Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Wayne Rigsby

It's six thirteen in the morning and I haven't had a call from Boss or the hospital. I decide that Lisbon doesn't need me in work too early, probaby because nothing new has shown up. And Grace must be stabilising slowly as they haven't said that she has deteriorated or gained consciousness. They promised that they'd call...

By seven I am in my car ready to leave for work. I'm still very tired as last night I'd been awake for eighty percent of it. Strange how the same person can give me the best and worst nights of my life. Of course that person is Grace...

I decide, rather suddenly, to drop on by to see her before work. I want to see how she's doing. I pull up into a parking space and walk through the hospital, my face staying solemn the whole time. When I get to her room, she's alone again. I immediately go to her side and give her a kiss on the forehead. I desperately hold onto her hand not wanting to ever let her go. I plant a gentle kiss on her hand and whisper reassuringly to her. Her reply always being silent and still.

'You'll be out of here soon I promise. And I'll take care of you and look after you...' I imagine how she might be thinking of my help and add in quickly.'I'll try not to smother.' I stroke my free hand along the pale flesh of her undamaged cheek. 'Love you Grace.' I allow one stray tear to roll down my cheek and drop onto the crisp sheets below.

A minute or two later I see that same doctor, from yesterday, walk past and he glances in through the tiny square windows on the doors. He notices me sat there watching him and he changes direction and enters the room.

'Ah, yes, good morning. Grace has done well over night and we'll hopefully bring her round tomorrow so long as she doesn't deteriorate. She'll probably, however, be on oxygen for a few more days even if she does become conscious again. But if she shows no sign of needing it then we can see how she gets on independently.'

'Oh. Okay. Thanks... What time do you think?' I ask.

'What time will we bring her round?' I give a soft nod. 'Well as I said, it's not definitely going to happen. But if things go to plan then possibly sometime tomorrow afternoon. I can't be more precise than that. We'll start the process as soon as we're sure she'll be okay and I'll you call you with any news.'

I nod gratefully at the doctor and he leaves the room and continues with what he was doing.

'There you go look Grace. You'll be woken up tomorrow.' I force a smile on my face even though she can't see it.

I look at my watch... 8:51. I decide that it's perhaps time to get to work.

'I've got to go now Grace. It's already ten to nine. I think the rest of the team are dropping in after work this evening. Maybe Jane will have another helpful conversation with you. Today I'm going to be questioning that son of a b¡tch that did this to you. I'll have to control my temper. Anyway... Love you,' I bend down to kiss her head. 'See you later.' I get up and walk away taking one last look at my baby on her bed. I knew I shouldn't have though, it just made me want to stay with her even more.

I get outside and the heat hits me. I take out my phone from my trouser pocket and turn it on. Three missed calls and two texts. I listen to the answer machine messages.

'We're up.' That's from Cho.

'Hiya. Rigsby, do you fancy showing up for work today? I think Cho's called you and you didn't answer so I'm calling you now. You have an interview with Jack Johnson and Jane has some stupid plan he wants us to attend.' That's from an irritated and sarcastic Lisbon.

'We're making our way over to some place for Jane's plan. I've text you the details, I'm expecting you to show up within half an hour.' That's Lisbon again.

I open up my inbox to look at the messages. One's from Jane the other from Lisbon.

'How was Grace this morning then?'

Typical of Jane to know where I was. Strange for him to text, he'd normally call.

I walk to my car not bothering to look at Lisbon's messge. I get in and start the engine. I head towards the exit of the parking lot and get on the highway. Just doing that took fifteen minutes, damn you rush hour. I sit in the queue and slowly crawl forward. I decide that now is a good time to look at the text.

'go 2 Mrs Collins house, Cho will meet you there at 9:15. Dont bother going 2 the office'

Easy enough. Surprised Jane has a plan yet though, even he isn't this good. That means I have ten minutes to get to the Collins house. This could be fun...

I manage to pull up outside the house by 9:17. I don't know how, between rush hour and traffic lights. Cho is stood on the walkway cell phone in hand, his car no where to be seen. When he sees me he looks up and his face stays the same, emotionless. He looks back down and makes no sign of coming over to me.

I get out of the car and meet him under the tree he's stood by.

'Where've you been?' He asks still not taking his eyes off his phone.

'I caught rush hour...'

'You were seeing Grace-'


'Thought so,' he says quickly. 'Let's go.' He changes the subject. Thank god that conversation was over, and quickly.

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