Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was 10am in Worthington and like most days I was still asleep, getting extra rest not that I needed it. However the butler James came into my royal bedroom to pull open my extremely tall red velvet curtains to allow the sun to brighten the room. The sun shined on all of my things, my shiny wooden wardrobes, my marble desk, and my various objects on shelves. I continued to sleep in my royal red bed which matched my blue carpet and blue walls. "Prince Jake it's morning, enjoy the sun! It's warm today!" James called as he carefully pulled the covers of me and I awoke. I saw the sight of James, his brown short hair, white pale skin, brown eyes. Wearing his black jacket with black trousers and shoes. "Come on Prince Jake lets get you up and I shall bring Helen in to do your hair". I managed to pull myself up and sit at my soft red chair in front of my marble table in front of my golden mirror with purple gems around the edges. I looked over to the right of the room and saw my desk which still had paper and bottles of ink on it. I hadn't finished writing my story yet. It was a hobby of mine, I am quite a creative person, art wasn't something I was good at, though I'd like it to be I do buy painting sometimes, but instead I started writing stories but they are personal I don't show anyone. "Prince Jake it's a pleasure to see you" Helen called as she bowed and lifted her dress a little. "Hello Helen" I said nicely. She begun brushing my soft short brown hair. "Would you like to bath this evening Prince Jake?". "Yes my dear". She continued to brush my hair to its perfect shape. Afterwards a slight trim to keep it at perfect length. "Prince Jake I have laid out two sets of clothes on the manikins for you if you would pick one for today" James asked. I dismissed Helen and walked over to the manikins. I stared at the one on the left, it seemed practical, a white shirt, black trousers and black shoes perfect for a lazy day. Even better if I wasn't leaving the castle at all. Then I saw the one on the right, a elegant outfit. A white shirt to go under my blue fabric jacket, with golden shoulder pads, golden buttons to do it up with and golden stitching. A pair of white trousers, white gloves and some black boots. To finish it all off, on the top of the head of the manikin was a small golden crown with red jewels on the front. It was my Princes crown. "I want the elegant outfit" I told James as I started to dress into it. "Perfect choice, you do always like to look your best, just like your mother in that way. I will put away your other clothes and the manikins for you". "Thank you James". "Oh and also Master Jeffery Seeder would like to speak to you, he's been in the garden for over half an hour now. I'm sure you know what he wants" he said and smiled. I giggled and replied "James you don't have to call him that, Master Jeffery is just fine or even just Jeff or Jeffery". "My apologises Prince Jake". "Well he's waited this long he wait a little more, I shall have breakfast and meet him after, if you would be so kind as to tell him". "For a 16 year old boy you sure know how to play adult games, but of course I shall do as you wish". I then walked into the beautifully decorated corridor, the wooden floors, the stunning painting on the walls, with many glorious statues.
I walked down the beautiful shiny wooden stairs with a red rug nailed to them in the centre. I walked down them seeing a few servants cleaning. "My Prince" they all said as they bowed to me. "Ladies" I said nicely as I strolled into the dinning room, I saw the stunning golden candle holders and the shiny brown table with comfy seats near the giant marble fireplace with a painting of my dad above it. A servant walked into the room and I politely asked for her to get me some food from the kitchen. "Yes Prince Jake, today the chefs cooked a rabbit stew if you'd like that?". "That would be lovely" I told her. She rushed off and in about thirty seconds she served me my breakfast in a lovely wooden bowl and served me some expensive tea in a lovely cup. I ate until I was full and I enjoyed my breakfast, the rabbit was cooked perfectly and my tea was the correct temperature. I left the room and walked out into the back garden to stand on my huge stone patio and look out and saw in the distance was a boy. He was way at the back sitting near the soothing pond, the short cut grass was lovely to sit on and the stone path let you walk around the garden to stare at the stone statues and stunning flowers. There was even the big doors on the small stone shed which when opened let you underground into the catacombs which had several of my ancestors buried in there. Past Royal members of my family were all buried inside.
