Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

Kimball Cho

We're working late again tonight. Which doesn't really bother me as I have nothing better to do other than pay bills. But they can wait.

I'm sat at my desk doing nothing in particular whilst Jane and Boss have, what seems to be, an in depth conversation in her office. I don't know what it's about but Lisbon keeps shaking her head in disbelief. I decide it's better to let them come to me rather than me go to them, I don't want to get involved in his craziness unless I have to. They've been like this for about fifteen minutes and a quick break when Jane got a cup of tea for himself and a coffee for Lisbon.

Rigsby left to take Van Pelt home a while ago so I'm the only one in the bullpen. Suddenly a door rattles and I glance up, Lisbon is stood in the doorway of her office.

'Come in here a sec,' she beckons. I walk into her office and she cautiously looks around then closes the door. I look at her expectantly. 'Jane's finally hit the mad mark,' is all she says. I turn to him hoping to get a better answer.

'I have a plan.' His smile is plastered on his face. This may take some time so I decide to get comfy and lean on the corner of her desk. 'I think I know where Genevieve is.'

'Where?' I ask


'What?' He's surely messed it up.

'I know, that's what I said,' Boss exclaims.

'Think about it. Where else would an old woman with a vacation home and not a lot of money, go?'

'She was kidnapped. She doesn't have much say in the matter.' I reply.

'What if she wasn't kidnapped though? What if she fakes her own abduction to take the attention away from the murder, so the murderer has time to do something to cover their tracks?'

'Highly unlikely.'

'That's what I told him!' Lisbon says.

'I bet you both five bucks that my theory is right.'

'You're on,' I tell him.

'I'll hold you to it,' Boss chirps.

'So what do I do?' I ask.

'You, Cho, need to go home and grab overnight things. You too Lisbon. We're going to Florida!' He gets up to leave. 'I'll meet you both back here in three quarters of an hour.' He takes out his phone then walks out of sight.

I'm back within half an hour and I have a small black fitness bag not even half full with my overnight things. Lisbon and Jane are no where to be seen so I guess they're still packing.

I take out my phone and send a text to Rigsby.

'Jane's gone mad. We're going to Florida. Not for the rides though.'

Brief. It doesn't need to be detailed, it's a text. A minute later and it vibrates in my hand.

'Florida? And I thought Jane went mad a long time ago.'

I reply.

'he did'

'Ah! Cho! Just the man I'm looking for. I need you to do something,' Jane says walking into the bullpen. Talk of the devil.

'Is it part of the plan?' I ask.


He goes on to telling me what I have to do. It involves me going undercover. The last time I did this, I was nearly eaten alive by a prostitute, so it really doesn't give me much excitement this time round.

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