Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Patrick Jane

We pull up outside of the beauty salon. I look across out of Lisbon's window to have a judgemental scan of the place. She gets out and starts walking inside. I follow her in and stop beside her.

"Is this the right one?" I ask. Looking at how run down the building appears. "This doesn't look like the sort of place she'd work."

"Let me do the talking," she says as a short woman with dark hair comes over to us.

"We only do haircuts for women sorry," she tells us in her whiny voice. She isn't sorry at all.

"We're from the CBI-" Lisbon starts.

"That's the police," I add. This girl doesn't look of great intelligence.

"We were wondering whether you know of Laura Collins?"

"Laura? Yeah..." Says the girl.

"Does she work here?" Lisbon asks.

"Yeah... She works here," she's droning now.

"Sorry, what's your name?" I ask.


"Jenna, did you know Laura is dead?"

"Oh my god. No... Is she?"

"Yes, and it would be ever so helpful if you let us speak to your boss," I say. My patience is running out.

"My boss?"

I nod.

"Oh okay. Shall I go and get her?"

"Please," I say.

"Oh okay..." She turns around and walks into the back room.

"I said that I'd do the talking," Lisbon scowls.

"Oh but come on! She was never going to get us anywhere!" I give her a smile and start walking around.

A few moments later a taller, slender woman in a black suit comes out with Jenna trailing behind her.

"Good afternoon, I'm Agent Teresa Lisbon and that's my colleague Patrick Jane we're from the CBI. We'd just like to ask you a few questions ma'am," Lisbon says.

"Laura's dead. Can you believe that?!" Jenna says to her boss over her shoulder.

"Oh, right... Of course. Come on through," she motions for us to follow her to her office.

Lisbon and I stand side by side in front of a huge oak desk. The woman goes round and sits in a leather swivel chair. She waves her hand offering us seats. I sit down making myself comfy. Lisbon acts professional and sits on the edge, in a ladylike position.

"What's your link with Laura ma'am?" Lisbon asks.

"Please, call me Sarah. I'm her boss. She was such a talented, dedicated worker. I can't believe...who would do this to her?"

"Well that's what we're trying to find out. You wouldn't happen to know anyone who might...want to kill her?" I ask. Okay... That probably wasn't the best wording...

"That's a ghastly thing to say," Sarah says, shocked.

"Ma'am I'm terribly sorry," Lisbon says. "Jane, watch what your saying we need to get as much information out of her as possible,"she murmurs to me.

"Excuse me," I get up out of my chair and walk to the door. "One last thing, Red John?"

"Sorry? I, I don't understand," Sarah stutters.

"Hmm... No worries. I'll be off. Meet you at the car in twenty minutes Lisbon!" And with that I turn and walk out of the office, through the salon and out the door.

"Excuse me, Sir!" The whiney voice says. I twist on my feet to face the short girl once again. "Do you want to ask me some questions?"

"Oh... I'd rather not, thank you. Have a nice day now," and I walk around the corner past the car and down the street.

I take out my phone and dial for Grace.

"Jane?" She asks.

"Ah! Grace. Where are you?"

"Um... In the office," she says in a confused tone.

"Good! Can you come and pick me up? Great thanks I'm outside the beauty salon in town," I dial off but hear her sigh and mumble something.

About ten minutes later Grace pulls up next to me in an identical car to Lisbon's. I jump into the passenger seat to see her staring at me.

"Oh... Thank you," I say. She nods her head then pulls out onto the road. I take out my phone once again and call Lisbon. She picks up after a few rings.

"Jane," her voice sounding annoyed.

"Don't worry about waiting for me! Grace has kindly given me a lift."

She sighs and I decide, for my benefit, to dial off before she can say anything further.

"Oh and Grace... I want you to take me somewhere before we go back to the office..." I ask her. She gives me a look and replies.

"Okay...where to?"

"Back to the crime scene."

She sighs.

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