I walked along the path and saw sitting by the pond was a 18 year old rich middle class boy named Jeffery or Jeff as he preferred to be called by his friends and family, Jeffery was more used for commoners and servants. He had soft brown hair, brown eyes, a lovely natural slightly glowing tanned skin colour, his body was big built his chest and shoulders were big with muscle. He was strong and courageous but still young and had his life ahead of him. He wore his red and golden jacket, his white trousers and black shoes went well with it. "I believe you requested for me?" I called. He quickly stood up in happiness. "Yes my Prince" he said and bowed. "Don't be silly" I replied and I gave him a long warm hug and a polite kiss on the cheek. "I can't believe I've found someone like you, even though we are breaking the law, I've never felt happier with you" he explained as he held my hands. "I feel the same way, it's only been a year and I know your the one for me". "One day when your king we will get married". "If I'm king, I don't think my dad will let me be it, my brother will be king". "Don't be foolish Jake it's a Royal thing, the first born son gets the throne". "My dad makes the rules if he wishes to change them he will, besides I'm sure he favours my brother over me". "Jake lets not get down, one day it will happen". "Maybe your right I guess". "I do have some bad news for you though". "What is it Jeff?". "Today a eighteen year old boy was falsely accused of being gay and he was beheaded this morning". "How do you know he was falsely accused". "That's what the rumours are and apparently three others were beheaded at random just for knowing the boy. As you can imagine everyone is scared not knowing who will be killed next, and will they be killed just for knowing them". "That's monstrous I must stop this!". "Talk to your servants Jake let them know you will protect them". He was right I had to do something, I might be better than my servants but I do like them, most of them have worked for my family there whole lives. They are actually friends of my family but that doesn't mean we won't punish there behaviour they still have the same laws and rules of the peasants. Even so I must protect them in some way and show them they are loved.
I ran with Jeff all the way into the kitchen to see the chefs talking, by the fire places and ovens. Everyone went silent as we walked into the room and I spoke "I herd that you all know about the beheadings this morning and I'd like you all to know that no one working in this castle and none of your family members will be killed. I will not let it happen, I will even speak to my father and find out what's happening and try to put an end to it". "We love you Prince Jake" a lady cheered. "You really are the good one among your family Jake aren't you" a man dressed in a dark blue jacket, black trousers and black boats called. "Sir Daniel what brings you here?" Jeff asked. "I came to speak with Jake may I have a word?" He asked. "I will speak to you soon Master Jeffery" I politely said as I walked with Daniel the twenty eight year old soldier into the dinning room for a chat. "Have you herd what your father has been doing recently?". "I don't know a lot about what my father does. Him and my mother do not normally talk about the things they do to me or my brother?". "Your father has raised the taxes again, people are beginning to dislike him, along with the situation that happened today have you herd?". " I wonder why he raised the taxes again? And I am aware it's been a horrible morning". "Over the last few years your father has been doing some horrible things and your mother doesn't seem to be stopping him". "Yes it is rather strange? I could ask him he may tell me, my dad hates me being gay, he doesn't hate me however" I explained. "Let me speak to him first we get on really well, if not I will let you ask". "Sounds good to me, are you going to teach me some sword fighting today, I do enjoy it" I asked nicely. "Of course, I will gladly fight with you".
