Chapter 9

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The following morning I awoke in my home once again, my mother and father spent the night locked up and my brother wanted to stay near them. Jeff and the rest of the mayors were busy sending there armies home they didn't get much sleep, but they all stayed in the castle, in the guest rooms.
James got me prepared for my crowning as King. He served me a light snack, while a new stylist did my hair. "Are you ready for today?" He asked as he got out a brand new outfit for me. "I'm nervous but I'm ready" I told him. "When your dressed come down to the front doors, well the archway at the front of your house since the doors are broken and were taken off the hinges last night" he explained. "Ok thank you James" I told him. He stepped out the room and few minutes later the stylist followed. I then walked over to my bed seeing my new Royal outfit, I wore black leather boots with black slim trousers, a white frilly shirt which wasn't seen as it was under my black jacket which had golden shoulder pads, buttons and stitching. I even had a small cape attached to my jacket which was also black with golden edges. I had no crown as of yet but even so I looked stunning.
I took a slow walk to the archway at the front of my house, as I came down the stairs a crowd saw me from outside and started cheering. I headed for the archway seeing all the mayors standing on both sides of the stone porch, I saw Jeff at the front closest to the crowd with James and Daniel. As I approached the front of the porch allowing everyone to see me they roared in excitement. Daniel picked up the Royal crown and placed it on my head. "THE NEW KING OF WORTHINGTON!" He shouted as everyone got louder, screaming and cheering.
After the massive cheering and celebration I went back inside, Daniel and James spoke to me in the war room alone. "Well you've done it your officially The King, but don't think it's going to be easy for you, it's not going to be an easy ride at all, you run the country now. There's no time for a rest" Daniel told me. "I'm sure I won't be allowed to just sit on the thrown like I always wanted" I told him. "I'm going to make preparations for your parents trials" Daniel said leaving us alone. "Ok Jake I'm going to teach you about the Royal Treasury Room. I know you've been in here before but you've never been taught about it. Would you like to learn now or after the trial" James asked. "Later please I'm nervous right now I wouldn't be giving you my full attention" I told him. "Why don't you spend some time alone in your bedroom" James said as he took me to my room and shut the door behind me.
I spent an hour just thinking carefully in my room about what I should do in the trial. But James called for me to enter the thrown room and begin the process, I wasn't sure if I was ready but I couldn't do anything about the trial taking place, it was going to happen whether I want it to or not. I walked with him slowly as he stopped outside the doors. I took in a deep breath and walked into the the room, after I opened the doors and the crowds watching cheered for me. I walked all the way up to my throne which was very comfy as I sat on it. I then nodded at Daniel to begin the trial. My mother and father were brought into the room by my guards, each wearing chains around there wrists. Roger and Tracey you are both here to today for crimes against your country. Tracey's trial will be first she was part of the ruler of this country and didn't stop Roger in destroying it. Do any of those who brought her to justice have anything they want to say?" Daniel asked turning to Roy, Harry, Georgia and Jacob. They didn't have have anything to say they didn't have anger towards my mother. "The King will decide your fate, what will happen to your mother Jake?". " I can't kill my mum she didn't do anything wrong, I know what my father is like and I know that he won't listen to anyone when he's moody or angry. Even if my mother hadn't tried to stop him I know that she would have wanted to. My mother can go free" I told everyone straight away. My mother smiled at me and was removed from the room. "Now time for Rogers trial do any of those who stand here today have anything they want to say?" Daniel asked. "No one standing in this castle hasn't suffered from your father! He's no king or leader I say we kill him!" Roy told me firmly. "I'm not one for just killing people but you and me both saw Josh get beaten, humiliated and then murdered. He was one of my oldest friends and I'll never see him again thanks to your father!" Harry told me. "Are we not better than this? Lets be the better people. I've seen what your father has done children forced to work and slavery amongst states but killing him solves none of those problems" Georgia told me. "I know it's not my place to say anything as I'm not part of your country yet but he visited Sandy Doom once and faced the darkness himself and beat it. He left promising to make us part of your country but instead he left us for dead" Jacob told me. "I had good reason to break that promise to you Jacob. I had good reason to commit many crimes against this country, I'm not perfect and I know some of my crimes were harsh and evil. But I only did most of them to save us all from the darkness. When I returned I knew the darkness would one day come for us all and I had to prepare us for it. I've been trying to get enough money to build an army big enough to save us all. My predictions are that the darkness is coming to us next year!" Roger explained. "Jake if he's telling the truth we will have to prepare our country for another war! We may even need him alive for information" Daniel told me. "As much as I hate to say it, we may need your help against the darkness. I will not kill you and you will be free to go" I said as the crowd booed me and my father smiled in happiness." I know you can't forgive me for the things I did. You told me so once but I will make it up to you. You now have the crown, castle and thrown. I'm glad they are gone from my life" my father told me as he was removed from the room.
