Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Wayne Rigsby

'I'm back!' I jog into her room. 'I couldn't leave without saying a proper goodbye.' I go to her bedside and wrap her in my arms, I hold her close but make sure she's not in too much pain. This is probably about the thirtieth time I've done this since she's been awake.

'What about Lisbon?' She asks worried.

'She won't come in. I've told her I've left my phone here.' I pull away but leave my hands on her shoulders. 'Love you.' I kiss her on her forehead then lean back to look at her. Her grazed cheeks are on the path to recovery and her deep gash is closing up nicely. She manages to place her hands on the back of my neck and pulls me closer.

'Love you too,' and her soft lips finally meet mine. It's not as full out as normal, but what did I expect? She's in hospital and has only been with it for less than twenty four hours. I pull away knowing that it doesn't take this long to grab a phone, and she looks at me with her deep, dark eyes.

'I'm sorry, but I've gotta go,'I say reluctantly.

'Oh but...' She starts.

'Sorry...'I kiss her on the head again and walk out of her room. I turn back to look at her and she looks so lost and forlorn. She smiles at me attempting to cover up how she really feels. Do I have to go in to work today?

'I'll come back at lunch okay?' She nods and I walk away. I tell my legs to keep moving otherwise my mind will tell me to stay here and that work doesn't need me.

I straighten my tie and casually walk out of the hospital doors. Lisbon has relocated to a bench and is getting ratty with her cell phone.

'God damn Jane! Answer! Rigsby, what took you so long?! I could have solved this case in the time you've taken!' She complains. She stands up and starts power walking to her car. 'Take your car.'

I follow her instructions and arrive at the office just before her. I get out of my car and walk to the staircase leading up to the ground level. I wait at the bottom of them as she parks her car and makes her way over to me. We climb the stairs and take the elevator to our floor. We rush into the bullpen hoping Laroche isn't about to see that we're late.

'Have any of you seen Jane?' She asks us. Cho shakes his head and carries on doing research on his computer. I just give her my clueless expression. 'Okay. Get back to work,' she orders then walks into her office.

I go to my desk and sit in my chair. I try to do work but my mind is too busy thinking of Grace. I don't know how I'm going to get away with caring for her. If I ask for time off at the time she has been discharged it'll be obvious as to what's going on. Unless I leave her at home whilst I come to work... Would she stay at my place? Or would I go to hers? Either way, I'm going to stay with her for the first few days.

I wheel my chair next to Cho's desk.

'Hey, Cho... I need to tell you something...' I murmur.

'What?' He says bluntly.

'The thing is... Is... Grace and I...'

'You're back together. I get it.'

'How did you know?' I ask.

'It's obvious. Even a blind man could see it.'


'Don't worry. I don't think Boss knows.'

'The trouble is... Is that I need to help her.'

'How so?' He's still staring at his computer screen.

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