Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Myself and Jeff stood under the stone gazebo and stared at the calm soothing crystal water below us. I herd a few birds chirping as the flew by, and saw in the distance were some ducks swimming in the water. "Remember how we first met Jake?".
Flashback to 23 months ago in June
My family had travelled to Rosy Lake on a break and decided to attend the yearly, Rosy Lake Ball which was held in the grand hall near the lake. My parents danced a little while my brother ran around. I took to the table of food and started picking at the things I wanted, pieces of meat and various fruits. I even managed to sneak a bit of red wine which tasted great. I did like going to the yearly ball they are really my thing. I stood near the back wall by the window which allowed you to see the moon light shine on the water. That was when I first laid eyes on Jeff. In fact it didn't take Jeff long to come over to me to start talking. I didn't know if he came over quickly because he knew I was the Prince or it was just his thing? Of course neither of us knew we had feelings for other boys so we each started talking in a friendly way. "Hello I'm Jeffery but you may call me Jeff, how are you enjoying the party Prince Jake" he said and bowed. "It's lovely but I'm a little bored I was thinking of getting some air by the lake". "That would be lovely shall I escort you?". "If you wish" I replied as I walked out the building with him following me.
We sat down near the edge of the water and stared at the bright light on the water. "The moon is a perfect shape tonight completely full" he told me. "Yes it sure is lovely". We laid down and stared at the moon and stars. Only for a few minutes until our heads turned to look at each other, as we started into each other's eyes we each felt something, like a magnet was pulling us towards each other. That was when we each leaned in for a kiss under the stars.
Back to the present
"It was a lovely night, very romantic" I told him. "We was so young yet we knew what we wanted". We walked off the gazebo, and onto the dirt path, myself and Jeff held hands back to the house where we would rest one last time before training for three months striaght.
Believe me it was no piece of cake, Daniel had me training hard. He took us to the Rosy Lake training quarters. It was used for soldiers or anyone who wanted to learn to sword fight and such. A few weeks past and I had learned a few techniques as did Jeff. We trained with dummies and with Daniel or others sometimes. A lot of people wanted to help me but then they liked me since I was very well respected around these parts. I also had friends who lived in Rosy Lake since I've been here so many times.
Today was June 6th and I had gone a month into training and today was I fighting Jeff. We clashed swords and whacked them at each other trying to take the other down. He swung for my legs but I jumped over the sword. He tried swinging at my chest by I dodged the swing. I tried to attack his stomach but his sword hit mine hard in defence. We were both sweaty and both trying hard to draw blood from the other. That was the aim of the Rosy Lake Battle, fifty people both men and woman from the ages of 15 to 25 go into a arena, an audience would sit around the circular arena and cheer and watch. Each person was given a sword, shield and red flag. When someone cuts you and you draw blood they will raise there red flag and leave the arena. If they hold up the flag no one is allowed to touch them or you will be disqualified. However we were fighting so hard we completely missed a beautiful girl standing in the doorway. With long brown hair, pale skin, hazel eyes and slim figure. She wore a red ruby necklace on her chest, and a long silky green dress that came to her feet and covered her arms. It was wasn't bushy just straight down to her feet. "Careful boys someone may get seriously hurt" she called in a pleasant voice and walked into the building and stood next to Daniel who was watching us. "Jake you haven't met Rochelle yet, she owns the local tavern in a Rosy Lake". "It is an honour, my Prince" she said and bowed. "Oh thank you, why are you hear?" I asked out of breath. "To give you the paper to sign to be in the Rosy Lake Tournament" she told me pulling a piece of paper and a feather pen from her breasts. "I signed the document as did Jeff and she was pleased. "I hope one of you wins" she told us with a smile. "What are your demands once I get the public on my side for this rebellion?". "We don't have any, I already signed what I needed to and have a peace offering there's nothing we want from you". "Can't say fairer than that, thank you Rochelle. Why are you happy to let me be King when the rest of Rosy Lake needs convincing?". "Daniel was telling me about your adventures and I thought well maybe you'll make a fine king".
The days and weeks went by and real progress was being made I trained hard with Jeff and Daniel practising fighting moves and becoming more king like everyday. But the day had finally came it was the tournament in Rosy Lake. Fifty young men and women stood inside the Rosy Lake Arena with swords and shields in a circle. Above us over a caged dome was the residents of Rosy Lake watching us booing and cheering. I stood a little nervous with a royal sword and shield as did Jeff but he was on the other side of the arena, or at least I think he was it was hard to tell. The aim of the game was to defeat your opponents by either knocking there weapons out of there hands, making them surrender or draw blood from them. If you drop your shield or weapon your not allowed to pick it up, if you lose both your out of the game, if you get cut and blood is drawn your out of the game and if someone is to hard to fight and you surrender your out of the game.
