Chapter 7

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Monday morning was when we reached Daniel and the others in the sewers. Harry wasted no time in telling them what had gone on. "I guess it was only a matter of time before Jake's family found out about the rebellion. Now he's hunting us down" Georgia said sadly. "At least Josh died a hero" Daniel told us. "A hero? Did you not hear me? He was beaten, humiliated and then murdered" Harry snapped. "And he didn't tell Roger a thing, or we would be captured or dead now. That is what I call dying a hero" Daniel told him. "However we do have good news, we have found the place that can be the last addition to our army" Jeff told us. "Sandy Doom" Daniel then said. "That island that is near our country?" Harry asked. "I fail to see how going there will help us, Sandy Doom is a dead land. No one lives there" Georgia told him. "No people must live there Roger went searching for new land two years ago and came back two months later I bet you any money he went to Sandy Doom. I'm just sure people live there" Daniel told us. "We've planned how to get there but we need a boat, so were going to get one and travel there!" Jeff told us. "Jake you and Harry are going to take the back roads to get to the ships. While myself and Jeff take on bigger roads distracting as many guards as possible. Georgia and James along with the rest of Georgia's army will bring the already packed crates of supplies we will need for our trip" Daniel explained. "When do we start?" Harry asked. "Now!" Georgia said as we then took to our roles.
Myself and Harry rushed outside and ran into a back alley. Harry lead the way knowing a bit more about Stone Henge than I did, he had a better idea of where to go. Things started off well we were unseen it was only when we got closer to the ships we got caught by a guard. He blew his whistle attracting more guards. Harry quickly killed him and the two of us rushed off knowing more guards were coming! We wasn't wrong in fact they started chasing us and shooting at us. We ran around a corner hearing a huge explosion. We didn't know it but Daniel and Jeff blew up a crane which helped move things onto ships. That large crane exploded destroying the ships next to it. "I guess that's what they meant by distracting the guards!" Harry said as I then laughed behind him. It was a good thing to most of the guards stopped chasing us to see what had happened. The two of us reached a ship on the edge of the pier and about thirty seconds later Jeff and Daniel came running towards us, followed by Georgia ,James and a few men carrying crates.
They loaded them onto the ship, only myself, Harry and Daniel boarded the ship. Georgia, Jeff and James were in charge of telling the mayors what we were doing and keeping them up to date on everything and telling them the plan about the rebellion.
We set sail quickly to get away from trouble. I didn't even get much of a chance to say goodbye to Jeff but I'm sure he understood.
The ship we was on was a very fine and well built ship, it was a latest model. A new steam powered ship with a large sail. Not only did this ship have a sail to gain speed, it got extra speed by burning coal which rotated the two large wheels attached to the side of the ship pushing them through the water making the ship go faster.
We were due to reach Sandy Doom that evening, the ship was fast and it wasn't that far away from us. However we ran into trouble when we almost made it to Sandy Doom, sadly for us my fathers guards were chasing us. They must have followed us and caught us up, but it wasn't just one ship following us. It was a whole fleet of thirty ships. "Were not making it to Sandy Doom are we?" Harry asked as he looked behind him at the fleet. Myself and Daniel turned around and our hearts dropped. They fired cannons blowing holes in our ship. We immediately ran below deck getting away from any gunmen or other cannons. But the ships blew more holes into ours and our ship broke into two and sank into the water. The fleet turned around leaving us to drown in the sea!
I don't know what happened after that, it was all a blur after the water hit me because the next thing I knew I was on a beach with Daniel. He told me I passed out in the water and he managed to save me. He didn't know what happened to Harry he lost him in the sea.
The two of us started to head up a hill heading for the large cave at the top. "Is he dead?" I asked. "I don't know Jake. Hopefully he washed up on the beach somewhere else it's all we can hope for". Sandy Doom was very hot it was like being in one of those things I herd about as a child where camels lived, I'm not sure what it was called though. The two of us walked into the cave and inside was a enormous open spaced room bigger than anything I had seen in my life. It had stone bannisters around the edges and as you looked over you saw some stone stairs leading you down to the ground floor which had a hole in the ground with a pink force field blocking anyone from going down it. "What the hell is that?" Daniel asked. "Not a clue but it's getting dark now we should stay in here and investigate" I said looking behind us. The two of us walked to the stone stairs and walked down them to the bottom. "We are not dying here Jake. We haven't come this far with this many people behind us to die on a abandoned island". "We will make it off this island hopefully" I said looking around. "We wasn't the only ones on this island" Daniel said looking at the bones of the remains of people that were here. "That's..... Great" I replied. "Let's have a look at there things" Daniel said searching through some papers. I picked up a book and started reading it out loud. "It's coming! The darkness is coming! I know now I can't ever escape it, no one can its to powerful and to deadly. It will come for us all and eat us from the inside out". "Well that's not a good entry in a diary" Daniel replied as he stood up holding a strange looking black book. As he flipped through the pages he got closer to the force field and the book vibrated near it. As he walked closer the book sucked the force field into it. "Hey look! I opened it!" Daniel said sounded excited. "Were not seriously going down those steps are we?". "Yes of course because there's a way out down here, why else would it be blocked off?" Daniel told me and rushed down the stairs and I soon followed. We walked half way down the stairs and the pink force field came back out the book and returned to its place. "Well there's no going back now" I told him not looking happy.
