Chapter Four

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Margo's Pov
I found that my life now had a new slightly adjusted schedule. Apart from not really getting to see my mom all that much because of her job, I did ironically become very close with all the Cullen Household, They all were just so kind and caring with me. Taking their time.

I thought it would take longer for me and Jasper to get along since he was the newest vampire to get turned but he said that me and him being friends was helping him get used to human blood more.

Esme was always so kind to make me food after a really bad nose bleeds from using the newfound power too much. And on most boring days I found myself in Carlisle's office learning more about their kind the vampires, and about La Push wolves as well.

Today was no exception to Edward bringing me back to his house after school. Me and him have gotten close expect for half the time when he freaks out from my nose bleeds, he is a kind caring guy.

"Alright, Margo ready?" I fluttered my eyes a few times to focus in sitting at the countertops in the kitchen with Edward. We both were just staring at one another. "Oh yeah, I'm ready, sorry I've been spacing out a lot." I flashed him a gentle smile and put my hand on his own.

He held it for a few minutes and just like that his thoughts entered my mind, and I don't think he was trying too hard to not hide them.

'She's really pretty up close... Damn, why am I thinking that I'm with Bella... But I can't stop thinking about Margo.' I'm just gonna pretend I didn't just read his thoughts I thought shyly. He didn't let my hand go, and I giggled pretending that I was reading other thoughts in the house.

'God his emotions are all over the place, he should just ask her out.'

'The game is about to start! Fuck'

'Margo isn't bad... For a human though better than Bella.'

'I should take Margo shopping ooooh she'll look pretty in that dress matching with Edward'

Yeah, it was just one massive overload, and Edward was quick to pull his hand away looking at me in worried when the blood spurted out my nose fast.

"Shit I'm sorry." I quickly clamped my hands over my nose sighing watching Edward spring up quite quickly rushing to grab some tissues.

"I'm sorry I thought I was getting better this past month I apologize," I grumbled still holding my nose, and Edward carefully removed my hands urging my head forward, he held the tissues to my nose gazing at me.

"Don't apologize, Margo, practice makes perfect alright? You can't control it yet, and I bet it's overwhelming, but we all are gonna help you, even me." He gazed at me deeply with those eyes of his and I gazed him gently, he still was applying pressure on my nose which I was thankful for.

"Thank you." I mumbled shyly seeing him flash me a side smile "Is that better, let me see." He muttered he removed the tissues and tucked away loose strands of my curls tucking them behind my ears.

I gazed at him more, embarrassed that I kept having nose bleeds in front of a handsome guy like Edward. He looked at me amusement laced all over his face as he carefully set the tissues to the side.

"You think I'm handsome?" He asked me a hint of teasing laced under his tone. Fuck I forgot he can read my mind. "No! I mean yes." I stammered groaning I released a small laugh, that made Edward also laugh he gazed at me still tucking away my hair and I smiled at him, before turning to face the countertop.

"You are really strong to be going through this." I looked back up at him when he started speaking to me again. He dropped his hand down to hold my own hand and I gave him a shy smile looking down again bouncing my leg up and down.

"I see it as an accident, this all happened cause I accidentally brush passed you, I just wonder how it happened," I whispered more to myself gazing at him again, he was starring at me still.

"Sometimes the unforeseen things happen to the most unseen and unknowing person, maybe there's a reason you were brought into my world." He whispered back to me and I blinked my eyes a little taking a look that his hand with still holding my own.

I took that into thought, before staring at him even more "maybe there is a reason." I said cracking a small smile, looking away again before I looked at Edward.

"Alright let's go again I'm ready." I urged him bouncing a little in my seat he chuckled before holding his palm out for me "Alright one more go." He gave me a firm head nod and I placed my palm in his, focusing. I need to try at least.

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