Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Patrick Jane

I'm sat next to Lisbon when Grace knocks at the door then enters.

'This is Kloë Oscar aged thirty,' she says handing us a piece of paper. 'She's got a past offence involving drugs.' On the sheet is a woman with shoulder length, blonde hair and hazel eyes. She's wearing makeup including scarlet coloured lipstick. The same one Laura was wearing on the night of her death.

'What about Jack Johnson?' Lisbon asks. Grace hands us a second piece of paper.

'He's thirty eight and lives with Kloë in their house in Sacramento. They've been living together for four years.'

'Right. Okay,' Lisbon says. 'We need to question them.' At that moment her mobile rings. She answers. 'Cho?' She puts it on loudspeaker so we can hear what he's saying.

'I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. She keeps crying and is not showing any sign of stopping,' he murmurs into the phone. In the background you can faintly hear little sobs.

I take the phone out of Lisbon's hand and talk into it.

'What's the address Cho?' I ask.

'Thirty four Union Street, Sacramento,' he replies.

'Okay. I'm coming over.' He dials off and I give Lisbon her phone back. She looks at me with that expression on her face she gives when she doesn't know what I'm doing. As if on que.

'What are you doing?' She asks.

'I'm going over to speak to...Laura's step-mum. Is it Mrs Collins?' Lisbon ignores my question.

'Van Pelt you and Jane go and speak to Genevieve Collins. I'll stay here so call me if you get anything.' She nods at her boss then walks out of the room.

'Are you not coming?' I question.

'I need a break from you Jane,' she gives her cheery smirk and sits behind her desk.

'Oh. I love you too Lisbon.' I turn on my heels and walk out of he office to meet Van Pelt by the lift. 'I'll drive,' I tell her.

'Oh okay. I'll drive if you want?'

'No no it's fine.' The doors ping open and we walk in.

'What are you planning Jane?'

'Who said I've got a plan?' She stays silent at this.

'You will keep it a secret won't you?' She asks as the doors close.

'Keep what?'

'The thing about Rigsby and I.' She looks straight ahead, refusing to make eye contact with me. She's obviously ashamed.

'Come on Grace. It will be our little secret.' I smile at her to try and lighten the mood.

We get to my car and I get into the drivers side. She slips into the passenger seat and fastens her seatbelt.

'What is your reason to be happy?' I ask her, resuming our earlier conversation. I know what the answer is. But I want to hear it from her.


'Well you never got round to telling me your reason as to why your happy.'

'My job. I really love my job.' Hmm... That isn't the real answer I can tell.

'What else?' I question further.

'Why don't you read my mind and see?' She raises an eyebrow at me, proud at her little joke.

'It's Rigsby isn't it?' I know the answer to this question too. I can read her like a book. She looks out of her window at the passing views.

'Jane...when you love someone, you know that there's always something good to turn back to,' she explains.

'I know...' I say. An image of Angela flashes into my head.

'Oh...sorry...I didn't mean to-' she starts and is looking for the right words to say.

'I miss it...' I didn't mean for that to be said out loud. She pulls a concerned face and for the first time today she looks at me straight in the eye.

'I'd miss it too... You'll get that feeling again Jane. You'll get the feeling of hope again. But you have to start believing that it won't turn out the same way as it did before. You won't be leaving them behind, in the past. You'll just be prepared to face the future. You might not believe it Mr Jane, but I know your afraid to move on. You feel guilty because of what happened and you don't want to ever forgive yourself,' she finishes and I cling on to every word she said. She's right. And it's only now that I realise just how long I have been thinking the same thoughts and moving the same moves. And her telling me that I'd just be facing the future makes me feel a pang of hope. I'd never thought of it the way she has. I have always had a second chance at life and I haven't noticed it until now.

'You're very wise Grace,' I say. She smiles for a moment then looks down at her lap. 'Don't be embarrassed,' I tell her.

Wayne Rigsby, you have done well.

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