Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Almost three days pasted before we got to Pleasant Plains, and I was beginning to lose the world to live travelling around like this. I just hope I will get to stay in Pleasant Plains for a while and actually live somewhere clean and decent. In fact once we got off the cart all three of us looked a mess, even though everyone ran up to us saying we looked amazing. Here they must like me, but then they wouldn't dare say anything to upset me, I have the power to kill them. I did learn a few things about this state from James. Pleasant plains in quite a intelligent town, they are average in wealth but are experiencing money trouble in the last couple of years. Everyone here lives a sweet normal life and the town is pretty crime free, the state doesn't have tons of guards as they don't seem to be needed but they do enforce the law well. But just as we walked away from the crowd that surrounded us Daniel came running towards us out of a stone tavern. "I never thought you'd get here? You don't look so go?" He told us first smiling but after his smile was wiped away. "Next time, im travelling to the better state, I smell, our things were exploded , I almost died, I've lived in horrid conditions, if I don't get a decent house here I will kill someone" I yelled. "No need Jake, I have a house that is being given to us free of charge so far and it's decent. It's a lovely stone cottage not far from here". "Take me there I want to bath" I ordered. "How about you speak to Alisha, she's in the tavern right now she's the Mayor of Pleasant plains, you have something to do for her if you want this state on our side". "Tell her I will meet her for dinner, I want to go home!" I snapped. Daniel didn't have much of choice so he ran inside and explained to Alisha to met us in the tavern for dinner and then he walked us to our cottage.
It was quite a pretty cottage made of stone. The first floor had, some shabby furniture. As you walked past the front door, to your left was a kitchen with a decent oven and a workplace to cook. The middle had a shabby dinning table and chairs and to the right was a living room with a green sofa and a red rug and a small stone fireplace. Above that you could see upstairs which I assumed was the bedroom. To go upstairs you had to go outside the cottage and go up the stairs attached to it to unlock the door, up there was four single beds and wooden oval crate which I guess was a bath, each bed was a little shabby but not to bad I guess. Anything was better than living in Gardens Peak. "James would you heat up some water and do me a bath please" I asked politely. "Yes Jake of course". "How about I go into town and buy you three some clothes to change into" Daniel offered. "I do hope you buy me something expensive Daniel, right now I'm not in the best of moods so it better be spectacular" I told him. "I'm sure you'll be happy" he told me as he quickly walked out looking worried like I was going to kill him. "Jake lets calm down" Jeff told me put his hands on my shoulders. "Sorry I don't like being filthy" I explained while I started getting undressed. "I'm going to go help James downstairs".
I soon had a bath and got myself clean, and while James and Nathan were bathing I stayed downstairs and relaxed on the sofa waiting for my new clothes to arrive. Eventually after both James and Jeff were clean Daniel turned up. "Jake I'd like you to thank the tailor for giving you these clothes free of charge. He said since your the good prince he wanted to make you an outfit very special" Daniel explained as he came into the room, holding clothes. "James here is yours" Daniel told him handing him a lovely white shirt, with well fitting black trousers and a pair of lovely brown shoes. Jeff received a lovely white shirt with a red jacket with gold stitching, fitting black trousers and black shoes. Finally I got something I was actually impressed with, in fact if I was given this back in the castle I'd actually wear it. It was beautiful white shirt, with a black jacket with red stitching with two pockets on the front, with red buttons. A pair of white trousers and a pair of black boots. It was beautiful and made with some very fine expensive material. "Wow this wonderful". "Yes I know, that's why your going to say thank you to the man". "I will before dinner" I told him as I started getting dressed.
In fact the man who made my clothes was quite pleasant and sweet. He told me he was a fan of me and how he thought I was a good Prince to our country. He did babble on but I let him since he gave me free clothes. But I had to go at some point as I needed to meet with Alisha and Daniel at the tavern, while Jeff and James sorted the cottage.
