Part 16: In Love Finally

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~ Raven ~

After Beast Boy left my room, I began reflecting on what had just happened. He kissed me. I kissed him. I didn't push him away. I... I enjoyed it. His company. Having him kiss me before leaving the room. But... Tomorrow we - I mean, it's my birthday and he offered to... I'm getting all hot and flustered just thinking about it. I really do like Beast Boy. Happy doesn't really begin to describe how I feel right now.

Now that I think about it, all of his stupid jokes, all the time we've spent together, him helping me, the video games yesterday and this morning and now the kiss. After a whole week together, I think he might know me better than Robbin does. These past few days have probably been one of the most emotional, yet happiest days of my life.

When I looked around my room, my books were scattered on the floor and all my candles had melted rapidly. Thank god that didn't happen when Beast Boy kissed me...

~ Cyborg ~

Hehehe. This is so good! I saw Beast Boy come out of Raven's room while blushing and smiling like an idiot. I don't think he knows that I saw him, but man, I wonder what they were doing in there. Maybe I should make fun of them when they're both out here for movie night tonight...

The plans I am making right now will leave them both a blushing mess. If I didn't know any better, I'd be rubbing my hands together evilly, but Beast Boy and Robbin are here right now and that would raise suspicion... Maybe I should focus on this game first before BB beast me...

~ Beast Boy ~

After a few rounds of playing Super Smash Bots 3000 with Cyborg, he left the room to talk to Robbin about upgrading the T-car or something, leaving me alone in the common room switching through TV channels.

"Boring... Boring... Boring..." I mumbled to myself as I surfed the channels. "What's boring?" I heard a plain monotoned voice behind me.

I looked over the couch to see Rae walking into the room.

"Hey Rae" I smiled at her as I propped my arms up on the back of the couch. "Hey BB."

"BB? I thought you didn't like calling me by my nickname." She walked further into the room as she replied. "Well if I'm gonna let you call me Rae, then I guess I get to call you BB." She said before planting a small kiss on my cheek. "Aww," I whined.

She sat next to me on the couch and stole the remote. "Aww, first you tease me then you steal the remote, no fair!" I whined again.

She looked at me as if to say 'you're an idiot' before planting a small sweet kiss on my lips.

"So, we keeping this a secret, or are we gonna tell the others?" I asked as I grabbed hold of her hand. We didn't need to ask, we both already knew that we were now dating.

"I dunno... Maybe it should just be us for right now... It's not that I don't want to tell them, it's just I don't feel like having a million questions thrown at me at once, y'know?" She intertwined our fingers and started rubbing my knuckle with her finger. "Yea, okay." I was just happy to be with her.

We sat there for a while, holding hands with her leaning on my shoulder while flicking through the channels, looking for something to watch.

About ten minutes had passed until we heard laughing and metal footsteps coming towards us. Rae gave me an apologetic looks before moving over slightly. Even though she let go of my hand, the tips of our fingers were still intertwined slightly.

"Hey guys! Let's watch a movie before dinner!" Cyborg yelled as the door opened. He walked in, followed by Robbin and Starfire holding hands. As they got closer to the couch, Raven and I pulled our hands back.

"Yea, okay. I'm up for a movie or two." Knowing Cyborg, one movie turns into two, and depending on the time, could even turn into many.

"Cool, so, unfortunately, I entrusted these two with picking out movies, so, we've only got a romance, or a romantic comedy. So, which one you guys wanna watch?"

~ Cyborg ~ ((magically go back in time a few minutes))

I told BB that Robbin and I were working on the T-car, but actually, we were grabbing Star and coming up with a devious plan. I told the two of them what I saw and what I suspected might be going on, which is those two dating, and they agreed with me.

"But first! Raven just went into the common room! I hooked the security cameras up with my tech so now I can remotely access a live feed!" I said excitedly as I pressed s few buttons on my arm before video came up. Unfortunately, there was no audio, but damn was this footage juicy!

We watched as Raven sat down beside BB and kissed him on the lips. Yes, KISSED HIM! ON THE LIPS!

I heard Starfire squeal behind me. We kept watching the video as Raven and Beast Boy began talking. They started holding hands and Raven was fiddling with their intertwined fingers while she rested her head on his shoulder.

"They're definitely dating." Robbin said, as if it wasn't obvious.

"Okay, so, here's my plan! We'll do a movie night tonight and -" I explained to them my plan and they both thought it wasn't half bad.

((Back to the present)) ~ Beast Boy ~

We all agreed to watch the romantic comedy first as it was the least romantic.

Cyborg practically pushed Rae and I to the end of the couch just so that he could sit in the middle. So it was me, Rae, Cy, Robbin then Starfire. I don't know why he was so persistent with being in the middle, but at least that means I get to be close to Rae.

Cy pressed play on the movie and we began watching as he pressed a button on his arm and all the lights went off.


Halfway through the movie, Cyborg fell asleep and Robbin and Starfire began talking quietly at the end of the couch, not paying attention to anything else.

I started poking Rae in the arm as she looked very bored. "Yea?" She whispered. "This movie is so boring." I whispered back.

"Yea, it really is. Oh well." She grabbed my hand and moved closer to me. "I'm never gonna get over holding your hand." I said with a smile on my face. Even in the darkness, I could see a light blush covering her cheeks.

"Whatever." She rubbed her thumb over my hand as she stared at our intertwined fingers. I think she just might feel the same.

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