Chapter Three

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Margo's Pov
Feeling greatly flustered annoyed, and all those goods emotions, my palm was roughly pressed against my nose, the blood still gushing out like a waterfall after the events in the lunch room, Edward still held a firm grip on my wrist as he pulled me across the parking lot towards his car, that was waiting.

Yeah I didn't think this day was ever gonna come, but not everything happens the way we want it to not ever. "What just happened in there Margo? You can't even deny it, I saw it." Edward snapped at me, I visually flicked a bit wanting to take a couple steps back, but sighed keeping my hand pressed on my nose.

"Honestly Edward, I have no clue okay! This happened when we brushed pass one another a couple months ago! Now I'm a freak and scared to touch anyone! I can't even explain it I know you aren't human!" I snapped. The blood kept rushing out roughly, and I sighed holding my hand more, grumbling quietly at how muffled my voice sounded.

"So you know I'm a vampire? You're not a freak just try and explain to me, try me." He said firmly. I slowly rolled my eyes the gross feeling of my own blood on my palm wasn't helping the situation.

"When ever I touch someone with gold or red eyes, strange things happen, like with you I can read peoples minds, when I just touched Alice back there I saw these visions I don't understand it."

That's where I found myself sitting at the couch, in the living room, back at the Cullen house. A stern looking Edward gesturing for me to explain to Carlisle what I explained to him back at the school.  The rest of his siblings around as well.

"So when ever you touch Edward you can read minds?" Carlisle questioned to me gently giving me a small smile reassuring me that it was okay to talk about it. I shyly nodded my head rubbing my arm slowly bashful.

"Yes but only for a certain amount of time, if I hold it for too long, my nose starts bleeding, or like the first time I passed out." I explained. "And then today when Alice touched me it happened, Edward said it was seeing the future." I commented unsure looking at Edward again, who nodded his head looking slightly concerned and worried.

"She's human Carlisle she isn't a vampire, you can smell it." Edward stammered out sternly. "Yes indeed, I feel like we need to test this out more, um Jasper can Margo touch you, for just a quick second." Carlisle asked him.

Jasper looked very unsure for just a minute before he nodded slowly holding his hand out towards me his gold eyes watching me closely. I took his hand for just a minute our skin making contact, but when I looked around the room when I focused back in, I saw all these colored mist floating around the room.

I gasped quietly looking up at Jasper as he sent me a small side smile. "Yeah it's pretty cool isn't it? since you're a beginner like when I did reach your hand out towards a color. Each one is different you can take a wild guess on which emotion is which you pull the mist towards the person you wanna inflict that emotion on. After a while you can learn to do it was just looking at it." Everyone was watching us either confused and or curious like.

"There's so many colors." I laughed quietly, slowly I let Jasper's hand go, standing up for a minute my head was racing, but I looked towards Alice, who sent me a smile reassuring me that it was okay.

I carefully glided my hand across the bright pink mist that was floating around pushing it towards Alice watching as she started giggling, looking at Jasper for a guess on what the emotion was.

"Happy." We both said at the same time he sent me that smile, and I smiled shyly. "This is really really fantasizing, I've never seen anything like this ever. Edward, Margo do you mind that everyday after school you bring her here so we can test this out?" Carlisle asked very hopeful.

I was still messing around with the mists sending different emotions through Jasper who was giving me a playful stare before he started doing the same changing my emotions very quickly.

"It might effect spending time with Bella, but yeah I can if that's okay with you Margo?" Edward asked me kindly. I turned my body around to focus on him. And gave him a firm head nod.

"That's okay with me, I would really like to understand what's going on, I'd like to not get a nose bleeds every time it happens." I chuckled slowly watching the color mist slowly fade away. And my vision focused back to normal.

Esme was giving me this soft kind smile. "You're welcome here anytime dear," She informed me, Rosalie gave a firm head nod. All of them watching me curiously. For the first time I felt like maybe, just maybe things could go right this time.

"Come on I'll take you home." Edward told me gently holding his hand out for me. I waved goodbye to everyone. Jasper personally telling me goodbye.

I held Edward's hand following after him, once again Edward's thoughts filled my head, and it surprised me that he was thinking of me. Good things too.

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