I walked into a quite standard tavern, old wooden tables and chairs, a large stage where a man stood playing the lute and the tavern had just the right amount of people inside it to have a good time, not busy but not quiet. Of course people were shocked when they saw me walk in and people got nervous I think but once I sat with Alisha and Daniel people started to resume there fun. I sat next to Daniel at the table, in front of me was small young girl in here early twenties. With short blonde hair, blue eyes wearing green dress that covered her shoulders and arms, gave a small space to see her chest and the rest covered her to her feet. The dress was puffy at the bottom so she had some kind of class but at the end of the day she wasn't much richer than anyone else here. "It's a pleasure to meet you my Prince" she said as she got up and bowed for me. "It's lovely to meet you thanks for getting me out of Gardens Peak". "Ah yes we sent them food, well we did that as a favour we don't ask anything in return for that. I have already started letting the villagers vote for you to be king, they finish in a couple of days. However if you want the document and peace offering you'll need to do two things for us". "Two things is that all! Thank god it's not three" I said putting a hand on my head. She giggled and smiled, "well first of all you'll need to sign this paper saying that when your king you will re-open the state school in town. It is the biggest and by far the best school to give education to, not only those in Pleasant Plains but those in other states. Your father closed the school as he said it cost to much to keep running. Our state is intelligent and people should have the right to learn". I happily signed the paper and Alisha took it back and put it down her chest, I guess it was for safe keeping. "The second thing is you'll need to get rid of this States goblin problem. You see on the edge of Pleasant Plains, which is near Little Wood there is a cave which leads down into the goblins home. They come up all the time and steal our food and occasionally kill our people, we are already having some money troubles due to the huge raise in taxes we don't need our food being stolen. If you can kill them all that would be great". "We could do that Jake, we need to go to Little Wood anyway, we need them to join us. We will need a plan though" Daniel told me. "If you, me and Jeff go into the cave we stand a chance of winning". "James could pack up our things and move cottages to something smaller near the cave ready to leave when we come out". "He can do that there's many cottages up for sale near the cave as no one wants to live there" Alisha pointed out. "Can you have someone live with James with the signed document and the peace offering and only told to give it to him when we return. Otherwise we will have to take more time out of our way to come back to you?" I asked politely. "I will come with you and stay with James if you like". "That would be great Alisha, James can take the horse and carriage and you can get on your own horse there" Daniel offered. "It's a done deal" she said getting up. "Wait I need a bow with arrows, I fight better with them". "Jake you must learn to fight with a sword besides how hard can these goblins be, I'm sure with one swing they die right?" Daniel asked. "Oh they go down quick but they move quickly and they are large in numbers". "Use your sword Jake, you need to learn to use it".
The following morning that's exactly what we did, James was up late last night, packing up our things and loading them into the carriage. When Alisha turned up the next morning on her brown horse we was ready to leave for the cave. I sat in my carriage with James and Jeff while Daniel and Alisha had a chat up front. "We will be able to kill these goblins right James?" I asked. "Oh course Jake, with all three of you this is a peace of cake". Jeff leant forward and kissed my lips softly, "we will get past this together Jake".
I'm sure we would make it out alive but who knows? Once we got to the cave we split up, myself Jeff and Daniel walked into a large cave in what looked like a cliff. While James and Alisha rode to the nearest cottage. The cave wasn't dark, shockingly the cave was lit with lanterns, candles and such. Either people had gone in before or these goblins needed to see too. We walked down a slope until we reached a pack of goblins munching on what appeared to be a dead dear. There was ten of them, each one was purple with yellowish teeth which were too a point, black eyes, the rest of them were human like except they didn't have hair and they had pointed ears. They were around 4 foot averagely. They were gobbling this dear rather rapidly, and made me wonder what they would do to me? Rip my leg from my body, tear off my arm, eat my heart in one bite? I didn't really have a lot of time to think, before I knew it Daniel and Jeff charged up to the goblins and started beheading a couple. I quickly ran over to join and protect them. I stabbed one to the face and as I pulled out my sword, it had a strange green goo on it. I didn't have time to touch it since another two were coming towards me. With one quick swing I deeply cut a goblins chest spraying goo from him. He dropped down instantly and either died on the spot or bled to death in about five seconds. With another movement I plunged my sword into the opposite goblins shoulder. Jeff finished him off with a quick stab to the chest. Just like that all ten were gone. "That seemed too easy?" I said looking puzzled at my sword. "I guarantee you it gets harder" Daniel told us as he waved his hand to signal us to continue down the slope deeper into the cave. It was still lit but I saw splats of what was possibly human or animal blood on the floor and walls. Daniel was right it was going to get harder those few we just killed were the appetiser the main course is yet to come.
