Chapter 10

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It was almost a month later I was living my life happily as King and yes it was difficult at times and some days were stressful, however spending my days with Jeff were making it easier. In fact today was my wedding day I awoke in Rosy Lake Inn. I then got dressed into my Royal white outfit to get married in, a Royal white jacket, trousers and boots with my golden crown. I was walked to the stone band stand in the middle of the huge lake in Rosy Lake. Everyone gathered around all the mayors and my family, in the distance were people just watching, people had gathered from all over the country to see The Royal Wedding and first gay wedding in Worthington history. I saw Jeff in a similar outfit to me who was standing by the priest. The two of us stared at each other as I walked closer to him with my best man Daniel, as I approached Jeff the priest did his thing. "I'm sure that god himself is looking over us today to join the very first man and man to be married, because even in gods eyes that two people any two people can be in love and they can celebrate that. So without further ado, Jeff do you take Jake to be your husband?". "I do" he said taking my hand and putting my golden wedding ring on my finger. "Do you Jake take Jeff to be your husband?". "I do" I said as I put the ring on his finger. "In the eyes of god and the world you are now both the first man and man to be married because I now pronounce you husband and husband!" The priest said as the crowd cheered.
We all walked over to the Rosy Lake pub and had a party getting drunk and having fun. We danced to music played by the bard and had fun drinking as much as we could.
However a few days later I returned to the castle to resume my duties, James wasted no time in getting me back to my role. "My King the time has come to set the annual guard budget, as you may know your father cut the funding of the guard budget to a fairly low rate. People in the richer states like Rosy Lake complain that it's too low. So you have three choices raise the guard budget which would make everyone happier and feel safer but cost us more money. Lower the guard rate even more letting the killers run wild but keeping more money for ourselves. Alternatively you could keep it the same which is moderate in ever way" James explained. "Well... I guess I'll keep it the same I trying to save lives here" I told him. "Very well I'll let everyone know it remains the same" James told me. "What else am I doing today?" I asked. "Today you have two audiences in the thrown room and then Georgia wishes to speak to you in the war room" he told me. "Thank you James" I told him as I walked to the throne room to see the first audience waiting for me.
The crowed cheered for me as I entered and sat down. "Today we have two special creative guests in the castle. Two designers have come from different lands to offer there services to you, they each want to redecorate the castle for free. They each have two different ideas you can choose only one of them to redesign the castle or you can choose to send them both away" Daniel explained. Two well dressed people came into the room one man and one woman. The man stood in a green frilly shirt and blue trousers with brown boots. The woman stood in a red top, a black skirt with black leggings and black boots. "Your majesty I've come from Italy to speak to you today, I wish to redesign your castle into a enlightened palace. I want to change the colours of the walls and floors along with the some of the furniture to give a positive and warm feeling. Let those who enter your castle know that they have a wonderful kind person for a leader" the man told me with a accent. "What the hell kind of design is that?" The lady asked interrupting the man and also looking puzzled in another accent. "I've come from France your majesty and I don't think you want to look like an utter fool. I suggest you take my idea, I want to turn this castle into a castle of dread let those who enter your castle know fear. Let them know that if they step out of line they will be punished! Don't let yourself get pushed around and made fun of let everyone know who the leader is!" She told me. "I don't wish to scare my people so I will go with this mans idea" I said looking puzzled at the lady. The crowd cheered and the man thanked me for using his service. The crowd was cleared and the designers left, the guards begun bringing in a new crowd full of the people from Sandy Doom.
Jacob and Mimi approached me and stood ready to speak. "Jacob is here to ask for your promise, Mimi is here to reject what he has to say" Daniel told me. "Your majesty you made me and my people a promise. To make Sandy Doom apart of your country and to treat us like you treat your other states, I saved your life and my people risked there's putting you on that throne now the time has come for you to fill your end of the deal" Jacob told me nicely. "I couldn't agree more Jacob, I think that Sandy Doom should be part of Worthington. But why should they have the gift of joining us for free? All the other states risked there lives putting you on the throne. I propose that we let them join us but they should all work happily in the abandoned Sandy Doom mine, shipping supplies to us and the country. This would actually earn you another forty thousand coins a week" Mimi said nicely. "Your talking about forced labour!" Jacob said angrily. "My heavens no I wouldn't dare. You don't have to work in the mines Jacob, you can sit at home with your mayor duties" she said nicely. "It's up to you Jake, should you keep your promise to Jacob your taxes income would go up to around a hundred and fifty thousand a week and that is with the rise of the guard budget that you'd have to spend on there state which you'd be forced to rise. However should you keep half your promise you would earn more money. You'd be earning nearly two hundred thousand coins a week" Daniel told me. "To be honest making Sandy Doom part of our country doesn't seem much to ask and seems a lot of less hassle if we just send some guards over there and someone to lay out the new laws and rules. Mimi's idea seems a lot more work and Mimi has enough to do with the planning of the new school and the rebuild of Old Quarter. Lets not also forget that I owe Jacob for saving my life, I must agree with Jacob and keep my promise" I explained as the people cheered. "Thank you My King my people will be most pleased". "Well I can't argue with The King, very well I shall make the arrangements myself today" Mimi told me and stood proudly.
