Chapter Twelve

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Margo's Pov
Half way during the long drive in the endless roads ahead. I had fallen asleep in the back seats exhaustion had taken over me just as quickly as it had came. I hadn't been back to Jacksonville in a while, even just by smelling the air I could sense the hot humid weather. Even in a life or death situation Jasper and Alice knew how to keep me calm and keep the entire time passing between us with ease.

After arriving at the nearby nice hotel, I found my body tensing up for a moment being pulled in to a rough vision. It's caused by body to jerk up forward for a moment.  Watching the way first Jasper checked on Alice placing a hand over her shoulder, before he rushed towards me holding my arm in concern.

"What did you see Margo?" My eyes rapidly blinked a few times, using my palm to grab at my temple with a low sounding grumble, I focused in on both their concerned gazing.

"Them leading James off with a false scents isn't working he figured it out and I think he is changing courses." I kept my hand over my temple before watching Alice tense up her own eyes glazing slightly before she spoke out, shaking her head fast a couple times.

"It's a dance studio." I tapped my fingers loosely across my temple a couple times, before muttering to the two, feeling Jasper was running at my upper shoulders a couple times.

"My sister last I checked was doing dance lessons." Jasper shared quick look at Alice with one another. Alice breaking the silence being a grin focusing on me. I watched her hands clasp together as she leaned forward in her seat.

"Are you hungry Margo? Let's go get you some food so we can go talk to Carlisle and the others." No one like playing the babysitters role, I sent a head nod in their direction before, I found my head focusing on my phone on the nearby table. I can see things sometimes, it happens but I stood up in annoyance grabbing it as it silently went off a few times answering it I looked around starting to pace the floor.

I didn't hear anything at first before I could hear my dad and my sister speaking in a panic tone. My body like always went into full sleet panic like state before I could hear James's chuckling voice speaking to me. "You know where to go, don't be a stupid human now." My teeth gritted in annoyance before I spoke a little firmly in my own tone.

"You know I can use others power's James.. I can see through your bull." I heard a light tsking sound before his chuckles had me fully alert.

"So fully judging from your scent you are quite the human Margo, but I know about Alice's power, you can't see your own so don't play games and come find out." I growled in annoyance hearing the loud beep from my phone.  I almost threw it to land on the floor to break it. I managed to stop thinking the rational thoughts of getting killed. It was gonna happen sooner or later.

I hated this dance studio.. I hated coming here when I was younger watching my sister. We had a decent relationship, just all the mirrors rounded in space it made you feel like you were only watching yourself. I could hear my footsteps echoing back towards me.

I stood there in the middle for a moment spinning around I was quickly pinned to the nearest surface. Of course what was with everyone touching me, oh wait... James has a tracking power, Edward had a earthly like scent as soon as James had me pinned I could sense it. So vague but it was there.

"I expected you to be a little more smarter than that Margo." I grabbed harshly at his arms a bit, coughing out feeling his head leaning in close to brush over my neck a pulse.

"Well I had a feeling my sister wasn't here... But only way to get you here alone right?" The disgust wasn't leaving my face. Just a little longer... I can sense them I can. I gasped out feeling his hands had moved to grasp at my inner thighs roughing digging his nails into it. Alright let's ignore the blood, you lived with nose bleeds for months and months.

"Is that your only way of hurting me?" I taunted lifting an eyebrow in his direction. As long as I kept my mind and myself distracted I would have been fine. I could ignore the sharp shivers of pain as the mirror glass cut into me. The profound bleeding of impact when I landed on the floor.

I could even hold back just a little of the scream that was ripped from me at the harsh snap of something from my leg. It was definitely a bone. I didn't wanna give him the satisfaction. Breathing rough intakes.

I looked at the dark red shade of blood covering my hand watching as James's body flew right off me after being shoved off. I grunted at the sight of Edward, grumbling when someone else was kneeling over me.

"Jasper get away." I strained out scooting my body away from him, when did they all arrive so quickly. He rolled his eyes down at me pressing his hand down on my thigh, next to him was Alice as well.

"I'm fine.. Carlisle! There's blood." I strained out my own laughter, grunting as a sudden pain had flicked through my wrist causing me to grunt biting more harshly at my lip.

"Fuck I think he bit me it's burning." I hissed out, watching Alice pull Jasper up to give him a little urge towards where Emmett and Rosalie were. It was unlike any pain I had experience nothing could, the burn that was soaring through my entire wrist.  I lifted my head up for a moment when I saw Edward had landed on the floor right in front of me, with Carlisle as well.

"Hey Margo." I faintly smiled feeling Edward's hand on my curls, gritting out a groan grabbing at his hand for a moment.

"Hey Edward." He smiled down at me through the pain, looking back over at Carlisle who looked conflicted as hell.

"The venom is spreading through out her blood stream she'll turn if you don't suck it from her blood stream." My eyes grew wide, lucky I was in too much pain to start exclaiming when Edward looked back at me with a pained expression.

"I'm gonna make the pain go away okay? "

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