We continued walking down at a steady pace until we reached the next load of goblins this time they had doubled in size, as we walked down the slope and entered a very open circular room on the opposite side of the room was the path the go down deeper into the cave. Before we could go that way, we had to get past the twenty goblins standing in the way. Two of them were larger than the others standing at around 4'6 with a musclier body and bigger arms. They were easily stronger than the others, luckily for us they stood at the back as if the other eighteen were to do all the work and they would only step in if they were losing. We wasted no time at all plunging deep into a battle. No plan was needed except to kill every last goblin in the room. I saw Daniel slaying the goblins at a rapid pace, slicing them, cutting them and killing them. Jeff wasn't doing bad either goo splattered onto his face a few times as he stabbed the goblins, but I liked seeing him in action even if it was dangerous. But then there I was, I swung and cut three goblins at once across the face who ran at me together. While there hands covered there faces in pain I stabbed each of them in a row one by one to the chest taking them down. They seem to be quite dumb. Just as I pulled by sword from the last goblin a larger goblin clawed my face across the left side. My cheek had three cuts across it and they ended at my nose they started to bleed. Before I could attack the goblin punched my chest and then swung at me from the right side hitting my face hard and I went down quickly, hitting the hard stone floor which hurt my right arm as I landed on it. The goblin grabbed my shoulders and roared in my face spitting it's saliva on me. Just as he did, he suddenly dropped on me and I felt the weight of the goblin before I pushed him off to see Jeff towering above me. I then looked up and saw Daniel finishing off the few remaining small goblins, it appeared the other large one was dead. Jeff had a cut arm, I saw some blood to the upper arm where his jacket was ripped. It was nothing compared to my face cut. It wasn't too deep but it sure did bled. "Jake we are all going to get injured during our battled but we must go on" Jeff told me as he kneeled to my level looking at my face. "Yes... I know... I can keep going".
I did what I knew was right I knew I had to march on. I wanted to just walk out and give up, but then I realised a true leader and true hero wouldn't just turn and walk away. If Worthington was to have a true leader I couldn't step back. We continued our way deeper into the caves, with every step we got further and further under the ground. Yet still the cave was lit, even though my face was dripping with blood, I was still curious as to if they can smell my blood or not? I guess not since they would have came charging at us by now. I hope it doesn't get harder than this. But then again no battle is exactly easy, any easy battle isn't really worth it. I turned a right corner in the tunnel and walked into a huge circle room. nothing but stone walks and floors. A few feet above us was a ledge and standing on it was around sixty plus goblins, big ones, small ones all shapes and sizes. My heart instantly pounded, they didn't look happy to see us. "No one move" Daniel whispered. We stayed still as they continued to stare at us not making a move. "What do we do?" Jeff whispered. We stood each with our backs to each other each facing a pack of goblins above us. "This is where we die isn't it?" I asked quietly. "No I won't die this way!" Daniel told me. Suddenly one large goblin growled loudly and one motion they all started to jump down from the ledge and head towards us. There was no way out now, they circled us and we have no choice but to fight. We charged into battle cutting and slicing the goblins, injured or not I tried hard. I saw heads fly about, limps and goo was splattered everywhere. Swing after swing after swing the goblins went down. Some were harder than others, some of the harder goblins hurt us. I saw one sink it's teeth into Daniels upper left leg. Another clawed at Jeff's left arm. There was no shortage of injuries for us. But as hard as we tried to win the pain started to over power us. A small goblin that I didn't even see coming clawed at my right leg. It was getting to much, I saw piles of goblins laying dead we had killed most of them but there were still a good eighteen maybe twenty remaining. With three of us injured this wasn't going to be easy we was risking ourselves getting killed. But then if we thought this was bad, what on earth would happen when we reach the final stage in our quest when we are taking over Worthington? Another minute went past and even Daniel was stumbling a little while fighting the monsters. That was when I started to feel light headed and I started to get dizzy. Just then the room went dark!

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