I left the courtroom and walked along seeing my brother terrorising one of the servants around the castle. I would of done something but to be honest I didn't want to speak to him, I was just glad that I had power and he didn't. It was no secret around the castle that my brother was jealous of me. In fact I herd my staff talking about it, I already knew everything they were saying but It was nice to know I wasn't alone in what I knew. Although I was king my parents still wouldn't believe me if I told them he was jealous and didn't particularly like me that much. He is eleven years old will be twelve soon enough and I'm sure he's gotten worst in his behaviour and personality. I walked down the hall ignoring my family problems, it was then I saw Jeff reading in the living room. Although I married Jeff he wasn't a King like me, since he doesn't have Royal blood I couldn't make him as important as me, so I made him a Lord when I was crowned King it was the highest rank I could give him. If I married a lady she could have been queen since queens are not as important as kings. We couldn't have two kings it would be confusing and as I said he doesn't have Royal blood so he is ranked as a lord. Jeff didn't care about being important I knew he married me for who I am because he loves me not the fact I'm royalty. Although he was Lord Jeffery, he was only called that by staff in the castle and the public, those that knew him called him Jeff. It was like me those that knew me called me Jake anyone else referred to me as King Jake, your majesty and so on. The only time someone who knew me called me something important was in court in front of people. James came running up to me from down the hall and spoke with me. "I've just been told about a very large priceless diamond is in a cave in Sandy Doom. I think you need to go claim it for the sake of our people and country we could sell it and get money from it" James told me. "Last time I was in Sandy doom I almost died I think I'll pass". "It's worth around 500,000 coins. Or you could just keep it either way this diamond should belong to you. Even better yet it would improve your fighting skills should you run into anything". "Fine but I'm not going alone, Jeff will have to come with me. I would have invited Daniel and Harry but there busy these days with the army" I explained. "You could take Adam?". "I would but he has children and at least if I do this with Jeff we will be able to have some quality time together even if it's battling something" I told James with a smile. "What about Georgia she wished to speak with you?". "She will be fine she can wait or deal with whatever it is on her own".
Myself and Jeff set off that day and travelled to one of my ships and sailed to Sandy Doom. We arrived that night and we both didn't feel like fighting this late and decided to wait till morning by sleeping on the boat. We sat below the deck in our bed in our private room and decided to stay up and talk. "It's like a dream come true all of this. Were actually married I didn't think it would happen" Jeff told me. "Me neither we've come a long way in the last 2 years or so. I mean I'm nineteen now Jeff and the King of Worthington, married to the most amazing guy in the world". The two of us kissed and fell asleep in each other's arms shortly after our small chat. Each of us having pleasant dreams.
The following morning after being well rested, we walked through the streets of Sandy Doom where people cheered for me. We had to leave the city quickly so I didn't sign many autographs, we had to go out into the dessert using a compass, it took most of the day to find the cave. But eventually we did find a cave we just hoped it was the correct one. However after entering it we figured it had to have been, after walking through its tunnels we walked into a wide open spaced abandoned city. At some point people must have lived in this cave there were some broken pillars and broken floor stone tiles but the room itself was quite pretty from what we could see with our fire torch. We saw a flowing river too which we had a drink from since we were thirsty from our travels. We continued walking through the caves, walking over stone bridges and walking up and down stairs until we reached the diamond. It was sitting on a stone pillar, it was literally bigger than my head. "That thing must weigh a ton!" I said looking at the diamond. "How are we getting that back to the ship?" Jeff asked. "Guess we will have to take turns in carrying it" I said picking up the heavy diamond.
It took us twice as long to leave the cave but when we did I dropped the diamond in the sand. "Oh no" I called looking at the mysterious women I once fought in Mimi's house. It was the tanned ladies with the knives that moved like lighten bolts. About eight of them surrounded the cave entrance. "Now ladies..." I said smiling as I pulled out my gun from my pocket, I only had the ammo inside it nothing more. I fired the gun until it was out of bullets four of the women died from the hits, another was injured. Jeff sprung into action swinging his sword at the ladies, I put my gun away and whipped out my sword swinging for the nearest lady. The two of us got cuts all over our bodies some were worst than others, we did kill the remaining four women but we were both bleeding. It was going to take us twice as long to reach the town at least before getting help, it was going to be a long journey.
