Chapter Eleven

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Margo's Pov
In my time of knowing the Cullen's I had yet to meet other vampires, although I knew there was a ton of them out there hidden in this world, I wasn't exactly ready to face and see others. I knew the Cullen's well, I knew their diet was of animals, while most vampires hunted humans with them coming into sight from the field my entire body had tensed up seeing the blazing red eyes.

I clutched at Edward's arm tightly recalling Rosalie's words act as little human as possible, with her scarf around my neck my scent could slightly be hidden I had hoped.  I held my breath, keeping my head pressed into Edward's arm even more, just let your thoughts drift and don't focus on them I thought.

"We were just passing through, I'm Laurent, this is Victoria and James." I flicked my eyes to look between them a bit to study them all, my eyes lingered on James for a moment. That one... He had a gift? I can feel it. I shook away my thoughts looking away to the side.

"Come on just one game?" How can I sense that he had a gift? That's so odd I thought more to myself. Carlisle looked hesitant before he sighed nodding a few times.

"Why not two of our players were just leaving." I dropped my monster grip to grab at Edward's hand I didn't like how much him and James were looking into one another's eyes. I yanked at his hand quickly gathering his attention for his eyes to focus on me flashing me a faint smile he turned around holding me tightly against his side.

So close yet so far it was, I had let out that breath I didn't even know I was holding the air so desperately needing to fill into my lungs. The one mistake that now would be having me killed.

"We need to draw James out. I'm not worried about the other two. It's him who makes his hunt out to be a game." Edward was not in the best mood as he stormed passed Alice and Rosalie handing over two jackets for Esme and Rosalie. I glanced up from where I resting on the hood of one of the cars. Jasper sitting on it with me rubbing my upper back a couple times to flash me a soft side smile my way. The anxiety feeling leaving me suddenly.

"Thank you Jasper." I whispered to him, sending back a calm emotion to him which he nodded his head at me as a thanks.

"What about Margo's mom?" Esme asked firmly looking between everyone.

"My mom works long shifts at the hospital she doesn't come home that much. But could Emmett or Carlisle go check on her to make sure?" I begged gently, Emmett flashed me a soft smile ruffling my curls up as he nodded at me quickly.

"I'll go do it, don't worry Margo." I was so relieved giving him a quick hug that he returned it took less than a minute he was speeding out of the garage.

"Margo.. I need to know a place that was home to you before Forks, Alice and Jasper will be driving you." I nibbled at my lower lip ranking my mind for anything before I stammered out gently to him.

"Uhm.. Jacksonville, my dad and my thirteen year sister live there with his new wife and her two daughters." I explained softly Edward looked at me curious like for a moment.

  "I uh.. I don't really talk about it that much because he wanted my younger sister to live with him more, which pissed off my mom to bring me here when I was younger."
It was a simple explanation that was easy to understand.

"Alright I'm driving." Alice smiled brightly as she grabbed the keys off the hook, Jasper sliding off the hood to gather up his things. I lightly swung my legs to gaze up at Edward who had moved to come stand in front of me.

"I'm sorry Margo." I let a soft little chuckle out as I spoke softly to him, moving to grab his hands to hold into my own urging him closer to me so that he was a little reassured.

"Hey don't beat yourself down yeah? Couldn't be much of a relationship if something wasn't trying to kill me." He held back a small little snort but let his soft laughter out looking down. I smiled at him gently tracing my fingers across his palms.

"Don't beat yourself up over this Edward. Think of it this way. I wouldn't have known about your world if we hadn't bumped into one another that day. And I don't regret a thing okay." He leaned in to cup at my cheeks swiping away the curls that got into my face before pressing a lingering like kiss into my lips.

"You are extraordinary Margo.. A little stupid at times but I love that about you. Be safe for me, I'll always protect you no matter what... But knowing you, you can protect yourself to some lengths."

We shared a quiet little laugh together pressing one more final kiss to his lips, before he pressed one of his kisses to my forehead moving away from me allowing me to slide off the hood of the car making my way to slide into the back seat of the car with Alice and Jasper.

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