Rochelle the leader of Rosy Lake and the owner of the local tavern rang the large bell above the arena to start the fight. As she rung it hell broke loose, most of the men charged into a big huddle into the middle of the arena. And begun bashing into one another. I think in the first minute about twenty of the men were out. Luckily those who played this game were honourable and didn't cheat but that came with being rich and noble I guess. I then decided to start the game and I started to run up to the men and women fighting, although it is not a thing for women to do anything other than cool and clean Rosy Lake was a little more joyful and did allow women to participate but most of the contestants were men and the women who did try out left near enough straight away. Another five left as I ran up making only half of us left. I straight away took out three men by slicing there backs with my sword, people should really watch there backs in this game. I saw Jeff in a thick battle with a man, there swords banged and whacked each other but I could see on both there facing they were having fun. I quickly put my attention back onto myself and begun being more sneaky and cutting men behind there backs, in fact I was making very little effort to this game. However a rather large man did come up to me and whacked my shield with full power several times. He kept pushing me back and back with his thrusts of might. I tried attacking back whacking my sword against his letting him know I want scared. I whacked his sword again and did a move Daniel taught me. I raised my shield up to the mans face whacking it towards him. He defended by hitting his shield against mine. In that time I ducked down and sliced both his legs which were unguarded and he was out the game. I then counted the number of people left it was fourteen. I watched Jeff knock out a few more people and of course I helped knock out some more with sneaky cuts.
We got down to the final five people when Jeff was knocked out by a cut to the arm. I was slightly nervous being left on my own with three other guys but we went one on one together. I turned and whacked my sword against one of the men holding just a shield. He blocked me and I whacked him again whacking my sword against his shield. He shoved me backwards with his shield and I stumbled back. I whacked my shield against his and jumped up swung my sword over his shield slicing his arm. He left the arena with another man who had just lost. It was down to me and one other man. The crowd was cheering and shouting in excitement as we charged into battle. We whacked swords and whacked shields. He shoved me back and I shoved him neither of us wanting to give up. I had one move up my sleeve and I had to do it in order to win. I jumped up into the air and whacked my sword downwards, he blocked with his shield. As I came down to the ground I kicked him in the stomach which was unprotected and as he moved his arms down I knocked his shield from his hands with my sword. Maybe it was down to skill or maybe it was just luck but now I had the advantage in the fight. He was shocked and the crowed roared in excitement. I then tried to attack again whacking him with my shield and trying to attack with my sword. He was blocking me well, right up until I managed to slice across his left arm and blood was drawn. I cheered in excitement and the crowd cheered for me. Rochelle rushed out and took me to the stands above the arena and crowned me this years winner. People were cheering and excited, they were then told by Rochelle to rethink there choice of the new king and asked to vote again before leaving the arena. Lets just say Daniel was right I then received 84% of the votes to be the new king, I had won over Rosy Lake.
"Well done Jake it seems you have us on board, I'm sticking to what I said we have no demands for you, so here is our peace offering and the document" Rochelle told me and handed me a very expensive and stunning looking diamond fruit bowl. It was sliver with diamonds stuck to it, it was very fancy. "Thank you Rochelle, So what is next Daniel?" I asked. "We only have three states left to go to. One will be the hardest to win over, one other will be a little difficult and one should be pretty easy. The thing is I'm still concerned that winning them all over isn't enough people for our war, we can address that problem later though. We have Stone Henge to win over who's Mayor is actually hiding in the city as people was her dead" he told me. "Why what did she do?" Jeff asked. "Nothing actually your father turned her over years ago and now Stone Henge is the poorest state with the highest rate of slavery too. They are the ones with all the factories and make everything for us the poor people. However Georgia who is Tailor and The Mayor is hiding from everyone the people actually like and respect her it's the guards that want her dead. She doesn't have much control of the state anymore the guards make most of the rules along with.... Mimi" he explained. "Who is Mimi?" Rochelle asked. "Mimi is technically not a bad lady, Jake and Jeff know of her they have met her before. She is The Kings financial helper. She try's to earn the royal family more money but new orders from The King have made her come across very evil. I just hope under the laws of Jake she hasn't actually turned evil. Anyway another state option is Stone Market which I'm surprised you've never been to Jake it's fairly similar to the market in Worthington it's just further away. People there are either average in wealth or wealthy not many people are rich there. They have some lovely shops that you'd love. The reason they might be a bit difficult to win over is because they have comfortable life and they are not too effected by The King so they may not feel like they need you. However I'm sure they can be won over once we speak to Adam the gunsmith". "And what's the last state that hasn't joined you?" Rochelle asked. "Old Quarters the state that was first founded in this country when it was distcovered. It has some history there along with some monuments, however the people there are also fairly poor but they do a little better than the those in Gardens Peak but not much better. They should be pretty easy to win over since they need a new leader. We will speak to Isabelle the jewellery maker". "Well let's start with Old Quarter it's the easiest and after the fight I've had I will need a easy challenge" I told him.

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