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Seonghwa's point of view

Eventhough she's the doctor it seems like I'm always cleaning up her marks from when her and Yeosang go too rough. She pokes my cheek as I continue to ignore her.

Knife play, someone explain to me what the hell is happening in my house!

Cina: Are you going to ignore me forever?
Me: Yes.
Cina: We got caught up in the moment.
Me: Our parents are going to think we harm you.

I apply the last of the ointment before placing a bandaid on her leg. Yeosang creeps back into the room and I glare at him.

Yeosang: I can explain.
Me: You two stress me out.
Cina: It was suppose to be a quickie, but he..-
Yeosang: He? He who? You decided you wanted more!
Cina: Did not!
Yeosang: Ohh baby go harder, does that ring a bell?

The two headaches begin to argue back and forth while I tend to her sex wounds. After all these books I deserve a raise don't ya' think?


San's point of view

After work I walk into the house to see Saelee curled up on the couch eating cheez-its.

Me: I thought you were on a diet?
Saelee: This is a cheat day.
Me: It's only been two days.

She stands up, showcasing one of my hoodies dropping off her body. I pull her into a tight hug, my head rests on the top of her head inhaling the smell of her shampoo.

Me: I missed you.
Saelee: I missed you too.

Seonghwa and I have been really busy going from chain to chain, I've been at work more than usual which makes me sad to think she's by herself a lot.

Maybe I should get a dog? A cat? A goldfish?

Saelee: What's got you thinking so hard?
Me: You need a pet for when I'm gone.
Saelee: I can barely take care of myself.
Me: That's true.

She slaps my arm playfully.

Me: I don't have to work tomorrow, go on a date with me.
Saelee: Where are we going?
Me: Remember when we were younger and we use to go to the arcade and then get ramen after?
Saelee: Yes!
Me: Okay let's not do that because that ramen place gives me gas.

Her laugh makes my heart swell.

Me: Arcade then burgers.
Saelee: I'm dieting!
Me: Then get a salad, I can still have a burger.
Saelee: You're mean.

She pokes my dimple.

Saelee: I can break my diet for a day.
Me: You might as well start over.

I point to the box of cheese flavored snacks.


Hongjoong's point of view

Yuta and I stare at the crib that's in shambles.

Yuta: Didn't you put Felix's crib together?
Me: No, Shownu did.

Unfortunately Felix's crib got damaged during our move to the new house. Since Char is pregnant again that means we need another crib, but unfortunately Monsta-x is busy with promotions.

Me: You suck at building things.
Yuta: So do you!
Me: These directions don't make any sense to me.
Yuta: It's like it's in some other language.

Felix crawls into the room staring at the absolute mess Yuta and I created. He giggles before clapping his little hands. Yuta picks him up before sighing.

Yuta: I'll call Junhoe, he's actually good at these kind of things.

My mouth drops open at the sight of the perfectly put together crib. Char squeals making Felix get excited as well.

Char: Thank you Junhoe.
Junhoe: No problem, just call me bob the builder.

He poses in his tool belt.

Me: Okay handy mandy, get out of my house now.


Santana's point of view

Kai, Yeonjun and I walk around the park bored out of our minds. With the guys being busy with their comeback the house has been calm and peaceful.

AKA boring.

Yeonjun bites his popsicle glancing down at me. Ah yes, imagine adopting two boys and their both taller than you. The audacity.

Yeonjun: What kind of people were your parents?

I stare up at the sky before sighing.

Me: My mother was a lot like me I would say. She would always scold my dad when he would do something to hurt himself.

Kai giggles.

Kai: Like you with Hyungwon.
Me: Exactly! My dad was like a clumsy man-baby. But he was a hard worker who just wanted the best for his family which resulted in a fatal mistake.

I shake my head.

Me: Regardless, I still love him. The only regret I have is him thinking he had to deal with that burden alone.
Kai: Well we don't want you to feel that way either.

Yeonjun nods.

Yeonjun: We maybe your sons now but we don't ever want you getting too overwhelmed. You can lean on us too.
Kai: Mhm and our uh, is it weird to say dads?
Yeonjun: Fathers?
Kai: Hyungs?
Yeonjun: Monsta-exes?
Kai: That doesn't make sense!
Yeonjun: Shut up.
Kai: You shut up!

Yeonjun drops his popsicle down Kai's shirt, making the younger boy scream to the top of his lungs. I burst into laughter as they begin to chase each other.


the way we've come so far after the very first kink book. now our fave characters have families and shit omg.

we could've never did it without your voting.

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