Chapter 9: Feelings

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~Beast Boy ~

Just in case the others suspected I had something to do with Rae being all crappy, I went with them to get celebratory pizza. Seeing everyone so happy and listening to Cyborg's stupid jokes really cheered me up. But I'm still a bit bummed about how Raven reacted before. I wish she wouldn't let Aqualadd call her Rae, that's my nickname for her and my nickname alone.

As soon as we got back to the tower, I went straight to my room. I really want to go talk to Raven, it doesn't matter what the conversation would be like, I just was to hear her voice. I grabbed a random comic book off of my floor and began flicking through the pages. I wasn't really reading, more or less just thinking about Rae.

I must've fallen asleep, because one second the sun was shining through my window, then I blinked and bam, it's late at night. Yawning, I sat up and checked the time. 9:27?! I missed dinner and video games with Cy! I huffed angrily as I got off my bed and walked to my door. Making sure not to make too much noise, I opened my door and made a bee line for the kitchen. I'm starving!

To my surprise, the light was already on. I turned the corner and could immediately smell herbal tea. Raven. I looked up, but to my surprise, she wasn't actually in the kitchen. The kettle was still brewing, so she probable just put it on and went to do something else. I dug through the cupboard and found a bag of chips. Not the healthiest thing in the world, but definitely the most convenient.

I figured I should apologise to Rae for my slight outburst earlier, so I sat at the counter while I ate and waited for her to return. After about another minute, the kettle was done and Rae still hadn't come back to the kitchen. I crumpled the chip bag and threw it out before grabbing a porcelain cup and pouring her tea. I wasn't gonna just leave it there to go cold.

I picked up the cup and carefully walked down the hall to Ravens room, making sure not to spill the tea. When I arrived at her door, I could see light streaming out from under her door. So she is still awake, good, now I won't look like an idiot bringing tea to a sleeping girl.

I tapped on her door slightly, making sure not to wake anyone else. After a few seconds, the door quietly slid open and Raven stood in the doorway. I could see her cloak hanging on her bed frame, meaning she wasn't wearing it. I gulped, hopefully unnoticed, and looked at her. The leotard that she wears hugs every single curve, not only that but just in general she is beautiful.

"Hey Rae, I was in the kitchen and your tea was ready so, I figured I'd bring it to you." I managed to not sound stupid as I whispered to her through the doorway. "I completely forgot I put the kettle on, thank you Beast Boy." She seemed genuinely pleased, which took me slightly by surprise but it was nice.

"No problem. Here." I held the cup out for her to grab. She took the cup from me, our hands touching momentarily. I swear I felt a zap and my whole hand began to heat up. It's crazy what just a simple touch can do, so you can just imagine how I felt that one time she hugged me after I cleared out the whole creepy girl thing.

"Goodnight Rae, I'll see you tomorrow." I went to turn, but she put her hand on my shoulder, stopping be from leaving.

"Hey, Beast Boy, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for over reacting today. It's just this whole situation has got me way in over my head and I'm sorry that I took it out on you. Also, thanks a lot for all you've been doing for me lately. It mustn't be easy dealing with me under the circumstances." A faint pink coated her cheeks and she looked embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it. And it's actually been kinda fun hanging out with you so much lately, even though there's a slightly awkward reason for it." I chuckled slightly as I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. "Well, I should be going to bed now. Goodnight Raven."

"Goodnight Beast Boy." She giggled slightly, probably at what I said before. I walked back to my room, leaving her to do whatever it is that she's still awake doing. Wait a second. Raven giggled. At something I said. That hasn't happened since the first time we met when she said that I was funny. Man, how times have changed.

~ Raven ~

When Beast Boy left, I decided I should go to bed as well. I've really been letting my guard down around him lately. That could seriously get someone hurt. I should stop.

I took off my hood and hung it on my bed before blowing out all the candles. Laying down, I pulled the blankets over my head and tried to clear my mind so that I could sleep. As much as I tried not to, my mind kept going back to Beast Boy. It made me happy to think of all the things he's been doing for me.

I thought back to the time when we spent hours together in my room, him trying to teach me how to get a boy to like me and me failing miserably. I smiled then. I couldn't help myself. I think I might be smiling the same right now just remembering how happy I was. How happy he makes me.

Beast Boy really does make me happy sometimes. Almost always, really. I'd never actually admit this to anyone, but, I find all of his jokes quite funny. I can just never bring myself to laugh, because I know when I do, I'll start to feel unwanted emotions. I get like that, I'll start feeling to easily. That's why they all need to be locked away in that mirror forever.

But why is it that every time I think of Beast Boy, I feel happy, like I know everything's going to be okay?

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