That afternoon James took me to the war room with Daniel. "No one will understand when we tell them about the darkness, not even mayors of the states. No one will understand without living through it. Myself and Harry are going to start recruiting and creating your army at once. James will now teach you about the Treasury Room" Daniel told me as he left. James opened the doors to a green carpeted room with brown wallpaper. It was a huge room with piles and stacks of gold coins and gems. "Wow how much money is in here?" I asked. "Approximately ten million" James told me. "Surely that's enough for an army the size of the world" I told him. "Well that would depend on the choices you make as a King this year. All of your wealth is stored in this room, the people's taxes and other money is put here. Today we are deciding the fate of the tax rate for the year. As you know Jake your father was taxing people heavily, it is at 40% currently. You have three choices to make and I will make the adjustments. You currently get a hundred and fifty thousand coins a week from taxes roughly with a 40% tax rate. You can lower it lowering your profit a week which would make your people very happy, you could raise it increasing your profit a week which would make people dislike you a lot more. Finally you could keep it the same making everyone feel neutral towards you after all they have got used to the high tax rate" James explained. "Well I could lower it a little bit I guess, I need to be high for our army but I guess making it 30% wouldn't hurt" I said. "That would make your weekly profit around one hundred and ten thousand a week". "Yes ok let's keep it at 30%" I said nicely. "I will make the adjustments for you my king I'm sure your country thanks you for it" James told me and smiled. "It's still high but it's going to make people happy.... Or dead" I told him looking uncertain with myself. "You should also learn about this book Jake it is the log book for Treasury. This book is written in when money is added to the treasury or money taken from it. Don't worry I will be in charge of writing in it just make sure that you let me know what your doing with it" he told me. "I will do, so what else must I do today?" I asked. "Two things you have a court later this evening but now you must head to Stone Henge by horse this shouldn't take you more than a few hours Stone Henge is a nearby state you must visit Georgia and Mimi they have a proposal for you" James told me. "Mimi why is she there?" I asked. "She is your employee now she's here to make you money and cut your spendings" James told me.
I set off and like I was told I reached Stone Henge that late afternoon at half past four. The crowded cheered for me as I galloped into the town heading for the girls. As I approached them they smiled at me. We were surrounded by a crowd outside a factory. "Ah my King how wonderful it is to see you so recovered from the last time we met. As you may know your my new boss and I am here to help you gain money. Now what better way to do it than my new idea, this factory we stand by I want to turn into my very own children's factory giving all the children in this state a chance to get a job. I worked out that you would gain about half a million in coins this year if we did such a thing" Mimi proposed looking happy with her idea. "WHAT! That's a horrible Idea! You promised me you would help those in need. This starts by ending child labour! Don't listen to her turn this abandoned factory into a school giving children the chance to learn and give them a better future there parents didn't have. I would cost you two hundred thousand coins which is a small amount in the treasury to ask for to build this" Georgia told me. "Oh please a school? I think Worthington has enough schools. What it doesn't have is enough is enough job opportunities" Mimi said looking at me. "Children shouldn't be forced to work Mimi" Georgia told her firmly. I was a tough call to make, I have to save money in order to save people's lives but as I looked at the crowd seeing nothing but hope in there eyes, they trapped me. Mothers and fathers starring at me with welled eyes knowing in there hearts I would end child labour."I want this factory to become a school at once" I told everyone. The crowd cheered and Georgia was pleased. "Very well my King I will arrange everything at once it should be finished by the end of the month and Stone Henge will have it's very first school" Mimi told me.
I returned to my castle that evening and had some dinner with Jeff the two of us were happy eating together. Jeff then did something I wouldn't forget, after our meal he took me out onto the balcony to look out onto the city. "You know I never thought we'd get here" I told him holding his hand as we started out to the city. "I did because.... It's you Jake your a natural leader". "Well so are you technically". "I'm Lord Jeffery but you your King Jake. Your more of a leader than I am" he assured me. "You know my life has gotten so busy and I can't always say I make the right choices or if I will do in the future but at least I know I have you by my side"I told Jeff as he kissed me and got down on one knee and looked up at me. He then pulled out a beautiful golden ring and asked, "Jake I've never met anyone in my life like you, I don't want to spend my life with anyone else, so... Will you marry me?". I was shocked of course but I was so happy, "Oh wow.... Of course I'll marry you" I told him as he got up and we kissed each other. "I've never been happier Jake, as soon as James is finished with the document and makes gays legal to get married and have families, living freely from the world, we will get married" Jeff told me happily. He put on my ring on my finger and walked to the thrown room for my final thing to do today before going to bed. The crowd cheered for me as I entered and I sat on my thrown, my ring wasn't noticed by anyone as I held my hands together covering it up, not that I ape anted to hide what had happened I just didn't think this was the time to tell people I am now betrothed. Daniel came and stood next to me as Isabelle and Mimi stood in front of me. "Isabelle is here to ask for your promise to be fulfilled and Mimi is standing against her" Daniel told me. "Your majesty I'm here because you made a promise to me. We both knew Old Quarter would be ruined during our fight. It is also known many of my people are homeless now, it was because of you that they are homeless. I would like you to keep your promise to me and spend six hundred thousand coins on re-homing these people" Isabelle told me. "Your majesty I think we both know here that Old Quarter was old, it was only a matter of time before things just started to fall to the ground anyway. Why bother rebuilding it, it's people are better off leaving the state and finding homes elsewhere. I recommend you break Isabelle's promise" she told me. "To be fair it's a lot of money that Isabelle is asking for, but then it was my fault that the people of her state have no homes. However I'm not willing to spend so much money on this we need it for other things, I will give you four hundred thousand instead" I told her. "Well I'm not fully happy with that, but you kept about 70% of your promise so I'm not overly sad either, maybe if I budget to the extreme I can re-home everyone. I hope I can get everyone a home anyway" she said and gave a small smile. "Very well your majesty I will set up the arrangements for the state it should take around eleven months to a year to finish" Mimi told me and stood proud beside Isabelle.

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