fight now." I said. "Okay." Beast Boy's character ran up to mine, but just as he was about to attack, I pressed all the required buttons to jump and smash his character underneath mine. While he was on the ground, I continuously pressed the button used for short ranged attacks and my character began stomping on his until his managed to get up and away before I could complete another attack.

"How did you-?" Before he could continue, my character took out a gun and shot at him. I was just spamming the long ranged attack button. His characters health was on 20% now, whereas mine was still on 100%.

"Rae! You sure you haven't played this before..?!" Beast Boy asked me as he tried to attack my character with his own.

"Yea, this is my first time." I dodged another one of his attacks and used the power move button. The whole screen flashed red for a moment and flames started shooting out of my characters hands and onto Beast Boys'. That went on for a few more seconds until the big letters 'K.O.' showed up on the screen.

I looked over at Beast Boy and his jaw was practically on the floor. "You must be cheating..!" He looked at me with curiosity.

"If you want me to play video games with you then don't complain when I win." I said in my usual monotone voice.

"Hey, lemme verse the girl. There ain't no way you're beatin me!" Cyborg said as he snatched Beast Boy's controller from beside him.


We started the round and Cyborg managed to get a few hits off at me, but in the end, I beat him as well with my health at only 70%.

I hadn't noticed but Robbin and Starfire came up behind us and we're watching too, and now all of their jaws were hanging.

"What? This game is easy." I said to them all, a blank expression on my face. I don't understand what the big deal is.

I played a few more rounds, vs both Cyborg and Beast Boy, I won all rounds except one when I lost to Cyborg because Beast Boy kept turning into animals and trying to throw me off.

It was fun, and to my surprise, nothing blew up. And for that, I was grateful. I wonder what my emotions were doing to control their power..?

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