Chapter 11: Comfort Me

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~ Raven ~

When I sat down on the couch, Beast Boy crawled onto my lap and meowed softly, looking up into my eyes. He's so adorable in cat form. He must've seen the slight sadness on my face because he started nudging my hands and curling up in my lap. Normally he would be half way across the room in a trash can by now, but he was the only one who I wanted to be around right now.

"Raven, are you okay?" I heard Robbin's voice call out to me from the kitchen. "Yea, I'm okay." I said in my usual monotone voice. "You sure? Because your petting BB." Cyborg added. "I know." I looked back at him to show that I was fine, but I couldn't quite tell if he bought it or not.

"Friend Raven, would you like the hug?" Starfire floated to the front of the couch and extended her arms out. "No thank you Star, I'm fine."

"You sure? Cause if your not, I can make some waffles." Cyborg said in a suggestive tone. "Guys, I'm fine, I promise." I tried to reassure everyone. "So Aqualadd didn't say anything bad? You guys had a good time?" Robbin leant over the couch beside me as he spoke. I turned my head to face him and smiled faintly. "We went and got coffee. It was nice." It wasn't lying if I say I was talking about the coffee not the date, right?

After everyone was reassured that I was okay, I went back to petting the little green kitten in my lap. I almost thought he had fallen asleep until he began purring under my touch.

This was probably the first time that everyone had seen right through me, known that something was wrong. How did they know? Did Aqualadd call Robbin and tell him to make sure I'm fine or something? Maybe they heard the things breaking in my room. Either way, they knew I wasn't okay.

~ Beast Boy ~

When Raven came home, we kinda knew something wasn't right, but we didn't want to make it worse, so we decided to wait until she came out of her room. After waiting an hour, I lost all patience and went to her room to see what was wrong. What I heard was absolutely horrible.

I could hear faint muffled sobs coming from her room. I could've sworn that my heart broke then and there. I wanted to go in and comfort her, but I had a feeling if I did, then I'd end out exploding like the rest of her room. Hearing her crying was too unbearable, so I went back into the common room with a grim look on my face.

"Beast Boy? Is Raven okay?" I heard Robbin ask from his position in the kitchen. "Judging by his face, I'd say she's not doing too well." Cyborg said.

"'Not too good' doesn't even begin to describe how she's probably feeling right now. I'm not sure what went down with her and Aqualadd, but it couldn't have been good." I said as I slumped down on the couch. "I think we should wait for her to come out before asking any questions. We don't want tot overwhelm her or anything." Before letting them answer, I turned into a kitten and curled up on the couch, not wanting to talk to anyone anymore. I'm still feeling really upset about hearing Rae cry. That's never happened before, like, ever.

"How do you know that friend Raven is not the 'okay'?" Starfire asked. I shifted out of cat form to reply to Star. "She was uh... Things in her room were breaking. That means she's emotional, right? So she's not okay." I figured it would be bad to tell them she was crying, so I left it at that and shifted back into a cat and curled up to take a nap.


After everyone stopped interrogating Raven, Robbin and Starfire went out for a walk and Cyborg went to the garage to work on the T-car, leaving me and Rae alone.

I shifted out of cat form and sat next to her on the couch. "Hey, Rae?" I spoke gently to her, not quite knowing how she's feeling right now. She must be feeling somewhat better since she sat here petting me for a while. "Raven." She corrected. "What is it Beast Boy?"

Her voice words were harsh but her voice was soft. "I uh... I heard you in your room earlier. Do you uh, do you wanna talk about it?" I have no idea how to act in this situation, I mean, it's Raven, when does she ever open up to anyone?

"Aqualadd broke up with me. I'm never getting my emotions back." And with that, she stood up and began walking towards the hallway. If anyone just heard a loud banging noise, that was my heart hitting my feet.

"Rae, wait!"

I raced after her, only to get a door shut in my face. I'm not talking my way into that room, am I? I turned myself into a spider and crawled under the door before morphing back. "Rae..?" I could barely see in her dim candle lit room, but I could make out her figure floating near the foot of her bed, candles surrounding her in a circle.

"Beast Boy, please leave my room. I'm grateful for all your help up until now, but it was all for nothing, I guess. There's no need for you to be in here anymore." She said in a monotoned voice, maybe more emotionless then it usually is, if that's even possible.

"Rae, your birthday is in two days, you should be happy. You should aloud to be happy." I trailed off towards the end, making myself somewhat saddened with what I was saying. "Look, we'll figure something out. I promise I won't stop helping until there's absolutely nothing else that I can do, and even then I'll keep trying, because your my friend, Rae, I'm not gonna give up and let your happiness go down the drain, okay?" I could practically feel her smiling as I heard a few books fall from her bookshelf.

"I'll pick those up for you later..." I giggled, realising I had made her feel something for once.

"Thanks Beast Boy." She stood up and turned to face me and I could see the faint smile on her face. "So, how are you gonna put that motivation to use?" She asked, leaning on the pole on her bed frame. "Well, let's start by trying to think about your birthday. Who's gonna be there and is there going to be anyone drinking a lot?" I asked somewhat sarcastically.

"Beast Boy!" She said, somewhat flustered. "I'm not going to get someone drunk to try and convince them to sleep with me. And besides, there isn't going to be any drinks there. Some people invited aren't old enough. Jinx, Kid Flash, Mass y Menos, you!"

"Wait, wait. You invited Jinx? Didn't she try to destroy the tower that one time?" I asked. "Yea, but Kid wanted me to invite her to prove that she is accepted amongst heroes. Even if he didn't ask, I still would've invited her."

"Mmkay. Anyway, back to the topic at hand!"

We sat on her bed and began discussing ideas ranging from people to finding magic gems that could conceal her powers to give her her emotions back. We even looked through every one of her books to see if such a gem exists. It doesn't. That was a lot of reading.

By the time we even considered what time it was, it was already past midnight.

"Goodnight Beast Boy." Raven mumbled as she unconsciously leaned on my shoulder. "Goodnight Rae." I cooed, gently lifting her head up and laying her down on her bed. I put away the books and pulled the blanket over her and went back to my own room. Is there still a way to get her emotions under control? I hope so, for her sake.

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