Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Teresa Lisbon

I step outside into the fresh air to call Cho. Grace is having her x-ray and Jane and Rigsby are sat in the rather disgusting cafeteria inside.

I take out my phone and dial the office.

'Agent Cho,' says his familiar voice.

'Hi Cho. Rigsby, Jane and I are at the hospital. Grace is in having an x-ray and has been sedated for a while. I doubt she'll be out tonight. Probably not tomorrow either.'

'Okay Boss. I'm keeping Jack Johnson in overnight. Do you want me to come to the hospital?'

'Do you want to come?'

'Only if I'm needed there,'he says.

'Well could you stay at the office incase we get any calls or pieces of information?'


'Okay, I'll keep you informed. Call me if anything crops up,' I dial off and start walking into the hospital when a hand taps me on my back. I turn around and Genevieve Collins is stood there, hands clasping her little handbag.

'I've come to see how your agent is doing and to apologise on behalf of my son.'

'Oh, that's very nice of you,' I smile at her. I take a step and motion for her to follow. I wait until she's by my side until I go on any further. 'She's having an x-ray at the moment so we're just waiting for her to come out.'

'Would it be okay if I join you?'She questions.

'Sure. I don't see why not. I'm not sure how long we'll have to wait.' She nods and we carry on walking down the various corridors until we reach the cafeteria where I lead the way to Jane and Rigsby.

Jane stands up from his chair and shakes Genevieve's hand.

'We're going back to her room now to wait outside,' he tells us. Rigsby gets up too and puts his empty paper cup in the bin. He tucks his chair under and starts walking towards the exit. Genevieve follows then Jane and I tag on at the back. He's walking along side me and seems to be studying Mrs Collins. I hang back a little bit and when he sees me slow down he turns to face me.

'Are you okay?' He asks.

'What are you doing?' I hiss as he walks closer to me.

'There's something fishy about her.'

'What?!' I whisper shout.

'Something's not right.'

'She's an old woman,' I say matter-of-factly.

'Hush...keep your voice down. And yes, she's old. But not old enough to be innocent,'he puts his finger to his lips.

'You think she killed Laura?' I ask sarcastically.

'Well it's a possibility, there's always a possibility.'

'So she's a suspect?'

'You could call her that. She shouldn't be ignored.'

I shake my head in disbelief and catch up with the others. I hear Jane mumble something to himself then he does his half skip, half speed walk and gets instep with me again.

When we get to the corridor where Grace's room is, we all stand with our backs up against the wall. Jane talks a bit with Mrs Collins and Rigsby and I exchange a couple of smiles, looks and a few comments but not much more.

Finally we see them wheeling a bed along where a young, ginger woman is lying still. We stand up straight and let them put her in the room. Then the doctor from earlier comes to speak with us.

'We've done the x-ray and can only see that she has broken her left arm. We also did the brain scan and are glad to say that there is no damage and she's in working order.'

'Thank goodness,' Genevieve says as we all seem to give a sigh of relief. She's only a rookie, but she has brilliant potential and could get really far in her career.

'When will you bring her round?' Rigsby asks.

'We'll have to keep monitoring her. But I'd say... Within the next forty eight hours, if things go right.'

'If what goes right?' Jane questions.

'Well, with her being sedated she's not in complete control of her body and it's functions. So, if something goes wrong that needs to be sorted then we'll more than likely have to keep her under for a little while more. Just until we get things back on track again,' the doctor explains. We all nod our heads to show understanding.

The doctor stands aside and outstretches his arm to allow us entrance to the tiny room. We all can just about fit along the left side of her bed, the right side being occupied by two nurses. We stand there for a little bit and just watch her.

Finally the two nurses, who seemed to have sorted out a drip for her, leave the room.

'Excuse me,' Jane says trying to get passed. 'I need to use the restroom.' He walks out into the corridor and vanishes from sight.

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