Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

Grace Van Pelt

A nurse comes in through one of the double doors carrying a plastic cup of water. She gives me a cheesy smile and places it on my bedside table, then leaves no quicker than she had come in. I pick up the paperback book Jane had given me this morning and carry on reading it. I've been reading it since lunch when I realised I wasn't going to find anything else more exciting to do.

This morning I had slept for a while and daydreamed and lay bored. Then Wayne came to visit me at about two and left half an hour later, that's when I decided I'd read it. If any normal person had given me this I would have either not have read it or have read it and have been scared at how they know what genre I prefer to read. But as it was Jane... It doesn't surprise me.

I turn the page and glance at the small ticking clock on the table beside me. Someone will be visiting me in a while. Wayne said that they only needed to interview Kloë Oscar this afternoon.

I read on and before I know it a shadow is cast over the room. I look up and Jane's smiling face is in the door window. When he sees me look he quietly pushes the door open and strides in. I gather up my strength and push down on my right arm and try to sit up. I haven't actually tried this since I've been awake. I haven't moved from lying on my back and suddenly moving makes a pain shoot through it. I wince and Jane steps over to my bedside and moves a pillow so it's propped up and puts one hand on my left elbow, one hand under my upper arm helping me up. I get into half sitting position and rest my head on the propped up pillow behind me. 'Um... Thanks,' I murmur.

'Genevieve Collins has been kidnapped,' he informs me.

'Really? Do you know who took her?'

'Well... Only a smiley face.'

'As in Red John?'

'Made to look that way. I don't think it was. He'd have killed her otherwise, she's not dead Grace. In fact I think she's very much alive...' I wonder what he means by this?

'Did she come to visit me?' I ask. 'When I was asleep.'

'Uh... I think so. She visited when you first came in.'

'What happened?'

'What happened?' He looks a little confused.

'When she came. Something happened. To me.'

'She came here. Then I went to the restroom. Came back and nurses were everywhere and you were on oxygen,' he tells me. I remember him going to the restroom.

'Where did everyone else go?'

'Tell me what you think happened.' He then leans closer and whispers. 'Don't worry I won't tell Lisbon.'

'I don't know Jane... I think she did something.'

'You don't trust her?' A smile slowly spreads over his face.

'I remember you leaving and then the door opened and closed again and it was quiet. I thought no one was here. I think I blanked out and woke up to it being really loud. Machines beeping and people rushing around. That's when they put an oxygen mask on me. It's probably stupid...'

'No. Van Pelt you don't trust her either. Lisbon doesn't believe Genevieve is capable of anything bad. This could change her mind.'

'You don't trust her either?'

'Not. A. Smidgen.'

'We have nothing to say she did it.'

'Not yet. But, I soon will!'

'What are you going to do?' I ask slightly on edge.

He leans forward again as if he's going to tell me something secret and lowers his voice. 'I will find a way to show her guilt. But promise me you won't tell Lisbon, she mustn't know.'


'She'll try and stop me. Don't even tell Rigsby. You can't say anything about this to any of them.'

I nod, understanding where he's coming from. 'I never really went to the restroom.' He pauses. 'I phoned The Star Hotel, Kloë doesn't work there. Never has done and probably never will.'

'How did you get the number?'I wonder.

'There's an advertisement on the bulletin board in main reception. It's a 5 minute drive away, people stay there if someone they know is being cared for here.'

'Oh right... Did Laura work there?'

'I didn't ask about her. Probably not though, they just used it as an excuse as to where they were getting the extra money from.'

'You ought to tell Lisbon this...' I murmur.

'No. Not a word to anybody. I will keep you informed but you must promise not to breathe a word.'

His stern look persuades me to go along with him. 'Okay, I promise.'

'Good. How's the book?' He nods towards the novel on the table.

'Fine.' Pause. 'Why can you tell me but not the others?'

'-Because you believe that Genevieve Collins isn't who she turns out to be.'

'I never said that-'

'Not is so many words.'

I smile and shake my head. I should have known better than to argue against a man that has an answer to everything.

'Is Way-Rigsby coming tonight?' I ask slightly embarrassed.

'He probably will Grace. He's come every day since you've been holed up in here. Why?'

'No reason.'

'Yes there is. You have a glint of excitement in your eye and you seem chirpier today.'

'Isn't a healing person supposed to get chirpier?' My smile broadens at the thought of my news.

'Well... I suppose. But there's definitely something. You're not... Pregna-'

'No!' I chuckle.

'Then what?'

'... I'm discharged tomorrow.' It might not seem like much but the thought that after a small physiotherapy session tomorrow morning, I'll be free and back to normal again.

'Hey! That's great!' He smiles his smile and leans back in his chair. 'Will he be taking you home?'

I hope so. I hadn't really thought about this.

'That's what I've got to ask him about.'

'Ah... He's been worried you know. Fretting over how he's going to look after you. Doesn't know whether to move him and Ben in, or move you into his.'

Woah. Hang on. Moving in? No... Jane's got it wrong.

'How do you know?'

'I read his face. It's clear like black and white.'

'Oh...' I look down towards my toes and fiddle with my fingers.

'I'll leave it up to you... Good night Van Pelt.'

'Night Jane,' I flicker my eyes towards him as he slides out of the room and into the luminous corridor.

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