Myself and Sir Daniel walked into the training room, which had some dummies to fight with along with the finest weapons to train with, swords, maces, bows and such. "I am getting better at sword fighting but I feel the bow is more for me". "You must learn sword fighting Jake, you never know when it will come in handy but yes you do seem to have a natural talent for archery". Myself and Daniel took two swords and started whacking them together he tried teaching me some good moves and I tried my best, I wasn't brilliant but I had improved over the years. After an hour I was tired, that was when my brother barged into the room. My brother was Prince Archie, he was eight with short brown hair and brown eyes. You'd think he was sweet and to the naked eye he was, but if you worked in the castle or knew him well he was a rebellious, selfish, crafty and sneaky boy who played mischief on everyone. My dad always praised his behaviour while my mother scolded him. Me and him did not get on at all. He came in wearing his princes crown with blue gems, his purple jacket, black trousers and shoes. "Are we not having fun today Daniel?" He asked. "Leave brother, we are busy". "Your horrible at using weapons, I am better than you and I'm half your age!" He snapped. "Get out!" I snapped. "Boys stop! Archie maybe later if I'm free I will have a game with you". My brother charged out the room stamping his feet and slamming the doors shut. "Your brother cannot be king, I hope your father sticks to tradition and gives you the throne, I couldn't ever see him as king or at least a good or nice one". "I wouldn't count on it, my mother would make me king if it were her choice". "Unfortunately your mother doesn't get the final choice on the matter". "SIR DANIEL, JAKE QUICK, RIOTS ARE STARTING OUTSIDE THE CASTLE!" Jeff shouted as he bursted into the room. We ran with him up to the front window at the castle next to the huge front doors. I saw angry people shouting and yelling horrible names about my dad. That was when I saw the guards start shooting a few of the townspeople at random. "MAKE THEM STOP!" I shouted. "I will get your father!" Daniel yelled as charged upstairs. "What do we do?" I asked looking scared. "Follow me you can make them stop" Nathan asked two white knights standing inside the castle by the doors to open them. As they did the knights outside stopped shooting and the people stopped shouting. "STOP THIS!" I yelled at the guards. "Prince Jake they are committing a crime" a knight told me. "You are not to kill any of them, they have the right to speak!" I yelled as I stood on the tall stone patio which was next to the stone stairs which lead onto the front garden of which the townspeople stood on. "We are allowed to go against you Prince Jake, it's the kings orders not yours!" Another knight told me. Suddenly knights on horses galloped up behind thirty or so people and pointed guns at them. "You are all under arrest, you will be sentenced by the king in the throne room in a moment. Anyone who tries to run off will be shot. "You can't do that!" I shouted down the knights as the people looked scared. "Jake lets get your dad the knights aren't listening" Jeff told me as he pulled my arm inside the castle. "Let's find your dad, I assume he's in the sitting room upstairs".
Myself and Nathan ran up to my father and mother who were speaking to Daniel along with two white knights keeping guard. My father stood manly in his Royal outfit, blue trousers, black boots and a white and blue jacket with black shoulder pads. Sitting on his brown hair was his large golden crown with green gems. "Are you saying I should let them go free!" He yelled. "No sir but we can't go around chopping heads off people especially in high numbers like this" Daniel pleaded. "We can and will!". "Now dear, maybe Daniel is right the only reason the.... Peasants are rioting is because of the new tax raise" my mother said calmly. My mother was queen she wore a stunning wide red dress that came to her feet and was very fat at the bottom and came up slimming to her breasts. She wore white gloves a stunning red and gold necklace with matching earrings. Along with her thin brown hair and eyes, her crown sat on top a diamond crown perfect for a queen. "No! They violated the laws". "Give them a break Roger they are scared enough as it is" Daniel pleaded. "That's King Roger to you!". "I'm sorry. I just think this is wrong". "My dear lets just let the people go and make them pay double taxes for a month or something". I stepped into the room with Jeff. "Father you can't kill all those people what is the matter with you?"I said with a slightly raised voice. "Oh good your going to tell me what to do now, the weakling son and his noble boyfriend it sickens me to say it!". "My dear don't be so rude. God made him who he is, there must be a reason for it" my mother explained. "Yes god is trying to piss me off!" He yelled at the ceiling. "More to the point! Don't kill those people" I told him. "Jake your father is stressed and so am I to be fair, it's been hard recently". "Mother don't let him kill those people this is wrong. Is it not bad enough your bleeding them dry of money?". "Enough! Do you think your worthy of making the choices I have to make everyday! Fine today you will do today's trial! Guards take my son and his friend into the throne room now!".
