Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Patrick Jane

I walk back along the brightly lit corridor that smells too strongly of disinfectant. My shoes quietly squeaking at every step.

When I get to Grace's room I can hear the steady rhythm of the electrocardiograph and the constant hum of the other machines. Lisbon is sat at Grace's side gently stoking her hand with her thumb and Rigsby is sat at the end of her bed discreetly studying the patient. I can tell that he's worried, I would be too if it was Angela... Mrs Collins isn't anywhere to be seen.

As I push open the door Lisbon and Rigsby's heads dart up. As soon as he sees that it's me he carries on doing what he was doing, whereas Lisbon gently places Grace's hand on the thin mattress and comes over to me.

'Genevieve Collins left a couple of minutes ago,' she tells me.


'She said that it was getting late.'

'Fair enough. Any news?' I ask.

'Nope.' As if I've jinxed it the beep in the background starts to speed up. Rigsby jumps up and looks around wondering what has triggered this change in beat. Lisbon looks directly at Grace while I, without properly thinking, pop my head out of the double doors of her room and start shouting for a doctor or nurse. My cries start to become a little bit more desperate as no one appears. Then, a man in a white lab coat starts jogging towards me.

'What's the matter!?' He asks urgently. I just point into the room.

After a few pokes and prods the nurses, and the doctor, have put Grace on oxygen. We'd all been sent out to wait in the corridor as they sorted her out, then we'd been let in again.

'I think we should probably get going soon,' Lisbon kindly suggests. We nod but none of us move. We look at the young agent who lay before us with a grazed face and a stitched up wound. Her left forearm carefully wrapped in pristine bandages and her reddish hair standing out on the white sheets. The oxygen mask covering a lot of her face, looking more like it was suffocating her than helping.

I slowly begin to wander out of the room knowing the others will follow in their own good time. Lisbon's by my side within a minute and Rigsby joins us shortly after. We follow the signs to the exit and walk to the parking lot.

'Would you like a lift?' I offer Rigsby, remembering that he had come in the ambulance.

'...No it's okay. I'll catch the bus,' he replies.

'Do you?' I turn to Lisbon.

She nods. 'Please.'

'Okay. Well, we'll see you tomorrow then Rigsby.' With that Lisbon and I walk to my little blue car and Rigsby heads to the highway for the closest bus stop.

I pull up at Lisbon's home. It's quite chilly outside, practically dark, but her coat is sat on her lap instead of on and keeping her warm. She unbuckles her seatbelt, then picks up the coat.

'Do you want to come in? For a cup of tea or something?' She offers me. I contemplate this... I don't have anything better to go back to.

'If you insist,' I say sarcastically. She rolls her eyes grinning.

'Come on then.' She waves her hand for me to follow. I put the car in park then cut the engine. I hop out as she does the same, then walk next to her towards her front door. She unlocks it and I know what's coming.

'Sorry 'bout the mess.' There we go, she always says that on the rare occasions I come here.

I give the same reply I normally do. 'Meh. It's fine.'

She slings her coat over a chair and and picks up an empty yoghurt pot, probably her breakfast from this morning, then she leads the way to her little kitchen. On the way we walk past a small, oak shelf holding a small collection of books. I scan through them as she continues into the kitchen to make us hot beverages. I come across a book that doesn't seem to suit Lisbon. It doesn't match her style, her personality. I pick it up and briefly read the blurb...definitely not a Lisbon book.

I wander into the kitchen the book in my hand.

'Could I...borrow this?' I ask.

She turns around to face me, then a confused expression spreads across her face.

'... Sure...'she replies hesitantly.

'Great. Thank you.'

'Uh...your welcome,' she stutters.

'Have you read it?'

'... Not really...'

'Well you either have or you haven't.'

'I tried to...I just never got round to finishing it.' The expression on her face is clearly very confused and very wary.

'It's okay. No need to be nervous,' I assure her.

'I am. Why would you want to read a women's book?'

'Well... Who said I was going to read it?' I say leaning back on my heels, then rolling up onto my toes. She looks at me with an even more bewildered expression then turns back around and pours out the hot water which has just boiled. A few seconds later she hands me a mug.

'Here.' She gives me my tea. 'I'm afraid I don't have a little cup and saucer.' She bows her head to the floor but looks up at me smirking the way she does when she makes a joke.

'Very funny,' I smile.

I leave about an hour later. We fleetingly went over the Collins Case and we spoke about general stuff friends talk about. Oh, and I had another mug of tea.

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