Luckily we didn't run into anymore women on the way back, it was late at night when we got to the town. The two of us were extremely tired, no one was around to help us. We had no choice but to continue back to the ship. We each lost of blood, we lost a lot of body fluid from the sweat and we may have been a little dehydrated too.
It was early hours of the morning when we did board the ship, we left the diamond in our room while Jeff and I got ourselves cleaned up on the boat. We washed ourselves in a fairly cold bath to cool down from the heat and humidity, we then carefully washed our cuts to get rid of all the blood on us. Once finished we changed into our sleepwear drinking some water and having a snack before getting into bed. The two of us collapsed to the bed and slept until midday.
By that time we just started sailing home, and arrived at the castle that late evening still fairly tired, James was over the moon about the diamond. I told him I didn't care about what we were doing with it right now. I told him I wanted to sleep and heal and he can bother me in the morning when I feel better.
James being James woke me up at my usual time of 9am and woke Jeff up to next to me. He brought us both breakfast in bed and asked me what I wanted to do with my diamond. "To be honest I don't really want to sell the diamond at all I'm happy with it staying in the castle. It's not like we need to sell it. If we get into a financial problem or if I need to spend a lot of money on something then I will sell it to make the difference" I told him. "Whatever you want Jake" he told me as he left us alone to eat together.
Five weeks passed and it was December 2nd, it was quite cold now in Worthington but still it was possibly one of the warmest winters we have had in a long time. Around 11am I was sitting by the large fireplace in my living room when James came up to me telling me what I needed to do today. "So I'm here to ask you about the child benefit laws". "I don't have any children James". "No I mean for the country. Your father stopped all the child benefits in the country, so you have three choices. The first is, give child benefits back to the people which would make everyone happier but you'd lose about fifty thousand in income a week giving you a total of around a hundred thousand a week. The second is, you could maintain your fathers rule of no benefits which is moderate with everyone. Or the third is, you could place a child fine it would keep the population low and would increase your income but I couldn't tell you how much by since we don't know how people will react to the law, but they wouldn't be happy". "A hundred thousand is still a large income a week however I don't want it to be that low, I will give them child benefits but I want it to only be given to poorer states and only given to families with four children or less. Anyone will more children won't receive this benefit" I replied. "Yes Jake as you wish, I would make a rough estimate that you'd earn a hundred and twenty thousand a week" James told me. "What do I need to do today?" I asked. "You have two audiences in the throne room and then Adam wishes to speak to you afterwards". "I wonder what he wants? But thank you James". He walked off to make the adjustments needed. I then got up and decided to do my chores for the day and by that I mean sit on my throne, look pretty and make choices that effect people's lives. In other words it was what I did best, I did enjoy my job.
I sat at my throne and Daniel came to stand by my side like always. Georgia and Mimi came into the room and stood for me at the court room. "Today Georgia is asking you to refurbish the old under funded orphanage and Mimi says she has a better idea in mind" Daniel told everyone. "Your majesty as we both know the orphanage is under funded. It has fallen into a horrible state, you kindly helped decorate it a while ago but it isn't enough the building itself is in need of repairing. We simply cannot let this building go on the way it is any longer it is the only orphanage in the whole country. Please spend three hundred thousand on repairing the building and give those forgotten people a chance to be happy and have a better life" Georgia explained. "Your majesty I agree that the people in this country are in need! However it's not charity they need it's love! I have an idea in mind that we can give the people of this country a chance to find love and make money at the same time! I propose we use the orphanage to make Worthington's first Brothel!" Mimi said happily. "A brothel?" Georgia replied looking disgusted in the idea. "Brothel, whore house whatever you wish to call it, the name doesn't matter. What matters is the people get love and we get there money" she said happily. "To be honest I'm liking both ideas, which only leads me to one possible outcome. We do both ideas. I am going to move the children in the orphanage to a new building and redecorate that as a new orphanage and use the old orphanage to turn into Worthington's first whore house!" I said sounding happy. "Wonderful your majesty I will get to the paper work myself. I think the orphanage and the whore house should be done in around 3 months roughly" Mimi told me happily. Georgia looked only half pleased with the outcome.
