Chapter 10: I'm Sorry - Day 5

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~ Raven ~

"So what's so important that you need to leave right now?" Beast Boy asked as he flicked through a comic book. "I dunno, but I'm a bit worried to be honest. His message sounded kind of concerned." I turned around to face him to see that he was already staring at me. "The blue one would look better with that." I was trying to figure out what to wear and I had been holding up two shirts in front of me, a dark blue one and a red one. "Thanks. Uh... Turn around now please."

He was still in my room and I needed to change into the top he suggested. "Huh? Oh, right." A faint red coated his cheeks and he grabbed my hood, draping it around himself and pulling the fabric over his face and turning the other way. "I promise I'm not looking." I couldn't see his face, but I could tell that he was smiling like an idiot.

As quick as I could, I changed my shirt and looked at my appearance. I was wearing a plain dark blue shirt with black skinny jeans and black flats. "Okay, you can turn back around now." He threw the hood back where it was and took in my appearance. "Cute."

"Thanks." I felt a light blush coat my cheeks as I took in what he just said. Beast Boy thinks I'm cute... Wait, no! That can't happen. Stop it Raven! And what the heck are you even doing getting changed in the same room as him?!

"So, Rae, do you know what Aqualadd wants to talk to you about?" He closed his comic and sat up properly. "No, that's what I'm going to see him about. He seemed really persistent to tell me whatever's on his mind." I grabbed the light blue denim jacket that was next to Beast Boy and we both began heading to the door to my room. "Well, good luck with whatever it is. See you later I guess." He gave me a warm smile before pressing the button to open my door.

"Hey, since when were you taller than me?" I questioned, looking ever so slightly up at him. "I dunno actually. I guess you can't make fun of my height anymore." He teased and stuck his tongue out at me. It took everything I had not to let my smile get to big.

"Well I gotta go now, don't wanna be late. Bye." I waved him off and headed down the hall.


Aqualadd and I were sitting in a coffee shop, sipping on our drinks in a somewhat awkward silence. He seems very hesitant today.

"So, what did you wanna talk to me about?" I asked, taking another sip of my coffee. "I mean, it sounded kind of urgent." I put my coffee aside and leaned my elbows on the table. He slowly took another sip of his coffee and put it down in front of him. "Well, um... I'm not too sure how to put this actually..."

~ Beast Boy ~

It's actually quite funny thinking that I'm taller than Rae now. I still remember the time when I barely past her chin. But back then wasn't nearly as fun as now. Spending time with her is amazing. Dare I say it might even be better than playing video games with Cy.

I'm actually really curious to know what Aqualadd wanted to tell her. I guess I'll just have to ask when she gets back.

I walked into the common room and sat down on the couch. I wonder if Cyborg would want to play video games with me? "Cyborg?! Wanna play something!?" I yelled out. I heard metallic noises from the door behind me so I quickly turned. "Booya baby!" Cyborg yelled as he came through the door. "What game are we playing, Grass Stain?"

We both looked at each other and smiled, knowing we both had the same idea. "Mega Monkey Smash 4.0!" This was going to be a beautiful day with my best friend, I could just tell.


~ Raven ~

I was meditating in the centre on my room, trying to calm my hysteria. Beast Boy was playing games with Cyborg when I got back, so I didn't want to bother him with my problems anymore than I already do.

Eventually, I just gave up on meditating and sat on the floor by the foot of my bed. I had my face buried in the sheets and my arms were covering my face, hiding the sobs that were being choked out. This will be the first and last time I will ever be able to do this. I should be masking this pain right now, but I'm alone, it's my room, things can blow up a little if it means I'll feel better by the end of this.

Once I was done with my little fit, I decided to poker face my way through like I always do. But no matter what I did, this wouldn't go away. No matter what, I was never getting my emotions back. Ever. There was no one else that would ever be willing to help me in this situation.

At the coffee shop, Aqualadd told me that he couldn't do this anymore. He said that seeing me everyday was fun, but he wasn't there for an attack on the Titans East tower and they almost got completely destroyed, so basically, I was a burden to him. Being with me everyday caused trouble for him and Titans East and he didn't want to see me anymore. He broke up with me, so the slim chance I had before just got completely diminished.

He said he was sorry when he saw that I was upset but, he doesn't fully comprehend why I find this so serious. But maybe it was for the best, the cook at Azarath said that they have to care for me and be willing to do anything for me, right? I don't think we were quite at that point in our relationship.

I pulled myself together and changed back into my battle uniform before joining everyone else in the common room. What if everyone asks what Aqualadd wanted to talk to me about. Will I tell them the truth? I don't want to lie to them but I don't want a bone crushing hug from Starfire, or Robbin's sympathy, or even a million waffles from Cyborg. Surprisingly enough, all I want right now is Beast Boy. I wouldn't mind a hug from him, to talk to him, try and work out a solution with him.

"Friend Raven? Is everything okay?" I heard Starfire's soft and concerning voice beside me. When I looked up, I was already in the common room, standing in the doorway. I could see Cyborg and Robbin talking in the kitchen and a little green kitten peeking over the back of the couch at me. I looked at Starfire to see that she had a hand on my shoulder and her eyes were extremely concerned.

"Yea, Star, I'm okay." I gave her a sad smile before walking down to sit on the couch the couch.

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