Chapter Nine

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Margo's Pov
"I'm gonna be totally honest with you, sports really aren't my thing, I like eating, sleeping and playing the guitar that's about it." A soft chuckle sounded out from across me, it seemed like everything was bouncing around the cafeteria fast like. Casually I placed a French fry into my mouth munching on it while Edward played around with his food at our little table.

"Isn't that the oh so beautiful point of sports? To break you out of the habit of keeping inside all day." I paused my eating for just a moment to think about it, his eyes of amusement staying placed on me.

"Not really no, that's such an American thing to say-  let's play sports to help the inner teenager, forcing kids to do gym to graduate that's bullshit." I laughed out. Edward flashed a small playfully smirk my way, licking his inner cheek, staring at me even more.

"You still agreed to play baseball with my family next week, and you can't back out of it now, they are listening." He placed his hands under his chin smiling at me with that closed lip smile of his. I rolled my eyes playfully grabbing the little bottle of apple juice sipping from it.

"Yes yes I know I already promised Emmett, but there's something you can really back out of today either." It was Edward's turn to look very much startled and confused keeping his hands under his chin.

"And what's that sweet Margo?"

"You are meeting my stressed and sleep deprived mom today."

"Goddamn it-"

Edward was very awkward in many aspects, of course I could tell that just from his thoughts when he wasn't also trying to read mine at the same time. It didn't take much brain to notice he was nervous the entire walk to my house. Human interactions didn't come so easy to the family well apart from Esme and Carlisle and occasionally Alice with her very by not persona.

Usually my mom wasn't home to begin with with long shifts at the hospital taking up most of her time, still maybe it was the vampire part of him where he still didn't exactly like being around humans, I'll never understand going to school with a ton of humans that's the worse kind of social interaction.

"So you ready?" I turned my body to face Edward who was looking around, his eyes shifting everywhere, he took the time to  face me again nodding with a soft smile.

"Yes and  no is the correct answer, but I don't really have a choice." He sank his shoulders back,  I chuckled turning the key unlocking the door, stepping inside with him. The warmth greeted me like it normally did from the central heat.

"Mom? Are you home I brought Edward." I called out through the house.

"Kitchen." I grinned setting my backpack down grabbing Edward's hand pulling him with me, She sat at the normal counter tops drinking coffee reading from her book.

She glanced up a soft smile across her face. "Mom you look exhausted you should be trying to sleep." I scolded her slightly her thoughts just entering my head at once.

Margo... You are growing up so fast you brought a boy home... He better treat you well.

I had to hide my smiles, watching her speak. "I'll take a short nap before I head back in, now this must be Edward, Carlisle's son. It's nice to put a face to the names." She chuckled smiling at him.

"It's nice to meet you... I've met you a few times when having to see Carlisle at the hospital." He flashed her a smile.

"We started dating last week." I trailed off a bit nodding making my curls bounce back slightly.

"Well you know I approve, Margo never dated you know how clumsy she is? She always is going to the nurse in gym for getting hit in dodgeball." A harsh groan left my lips looking at her while she snickered at me her hands placed under her chin stroked at her smooth brown like skin.

"Mom you are like so not helping." I gestured with my free hand to ruffle at my curls bit.

"Edward you should sit while I tell you things about Margo, don't let her go out in the rain, she falls on her ass every time one small puddle makes her freak." Edward laughed glancing at me, before seeing down across from her, that was my cue to grab a water bottle from the fridge.

"First off, that's not true, I love the rain why do you think I'm always outside when it does? Second I only fell once tell it right." I laughed out tipping my head back to drink some more water fully.

"Tell me, does Margo play the guitar?" He asked my mom curious like.

"Oh yeah she plays most nights away before I leave she's really good at it, but she always has to buy new ones cause she steps on them a lot-"

"Too much information mom, you gotta stop it." I huffed out drinking the rest of the water bottle.

"You've really brought her out of her shell, thank you for that Edward, thought she was gonna stay up in her room sleeping her life away."

"The pleasure has been mine really, she's really amazing."

"Now all you gotta do is give her some babies-"

"Mom enough!"

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