Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

Patrick Jane

I walk back along the street hearing Lisbon coming out the house.

'Jane! Where are you going?!' She shouts at me.

'Back to the office Lisbon!' I reply. She starts walking closer, is she expecting a conversation? 'Are you coming?! It'd be a great help!' I really don't want to talk so I jog to my car and climb in as quickly as possible and pull off sticking my hand out of the window to wave to her. This will really irk her.

The drive back to the office was painless. I take the elevator to our floor and go to my couch. I start off by sitting on it but within a minute I'm flat on my back, my head propped up against the padded arm. I wait and wait and wait for the others to get back. In the end I decide to use my spare time wisely and have a little sleep.




'JANE! Wake up!'

I open an eye to see the blurry image of Lisbon stood over me, I wait a moment for my eye to adjust, then open the other one.

'Well good afternoon to you too Lisbon. You could have woken me up a nicer way, but if you have to get that anger out somehow then please feel free to carry on kicking my couch, but not whilst I'm on it.'

'God damn you Jane,' and she thumps it again with her foot.

I sit up and stretch my arms. I point them to the sky then bring them back down to my side. I try to get in the right frame of mind again and scratch my head.

'Right. I need your cooperation with two things Lisbon.'

'Depends,' she says a lot calmer than she was just now. I pull my suit jacket on over my waistcoat and shirt.

'Firstly. I need one of you to get as much information on Genevieve Collins as possible, any other properties, businesses or family. The second thing. I need to interview Charlotte Green.'

'Cho!? Get Genevieve Collins' file!' she calls to him. He nods and starts clicking around on his computer. 'Why Charlotte Green?' She asks me.

'Well why not Charlotte Green?' I joke then wink at her and rise to my feet. 'Because, I'd like to meet her.' I lie. I can't tell her the truth. She'd never believe me anyhow.

'Jane, if this has something to do with her name...' She tells me. I study her face, she's worried.

'Why are you worried?'

'Just... Stay in reality...' What is that meant to mean?

'This has nothing to do with her being called Charlotte. I'd just like to ask her a few questions. And get a free cup of tea,' I smile. Then turn on my heels and make my way towards the empty doorway in the wall, separating the bullpen from the rest of the CBI. I flick around to face her. 'Are you coming?'

'I have nothing better to do.' And she walks towards me. 'Cho, call me with any news.' She asks stopping in the doorway. I notice some evidence that'll come in handy later so fold it up and shove it in my trouser pocket. Then I make my way to the elevator. 'Is Rigsby on his lunch break?'

'Yeah,' is Cho's reply.

I click the button for the elevator and the doors open. 'C'mon Lisbon!'

I walk in and turn around on the spot so I'm facing the doors. Lisbon quickly walks in as they begin to close and I press the button for the ground floor.

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