We got to the bottom of the stairs and saw it was quite dark down here. There were some unlit torches on the wall, which Dan then picked up and lit uses two stones to make sparks. It only took a few minutes since Dan knew how to hit the stones to get sparks.
We walked through a dark tunnel which now had some light from Daniel. We saw more bones on the floor and cobwebs along with broken stones. The tunnel went on for a while until we reached a huge open planned room with another pink force field at the top of some stairs. We rushed over to it and got it out the way with the book which Daniel was pleased about again. Once again as we walked through it, it came back and blocked us from going back.
We continued down another tunnel and walked down some steps and carried on seeing more bones. "You will die! Your families will die! Your friends will die!" A voice said around us. "WHOS THERE!" Daniel shouted as we both looked around. "The children are coming out to play!" A deep voice said and laughed. Suddenly out into the light of our fire these strange shadows were walking towards us. They looked like people but they were black, completely black but you could also faintly see through them, hence why they looked like shadows. As I rushed up to them swinging my sword they turned to dust instantly. About twenty popped up and I killed them all under thirty seconds perhaps. "Were fine Jake we just need to get out of here!" Daniel told me as the two of us started running down the tunnels. We ran down three flights of stairs and then continued onwards. "We must be close to an exit I feel a slight cold breeze!" Daniel said happily as we kept running towards an exit.
"I will eat your soul! Drain the life from you and eat you from the inside out!" The voice said again. "SHUT UP!" Daniel shouted as we kept running. "I'm coming for you" it said and laughed. The two of us didn't stop we kept running down the tunnels and reached the end of the path. As we looked down the path continued it was just a matter of jumping down and not breaking a bone. It was a bit like jumping from the second floor window of your house onto the ground. You may not actually injure yourself but the risk was certainly there especially if you landed wrong. "Well you first Jake and let me know what it's like down there" Daniel said and smiled. "Oh your too kind" I said sarcastically looking down. I prepared myself and then jumped down hitting the ground hard but luckily not injuring myself. I landed on my feet and then falling onto my hands. I got up and looked up at Daniel. "It's safe your turn" I called. "One second!" He replied as he moved back to prepare himself. "What the hell?" He said. "WAIT NO GO AWAY!" He shouted. "WHATS GOING ON DANIEL?" I panicked. "NO STOP NO!" He screamed. "DANIEL? DANIEL?" I shouted as I herd no reply and the light went out.
Things were now almost pitch black dark, "You let him die. You let your friend die Jake! Your next" the deep voice said. I started running onwards in the tunnels not completely seeing where I was. "Your happy he's dead aren't you! Once I'm done with you I'll come and take all your other friends including your boyfriend". I started to cry a little running down the tunnels, it wasn't for long as I then tripped and tumbled down some stairs landing in a large room which was lit by a force field glow. The room had many knights in amour standing around. I looked ahead rubbing my head and limbs which were a bit sore. I saw Daniel standing and screaming, there was some black goo over his clothes and leaking from his mouth and eyes.
