Chapter 8

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We eventually sailed home and the all the mayors of the towns joined us on our ship which was hidden from the guards at sea. "So it's settled then tonight the war will begin, we have put everyone in place while you were gone. Myself, Isebelle and Adam will lead all of our armies to the west side of Old Quarter trying to punch through to get into Worthington and we will blow up the gates to get into it" Georgia explained. "That's correct the guards attention will be drawn there and that will open up the main route into Worthington" Daniel told her. "Next Alisha, Nathan, James and Rochelle and there armies plus Harry's army will blow up the east side killing any guards over there. Finally Jake, Daniel and Harry will go together as a three getting through the main route. Pat and Roy your army will be behind them fighting off as many soldiers as you can from reaching the three. Finally Jacob you and your ships will be on both the east and west side after the explosions. You will fire at Worthington blowing up as many gates and doors as you can in the way along with any large packs of guards heading for us but don't hit the castle we want Jakes family alive!" Georgia explained. "So any last questions?" Daniel asked. "No I think we have everything covered" Harry told us. "I can't wait my blood is bubbling in excitement it's been a while since I was in the thick of a fight!" Roy cheered. "Well some of us haven't ever been in a war before but I sure am excited" Alisha told us. "Some of you may not make it to the end but I promise you'll be true heroes of this country no matter your fate" I told them all.
That night the war began Adam, Georgia and Isabelle blew up the west side gates and half of Jacobs ships started firing cannons. Blowing up pieces of Old Quarter but getting us closer to Worthington which was quickly heavily protected. However that was when the east side was blown up, Alisha, Nathan, James and Rochelle blew up that side and Jacobs other half started firing cannons. Myself, Harry and Daniel charged into the middle threw the explosions and gunshots. Pat and Roy tried to hold off guards attacking us from behind. The three of us were in the town centre of Old Quarter seeing fire and rubble all around us. Guards charged towards us and we got into a fight, sword fighting with many guards. We were good enough to defect the first pack of seven guards but as we got closer to Worthington the packs got larger we rushed towards the main gate into Worthington which hadn't been blown up yet. Jacobs ships hadn't destroyed it yet, luckily we were busy fighting whilst he was preparing to blow it up. I was sliced a few times by guards but I wouldn't let the blood stop me I've been hurt enough times to help stand the pain. I just kept going the adrenaline inside me was pumping. Jacobs ships then blew up the main gate and killed some of the guards near it. We killed the remaining few guards and hurried along the through the gates into Worthington which was heavily armed with guards. Pat and Roy caught us up and charged right past us charging into the thick of a battle with us. Before we knew it we were in a giant fight of people fighting. Jacob and his ships were watching through there telescopes and fired cannons at some nearby houses to kill the guards with the tumbling rumble. I swung my sword left, right and centre killing some and helping others.
We pushed past the guards and Roy turned to me with excitement. "DONT YOU JUST LOVE IT IM PUMPED WITH RAGE!" He shouted and smiled. I lead him forward and we marched on fighting in the streets of Worthington. I recognised most of the places where we charged towards my home. We ran forwards in the streets getting into another large fight this one seemed harder some of Pat and Roy's army were being killed. Pat was trying to fight one man when she was stabbed in the back from behind, she collapsed to the floor dead. Jacobs ships started firing more cannons into Worthington helping us the army's heading towards. As we went to march onwards Roy saw Pat dying on the floor. He screamed and came to her, myself, Harry and Daniel followed him kneeling down to her. "You three go on!" He shouted. "Let us help her!" I said. "No go on!" He told me firmly as Harry and Daniel pulled me along. "We can't help her she's dying now" Daniel told me as he pulled me along.
Up ahead we met up with Georgia, Adam and Isabelle and there armies we could see by the number of them a good number had died or at least been left injured. We marched on and headed for the the last gate to reach my family. Killing guards along the way they were completely outnumbered. Especially when those on the east side joined us to get to the final gate. Jacob and his ships blew it up. We had won the fight and were only a couple of miles from the castle. We all marched to my house. Everyone was told to wait outside the castle until further instructions. Myself and Daniel charged into my house!
We broke down the doors and rushed inside no guards were inside they were too busy outside dying or fighting. We searched my house and found my father in the war room. Myself and Daniel stood proud with our bloody weapons and bloody clothes with a few cuts over us. "Well hasn't it been a while since ive seen you two. It's been two years now since you ran away from home". "We've won Roger your off the thrown along with Tracey!" Daniel told him. "I will admit my son does appear to have grown up these last two years and you do seem to know how to fight. Perhaps I could let you lead our country after all". "You wasn't a leader father you started as one and then you turned into a ruler and became evil!" I yelled at him. "Did it not occur to you Jake that I may of had good reason to do some of the things I did?" He told me. "Save it for your trail Roger!" Daniel said as he put his sword to his neck and forced him to walk out the room leaving me alone to think about what he had said.

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