Chapter 8: Rae Rae <3 - Day 4

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~ Beast Boy ~

Raven has another date with Aqualadd today. I wonder if he's suspicious of all the time she's spending with him yet? I had nothing to do around the tower since Cy has been spending all his time working on the T-car, Robbin trying to woo Starfire and Silkie sleeps most of the time, not that I'd want to play with Silkie much anyway.

Raven didn't leave to long ago, so I decided to try and follow them, see how things are going. Sure, that's why your following them.

I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts and changed into an eagle, flying out my window. Not long after, I spotted them walking through a park, holding hands and smiling. Raven wasn't really smiling, but every now and then, she gave him a small smile that could brighten anyone's day. If I was flying low enough, I'd have probably run into a tree by now from staring so much.

I changed into a fly and flew down to where they were, staying far away enough to not be noticed, but close enough to still hear them.

"So, that's how I met Bumblebee, Speedy and Mas y Menos." Aqualadd said as I came into range. Raven smiled, but I could see the boredom in her eyes. "That's a pretty cool story." She said with a smile, but she really didn't look that interested.

"So... My birthday is in 3 days, you gonna come?" She asked, looking hopeful. "Duh, of course!" He said enthusiastically. "Wouldn't miss it for the world Rae." He wrapped his arm around her waist, making me scowl at him, not that he'd know, and planted a kiss on her forehead. I saw a faint blush creep up on Ravens' face.

"She's my Rae Rae. Don't touch her like that. If only I could pound you into the ground right now." I muttered ,quietly to myself. Why does he get to call her Rae and I don't?

"So, you wanna go get some ice cream?" Raven suggested. Wait. Raven suggested to go get ice cream?! I know it's just an act or whatever, but seriously...

My heart hurt just watching this. I stopped following and watched as her cape blew in the wind as they walked around the corner and out of my site.

I turned back and began walking the opposite way. After about only ten minutes of walking, my communicator started buzzing.

"Titans, Control Freak has been spotted at the television store, get there quick!" I heard Robin's voice over my communicator. I turned into a eagle again and flew off in the direction of the TV store, just like Robin had instructed.

~ Raven ~

This sucks, I don't even have my cloak with me. I said goodbye To Aqualadd, witch was actually hard considering he insisted on helping, but I managed to convince him that we had it under control and left. This would be terrible. I was wearing a short dark blue skirt and a black baggy sweater. Control Freak is probably gonna laugh and everyone will think I'm mental.

But if I can't get Aqualadd to like me enough, I can say goodbye to my emotions... Again. Why does this have to be so complicated?

As I was flying over head, I could already see the battle had begun. Robbin was thrown out of the store because Beast Boy was thrown at him and I watched as Cyborg and Starfire were slowly backing out of the store and shooting at a giant TV as it was pushing them out.

I sighed before using my magic to pull the tv apart. Sparks and wires went everywhere and I floated down towards my friends. "Nice of you to join us, Raven." Robbin said sarcastically. How long did I take to get here?

"Sorry." I mumbled before rushing into the store. Everything in the store was completely wrecked and coming to life. My eyes glowed black as a giant black ora covered all the alive electronics and crushed them together in a giant ball. I heard a squeal come out of Control Freak and Robbin cuffed him.

"Good job Rae." I heard Beast Boy's voice from behind me followed by a hand on my shoulder. "Raven." I corrected him.

"I bet you let Aqualadd call you Rae." There was a hint of jealousy in his voice and he removed his hand from my back. "Of course I do. And you know perfectly well why." I didn't bother to turn around to face him. I walked over to Robbin and tapped his shoulder.

"Yea Raven?" He finished tying up Control Freak and turned to face me. "I'm going straight home so don't wait up." Without waiting for a response, I created a portal that lead to my room and walked through.

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