The audience was cleared and a new audience arrived this time Harry and Mimi came forward into the court room. "Mimi has a problem to tell you Jake it's about the disposal of the countries waste. Harry is here to defend his land" Daniel told me. "Your majesty I'm sure you wouldn't know it already but we are starting to have a serious problem with our waste disposal. The tunnels are beginning to get full. Now I have an idea that will completely solve the problem and will cost you nothing what so ever. Little Wood have tons and tons of space filled by marshes and swamps where we can just dump our waste. Say the word and I will make sure everyone's waste is dumped in Little Woods marshes and swamps" Mimi said nicely. "No no no no no! I will not stand for this! How is dumping all the waste in my state resolving the issue? All that does is ruins my states land and ruins the air and not to mention decreases the population there, people would move out and the ones that stayed would die of some illness. It would ruin us completely, if you want to resolve the issue you need to build some kind of waste disposal factory or something I'm sure Mimi can think of some kind of machine that could sort out our waste problem even if it's costly surely that's much better than just dumping it on my land" Harry pleaded. "To be honest I can't allow Mimi to just dump the waste, although yes that's much easier and cheaper but it wouldn't solve anything. I must agree with Harry and go with his option, Mimi you'll have to think of creating a factory or machine to solve the issue even if it costs me" I told her. Harry was most pleased with the outcome as were his people from Little Wood.
The audience left as did Harry, Daniel and Mimi. That was when Adam spoke with me just as I was leaving the throne room. "My wonderful King I hope things are well" Adam greeted. "Lovely thank you Adam. I herd you wanted to speak with me". "That I do, Stone Market faces a problem tonight I have just found out that our main city pub is going to be robbed tonight with armed robbers. Naturally I'd stop them myself but I don't just want to kill the robbers I want to kill there leader, once we kill the ones attacking the pub we will go to there gang hideout which I have herd is by the river in Stone Market. That is where we will get into a bloody fight! Will you join me?" Adam asked. "Well alright it will be chance for me improve my shooting and melee skills" I said nicely. "Then let us head right into my state" Adam told me.
The two of us got onto our horses and galloped off into the distance to head for Stone Market. It was late when we got the pub. Adam already saw the pub was being robbed, as we looked through the window we saw three men with guns standing around hostages and one man without a weapon who was stealing the money and any valuables. We saw around ten hostages who were very scared. "Ok so how are we getting inside? I'm thinking through the back?" I asked. "Please, lets do this my way" Adam said taking about five spaces backwards. "Your way?" I said looking puzzled. Adam then ran with his sword on his belt and a rifle in his hands as he charged straight into the window smashing the glass and landing on the floor of the pub. He got up with his weapon quickly, "it's the mayor!" The man without a weapon said. I then carefully stepped through the window in my Royal outfit and held my smaller gun. "The King?" The man said looking shocked. "Going around the back would have been a more elegant way to go about things" I pointed out. "KILL THEM!" Adam shouted as he fired his rifle at one of the men killing him instantly. I rushed over to the man without a weapon while Adam took the bloodier fight of shooting at the two men with guns. I jumped behind the bar with the man and started punching him. He kicked me off him and I pulled out my sword, keeping low I sliced his leg taking him down. I then stabbed him in the back killing him. Adam fired his gun from behind a table killing another man. The final man put up his hands and surrendered. That was when we let the hostages go and I told them to get the guards, we smiled at each other and kept hold of the last man until the guards took him away.
Like planned Adam took me to the bandits hideout which he believed was near the lake of Stone Henge. It wasn't far from the pub a mile or two away, Adam then searched in some bushes by the lake which had a brown hatch door in the middle of them. Adam opened it and jumped down the hole, I followed and we landed in a room with several men drinking. Most of them luckily didn't have weapons. The ones who did didn't move, some had sword which were useless against our guns and the ones who did have guns couldn't shoot us. By the time they raised there gun we would have killed them or at least shot them. "Do we kill them or not?" I asked. "We didn't come here to arrest a bunch of men!" Adam told me with a smile.
He started firing his gun at the men taking them down. In an instant they started running around the room, some fled for the back door and others to the left door. Most of them were shot before they could leave the room. Adam and myself took the left door seeing ten men inside, we fired our guns at them taking cover behind a table when they shot at us. It wasn't long before they were all dead. As we moved onwards to the door to the right we ran into some prison cells, full of innocent people locked inside. "Don't worry we will free you once we kill every last member of the gang" Adam told them as they all looked happy to see us. We ran through the door at the end of the long corridor of cells. Inside was the gang leader along with six men, Adam shot one of them before we dove behind the doors. We shot at the men from behind the doors, I killed two men and Adam killed four. We then approached the gang leader who was scared of us. "Please I'll let all the hostages go and I'll give you some money how does two hundred thousand sound?" He told us. "Jake don't listen to him, lock him up" Adam told me. "Of course I'm locking him up!" I told Adam as we both dragged him to the cells and made him unlock all the hostages and then we dragged him outside to be locked up by the guards.
The following morning I awoke in the pub inn of Stone Henge. Adam came to thank me as I came downstairs. "Thanks to us Stone Hedges gang is defeated" Adam told me. "It's fine I'm just happy to do something useful". "Your a good King everyone thinks so". "Thank you Adam but I must be getting home to my husband and duties. I hope to see you soon" I replied shaking his hand.

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