Suddenly more shadow people started popping up, I quickly got up and killed them without a scratch. Suddenly the black goo was in patches on the floor one patch started entering some of the knights in amour. They actually came to life and looked at me and then raising there weapons. The knights charged towards me and I sprung into action. Luckily for me these knights were so old the metal was quite weak. Killing them wasn't overly difficult you had to hit hard to break the metal but it was doable. I ended up destroying the knights with minimal damage to myself. I turned around and Daniel was on the floor. I took him by the hand and shouted come on as I turned to the right side of the room was another tunnel with a glowing light coming from it. As I pulled along Daniel I knew he was weak but I couldn't leave him for dead. As we ran to the end of the tunnel we left the cave and entered a dessert. We ran up a hill and Daniel was very out of breath by the time we got to the top. It was morning, but it seemed like we was only in the cave for a couple of hours. Maybe time moves more slowly in that cave. I looked ahead and saw a statue in the distance, "were heading for that statue people may be near" I told him. "No... Please.... I can't go on" Daniel told me as he collapsed to the floor. "No I won't leave you behind" I said as I picked him off the floor and started to basically drag him down the hill towards the statue which I knew would take hours and hours to get to, even if Daniel was fully healthy it would take some time to get there. I managed to get Daniel to the bottom of the hill, that was when he collapsed to the floor with his eyes closed. "Daniel?" I asked looking worried. As far as I knew he was dead and there was nothing I can do about it.
I had to go on without him, I then started to walk across the dessert over sand hills and making my way to the statue. I was crying as I thought Daniel was dead. After crying for a good hour or so I looked ahead and saw a table with Daniel sitting on it. I ran towards it and herd the deep voice again, "your friend is all gone! I ate him from the inside out" it said and laughed. I knew I was in trouble and I screamed and ran past the fake table and Daniel, which must have been some illusion. As I ran on in fear the voice kept speaking to me. "You left him for dead Jake! He's dead because of you! He would have done anything for you and you got him killed! You pathetic little boy!" It told me. For a good few minutes he taunted me and I started to feel quite weak and dizzy. I was out of breath and started to feel more light headed, I then fell to the floor struggling to get the energy to breath. I then closed my eyes laying on the sand.
It was a couple of days later when I was awoken. "He's still alive" A female voice said nicely. "How can you tell?" A familiar voice asked. "I've seen this condition many times, he is very much alive your other friend can't be far from here" the female voice replied. I herd the voices but couldn't open my eyes. I only opened them three hours later in a tent, I had Harry sitting beside me and a handsome looking man next to him. I screamed and panicked "where am I?" I cried. "Calm down your safe" Harry assured. "Harry?" I said looked shocked. "Where's Daniel?". "He's just getting treatment right now" Harry told me. "Who are you?" I asked looking at a large strong man with tanned skin and big muscles with a big built figure, brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a thin white vest and shorts with some sandals. "I am Jacob the mayor and knight of Sandy Dooms" he explained. "What?" I said looking puzzled. "I washed up near his town and his people took me in, I've been searching for you for three months now Jake. Jacob told me that if you entered the cave which you did time moves very slowly inside. You were actually inside that cave for three months, that was the only reason we kept looking for you but we couldn't go inside, or we may have died" Harry told me. "Come with us Jake" Jacob told me as he stood up with Harry helping me onto my feet. He took me outside to a Sandy land full of stone houses and wooden market stalls and tents. Some people lived in houses others in tents. People here were doing average in wealth. Sandy Doom was not part of Worthington so they were not effected by my dad. But everyone here seemed sad and nervous. "What's wrong with everyone it's so quiet?" I asked looked around as we walked through the streets. "Everyone here has lost someone close to them, the darkness has killed many of our people. You'll find flowers and pieces of paper all over this city it's where the families of those that died find a place to give them peace. We can't stop the darkness from coming, no one can but it can be defeated when it's true self is in human form. He will be in this form when he attacks us all for good and he won't stop at Sandy Doom it's coming for Worthington too and then the rest of the world" Jacob explained. "So what do we do?" I asked. "We must defeat it when it attacks us and everyone will be safe once again". "I asked Jacob if him and his people would join us in our fight for the rebellion" Harry told me. "I accepted naturally, I can't offer you many people in your army but we do have some impressive ships to offer you. But I will only give you those ships and my few people if you sign this paper, it states that when you are King you will make Sandy Doom a state in Worthington which means you'll have to send guards to us and treat us like your own states. All we ask for to be protected from the darkness like your other states" Jacob asked. "That's fine" I told him as I signed the paper. "You don't need anything from me or the people or even a peace offering we are not part of your country yet" Jacob explained. "Once Daniel is back in good health we are sailing back to Worthington for the war!" Harry told me.
We stayed in Sandy Doom for another few days hearing stories from townspeople and learning about the town and it's history. When Daniel awoke he was still weak but we was gaining his health back. I came to visit him when I herd the news. "How are you?" I asked. "Fine now" he said slowly. "Harry saved us both, were going back to Worthington myself and Harry will explain on the way" I told him. Myself, Harry, Jacob and some of his men packed some supplies and took to lots of ships quickly sailing home.

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