Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Teresa Lisbon

I walk into the interrogation room where the feisty man is sat facing the mirror. I know that Rigsby and Van Pelt are probably on the other side watching. Jane will possibly swing on by as well at some point.

I walk over to the chair opposite the man and sit down.

'Sir, could you tell us your name please.'

'James,' he replies reluctantly.

'Full name,' I order.

'James Anderson.'

'Who was it that you tried to attack tonight?'

'Nobody. I wasn't trying to fight nobody,' he replies. A few seconds later Jane walks in.

'That means you were trying to attack someone.' The man looks confused. 'Well, you just said, and I quote, I wasn't trying to fight nobody. Which, being a double negative, means that you were.' Jane says.

'Mr Anderson, we caught you holding a gun and now you're trying to convince us that you weren't trying to hurt anyone?' I ask.

'That is what I'm trying to say,' he replies.

'Just tell us who was bothering you James,' Jane says.

'Bothering? Hah... That's a bit of an understatement.'

'Go on...' Jane enthuses.

'Why don't you go and ask him?'

'We will talk to him too but we'd like to hear your side,' I tell him.

'I'm guessing that... You are having an affair with a girl. However that girl is, from your point of view, being pushed around,' Jane says. James looks at me as if Jane is an alien who had just walked through the door.

'Am I right?'

'She doesn't want to do what she's doing. She's not someone who would do that.' James says.

'Do what?' I ask. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

'She's an escort...or a prostitute...which one?' Jane asks.

'He's forcing her to do it, to shag random people. No way would she want to do it!' James is looking rather aggitated.

'What's her name?' I ask.

'Kloë.' He replies.

'Chloe what?'

'Kloë Oscar. It's K-L-O-E. Two dots over the E.' I write this down knowing that I'll forget it.

'What's her partner's name?' Jane questions.

'Jack Johnson. The son of a bitch.' At this I become a bit on edge. This man could pounce any minute.

'So... You think that the reason Kloë is a prostitute is because the son of a bitch is telling her to do it? And tonight, you saw him in that drunk crowd having fun whilst Kloë is probably out working to earn money. And you believed that you could give her so much more. Treat her so much better. These thoughts annoyed you. So you wanted to hurt him for how he treats her. But he got on your nerves even more and you knew that you wouldn't be able to win against him, even if he is incapable of standing on his own two feet. So you went to one of your last resorts and got out your gun. You shot it in the air to scare him off. To show him that you weren't playing games... And that's when we came along,' Jane explains.

James slams his hands down on the table forgetting about his handcuffs. He jumps up his anger getting the better of him. Jane, also quickly gets up and backs away a little bit. I remove myself from my chair too.

'Mr Anderson calm down.' I say. Jane has now made his way behind me and is looking vulnerable. 'Sir, sit down please,' I order. James completely ignores me however. I turn my head slightly towards the mirror.'Okay we're done in here.' I wait for Rigsby to come in and to get James under control again. He leads him out of the room. Jane whispers something in his ear and James erupts again. His anger boiling over. He pulls away from Rigsby who wasn't expecting this and marches over to Jane. James seems to tower over him. He corners him and Jane is looking increasingly worried.

'You, little man, are getting on my nerves-' But before he has a chance to say anything else Rigsby and some other police officers have come and dragged him away.

'Did you hear that?' Jane asks me. 'He called me little man.' At this I smirk. 'You really need to keep your prisoner under control Lisbon.'

'Uh...' I sigh and shake my head. 'What did you say to him anyhow?' I ask.

'I just mentioned how he should be out there helping her and not in here...'

'Thanks Jane. Thanks a lot,' I say sarcastically.

'Your very welcome Lisbon,' is his reply. I walk into my office and sit on my couch watching the world go by for a bit.

Jane's head pops round the door. He smiles at me then comes to sit down next to me. We respect each others silence for a bit. Then we get pulled back into reality when Van Pelt knocks on the door.

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