(New Moon) Chapter Fourteen

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Margo's Pov
For quite a while, A promise was long away from my head. Was I a little upset from not attending. I was tender for a while, till I realized I would have other chances to dance the night away.

I was more worried about the new vampire like abilities taking over me, worried the smallest movements were breaking parts of my house or the Cullen's

Worrying that the venom would eat all my cells and turn me. So far from Carlisle's studies it's unlikely that will happen anytime soon.

I held my hand out in front of my face in a confusion manner, moving my fingers around quick like. I could see the quick flash in my room. Had me spinning around with a grin being quick to greet both Jasper and Emmett.

They did that a lot when they were bored... A lot more than Edward really.

"Hey guys." I exclaimed at them getting up from the desk, I was tossed into a great giant hug by Emmett feeling him kiss the side of my head with a smile.

"Happy Birthday Margo!" He exclaimed shaking me as quick as he could with an excited smile on his face.

Jasper rolled his eyes playfully. It was now my turn to step towards him, gesturing. He looked to be debating with himself before he was giving me a very quick and fast hug chuckling on my shoulder.

"Happy birthday Margo." He chuckled. I gave them both an oddball stare with a smile. I could do one of two things. I could read their minds and find out what the hell was going on this school day. Or be prepared for the worse from Alice. Emmett was a little more easy when he was excited so while chatting with him I just took a quick peek.

Damn it! She's looking at me with the Edward eyes.. Think about uhm.. School?

Okay so he was a little all over the place. Jasper was looking around at all my decorations on my wall. It would be long before he noticed me peeking in his mind, with the jittery nervousness hitting off him.

Okay so... We just need to keep her busy for.. Five more minutes hurry the hell up Edward

Well there goes some clues. He finally had snapped his head towards me when he noticed I was staring at him. He flashed me a nonchalant like smile, nudging Emmett quickly both of them bantering with one another.

This morning was already overwhelming while it was. It was my greatest birthday yet. Note the sarcasm of just wanting to take the school day off.

A louder like thump of another person soon had jumped into my room and window had caused me to almost have a heart attack, still I relaxed once again at the sight of Edward.

"I said I needed seven minutes." He told the two with a side grin. He moved between the two greeting me with a soft small kiss holding at my waist.

"That was longer than seven minutes I counted." Emmett defended out. Edward was smiling kissing along side my temple  before he muttering happy birthday to me quietly. I found myself in rounds of mixed emotions all around. Excitement, nice things to keep the flow.

"Come out to the porch really quick?" Jasper and Emmett had rose with their own deep chatter like argument when Edward was able to sneak me away out from my bedroom.

All the way downstairs I was quite lucky my mom was a heavy sleeper in the morning she deserved that at least. Though the sight of birthday pancakes on the counter had me almost doing a double take running out of Edward's arms.

He was then placing his hands over my eyes in amusement standing behind me leading me out the front door.

"Is this really necessary? I'm clumsy as I am." He just pressed a firm kiss to my cheek removing his hands from my eyes.

"Yes it's necessary. This isn't really just something I just bought alone.. The whole family thought you'd do nicely with your own car so.. We got you one." My eyes had almost left out of my skull. Looking back towards the slick black and sliver Mazda. I wasn't a car girl but I could tell what an expensive looking Mazda looked like.

My hand quickly flew to my mouth so fast exclaiming shouting across the yard. I was sure I had woke everyone in the neighbourhood up. "A.. You guys bought me a car! You guys bought me my own car?! Oh my god Edward!" I shouted screaming out of happiness.

I was quick to toss him in a fast hug, hearing him laughing loudly hugging my waist back. His head was pressed more too my neck.

"I'm glad you like it sweetheart." I was still screaming in excitement long even when Emmett and Jasper joined us outside. Emmett had caught me in a hug when I hugged both him and Jasper being handed the keys by Jasper. My mom finally had came out sleepy like on the porch.

"Oh gosh Margo you better be dying." She joked out standing there. Jasper made sure to move to stand next to Edward. I held the keys out in front of her. Another happy giggle leaving me.

"I got a car mom! They gave me a car for my birthday!"

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