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Yuta's point of view

I haven't ran like this since, well.. ever.

Why the fuck is Cina so fast?

I look behind me and no longer see San, his screams are heard in the distance making Seonghwa and Xiaojun jet pass me.

Hongjoong: She's going to kill us!
Wooyoung: This was all Xiao's dumbass idea!

Yeosang started to become stress out at work, with us being his friends we wanted to take him to have a little fun. Some way, some how Cina found out about Xiaojun buying Yeosang a pop up cake.

Now usually with a pop out cake an erotic dancer comes out...

Mmm, mmm, not this time. Cina popped out, a very pissed off Cina.


Next person to disappear is Jongho. The rest of us cut down an alley hopping a nearby gate. We pause for a second to catch our breath.

Me: She's your wife! Control her.

They both look at me.

Yeosang: Does she look like she's in sub mode to you!
Xiaojun: I don't know man, your wife might be crazy.


"Hello boys."

We scream, once we see Char we let out a sigh of relief.

Xiaojun: Phew little sister, we're happy to see you.
Char: He shouldn't be.

Hongjoong blinks.

Char: A pop up cake?
Hongjoong: I-it wasn't for me it was for Y-yeosang.

Char radiates satan energy when she's mad.

Char: Oh?
Xiaojun: Forgive me.

Xiao takes off his hoodie whipping it at his sister's face to temporarily take away her sight.

We run pass her heading towards Junhoe's house.

Hongjoong: She must've called reinforcements!
Me: My legs are starting to burn!

I look behind us and the two trolls are catching up.

Soon enough we see the familiar house. I texted him to have the door unlocked, this is a state of emergency. We burst through the door practically tripping over each other. Hongjoong locks the door before sighing.

Seonghwa: Who knew she could run for five blocks?
Wooyoung: She's a heart doctor, no? Must have good cardio.

My eyes widen as Junhoe lies on the ground tied up.

Elena walks into the living-room whistling.

Elena: Pop up cake?

I want my mom.


Santana's point of view

I walk into my office and nearly faint. YangYang is fast asleep, in his pajamas with a silk blanket wrapped around him.

I close my eyes before slowly opening them again, this isn't a dream. This boy is real life sleep on my patients' relaxation couch.

Me: Liu Yangyang!!

He jumps up at the sound of his whole name.

YangYang: Shit I meant to set an alarm.
Me: Why are you sleeping here?
YangYang: Ten kicked me out.

I sigh.

Me: What did you do?
YangYang: Why is it always me?
Me: You want me to believe sweet ole' Ten is the problem?
YangYang: Yes!

I stare at him and he shrugs.

YangYang: I came home drunk with a girl. It was dark and we were kissing and ready, we burst in the room onto the bed and..-
Me: Skip those details please.
YangYang: Ten was asleep in the bed, it was his room.

My eyes widen.

Me: I'm surprised he didn't murder you with his bare hands.
YangYang: He kicked me out and took my key! I'm basically homeless. Can I live with you?

I choke on my coffee.

Me: I have seven men and two teenagers testing my gangster on a daily basis.

Someone taps on the door and Lucas walks in.

Lucas: Hey Doctor Kang, one of my patients are seeing you today right after me so they maybe a bit sore.
Me: No problem.
YangYang: Did the author write a book about you yet?

Lucas shakes his head.

Lucas: I was in an alternate universe where I may have been a baby daddy, but apparently that girl slept with two others and they could've been the dad as well. Wattpad deleted it, why?

I push the two boys out my office as they talk about their new roommate situation.



Kinks In Vegas [book 7 of the kink series]Where stories live. Discover now