(Twilight) Chapter One

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Margo's Pov
The day I meet eyes with Edward Cullen for the first time ever. Like actually eye contact, was the day I knew I had made a death wish, maybe even died. No, I was totally exaggerating but it was the day I questioned my sense of touch.

My sense of ever hugging anyone again, it questioned my sense of humanity. I was a human, of course, but the one time, just one little time that I have an interaction with Edward Cullen briefly in the hallway, I had a freak attack.

I still remember it like it was long ago when in reality it had been around one month ago, maybe two. I had just moved here to Forks Washington.

My mom was a nurse and wanted to transfer somewhere a little peace and quiet. Somewhere were all it did was rain. I told her she should have just had picked Settle. It rains there all the damn time.

It was also the day I learned of my strange ability. Maybe I was crazy. Maybe I belonged in a mental hospital, but I knew humans weren't the only ones in the world.

We weren't really alone. The loud bitter sound of rain slammed down crashing from the sky, but that wasn't anything new here in Forks.

I liked sitting out in the rain because I didn't have to worry about touching anyone, more specifically those with Red or Gold eyes. But the rain sure as hell did mess up my hair.

I sat outside on the sidewalk from my house in the rain, soaking me from head to toe, holding my hand out, I shut my eyes even tighter letting the memory flow my mind with ease.

Two months ago. The halls were always crowded, but no one was ever in a hurry to be getting to class.

I gripped my backpack tightly brushing through the many bodies trying to at least get to Math on time even though I knew I was gonna fall asleep through it. I was gripping my notebooks tightly to my chest.

I was still the new girl at best luckily for me it was at the beginning of the semester. Bella Swan wasn't as lucky coming in the middle of the semester.

My brown tired eyes flicked straight across the hall to meet gold ones for just a small moment, and briefly, from that small eye contact. My heart sped up, and my arm brushed against Edward's bare arm.

I was thrown and taken back by the sudden shift as my mind felt crowded, a dozen voices filled my head. Voices that weren't my own.

"Oh god did I get tested yet?"

"Fuck I didn't do history homework."

"I wonder if my mom knows about my dad's affair, she can't be that dumb."

"Edward looked this way man is he hot."

"God she is so skanky look at the top."

It was so overwhelming and I was so scared and confused. My notebooks fell and scattered across the hallway causing a little attention a loud slap the noise creating more attention.

  I gripped my head fast as the pain ripped through my head, thought after thought of so many people.

"Oh my god is she okay! Someone get the nurse."

"She's bleeding!"

These were voices out loud, blood was pouring out of my nose making me even more panic.

I quickly held my nose feeling people were crowding around me, but I was looking straight into gold eyes.

"Are you okay." The voice of Edward strained out. It happened when I touched him. I thought. The pain was hurting.

"You're bleeding." He stammered out slowly grabbing my hands, but I was a little afraid. What the hell was going on?.

"I'm gonna take you to the nurse alright? I didn't think I pushed past you too hard, can you stand?" I was listening to his voice, but then out of all the scary and strange thoughts floating out, I could hear Edward's.

"There's so much blood, smells like... strange I can't read her thoughts?" I fluttered my eyes greatly confused feeling I was lifted up, my upper body is supported by his arms around my waist, being glided through the halls by him.

"I'm Edward Cullen but you must know that, you are?" He asked quietly.

I was keeping my hand pressed firmly against my nose, seeing most of the blood stopped rushing out like a bad nose bleed, but was still coating my hand  "It's Margo... Margo Olson."

I snapped my eyes open the loud strike of thunder and lightning it lit up the entire sky. From that day on, I never touched anyone again, never kissed, never held hands, at school.

I tried to wear gloves, or covered my hands up with my hoodies and sleeves. No skin to skin contact every again.

I had to learn on my own, lots of library trips, late nights on my laptop and book store trips. I also gained a fun new nickname. Fainter girl, how creative from idiots.

I cracked a small smile and inhaled. It also was the day I learned I had an unforgivable crush on Edward Cullen since then.

Not only did he stay in the nurse's office with me, but he also talked to my mom on the phone to encourage her I was alright.

But then it also was the day I learned. Bella Swan would also come before me. Yeah, I never was gonna be normal again, not locked into this world.

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