The knights grabbed us and forced us to walk into the throne room, it was a very beautiful room, a open planned blue carpet room, with wooden walls and wide windows. The thirty or so peasants stood scared as knights with guns stood around them. The two holding me and Jeff let us go as we stood in front of the two thrones my parents sat on. The tall golden thrones were stunning. "My dear what are doing this is our son!" My mother asked looking worried. "Silence everyone!" My father yelled. "Queen Tracey please stop him" Daniel whispered to my mother. "My son wishes to become king even though he can't handle it! Today he is going to make today's trail, step closer to me son!" My dad yelled while on his throne. I walked closer to him and turned to the audience. "Today you will choose who dies in this room! The peasants who were just rioting or you silly friend over there!". The audience gasped, "WHAT NO" Jeff yelled as a knight held him back. "ROGER NO!" My mother yelled. "I can't do that!" I told him looking scared. "You will choose!". "I refuse father!". "This is your last chance to pick! If you leave it to me, everyone will die! It's about time you learned what it's like to be king!". Everyone gasped again, "King Roger this is madness" Daniel called. "Please father don't do this!" I begged. "My dear your going to far!" My mother yelled. "You have five seconds to pick or they all die!". I turned to the audience, I saw the fear in the peasants eyes they did nothing wrong. Everyone should be able to speak there mind and the peasants were being treated unfairly with the taxes raised through the roof for no reason. Who could blame them for rioting, plus they don't have very many privileges anymore my dad took most of them away. But then I turned to my boyfriend Jeffery. He is my one true love, I want to be with him forever and we have a future how could I let him die? I turned to my dad and spoke "the peasants will die" I said as I went red and started to shake. "NO!" The peasants yelled as the guards started forcing them out the room to be killed. "How dear you!" My mother yelled as she ran up to me and hugged me.
I sat in my room that afternoon and worried about what I had done, did I make the correct choice? Yes of course Jeffery is more important to me. But I know I will be bad mouthed around the country and the story will be twisted to say I willingly killed them. I'm the good prince not the evil one. Daniel and James came into the room to comfort me. "Prince Jake we are sorry you had to do that" Daniel said as he patted my back. "I want to kill him, I want to kick my father off the throne and I want to lead Worthington!" I said firmly. "But.... You can't do that it's to difficult" James told me. "James is right, if you wanted to be king you would have to get permission from each of the states in Worthington and have the towns people's vote in each state for it to happen" Daniel explained. "I will do what it takes no matter how long or hard it is! I will not forgive my father for making me do a evil crime and murder thirty people over my boyfriend!". "...perhaps he is right, Jake would make a better king or at least a more reasonable one" Daniel told James. "Ok I could lead you for what to do and James you could help us" Daniel then told me. "Of course I will serve you always Prince Jake". Just then Jeff came into the room and he ran up to me giving me a hug. "You saved my life" he told me. "Jeff join us on our rebellion to put Jake on the throne" Daniel ordered. "But of course, I'd be so happy knowing Jake is King". "Only because you'd be the more important around here" I said and laughed. "True but you know I've always wanted you sitting on it" he told me. "Ok tonight we will leave the castle and start our quest! James pack a bag of things for you, Jake you do the same and get a large bag of gold coins we will need money and get any jewels into it as well. Jeff go home on your horse and pack a bag for you and head back here imedietly. I will do the same and I will met you back in Jakes bedroom in a couple of hours" Daniel ordered.
James, Daniel and Nathan rushed out the room while I stayed and packed some clothes into a few bags, along with a few essentials. I then ran into the treasury room where all the gold and gems lived. The pile was small, since my dad had been spending it on increasing is army. But I filled up a entire bag and put in a few gems that were worth a lot. I then quickly dragged the bag back into my room and put it with my other two. Luckily I wasn't seen or I would have been in trouble. It was the afternoon so nearly all the servants were on a quick break or eating something, and few guards were in the castle, there were more outside watching around and normally on the ground floor. I sat at my desk and got out my pen, stuck it into the ink and begun writing my family a letter.

Dear Father, Mother and Brother

I have decided to leave the castle for reasons I cannot say just yet. Don't worry about me I will be fine, I will back soon and by then I will have become a better person. The person I want to be!

Love Jake

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