Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I awoke to hear birds chirping and the sun was shinning bright. As I opened my eyes I saw I was laying on a red blanket next to a stone wall. There were two blankets next to me which scared me, where were Daniel and Jeff and why wasn't I in the cave anymore. As I looked to my right I saw a brown door. I started pulling myself up as I did I felt sore around my right leg and my middle section in my back. As I touched my cheek where I had been clawed at I felt three thin lines of scabs. Someone had been taking care of me using some kind of healing method, I could just tell by the room I was in and how my scabs felt. I was still wearing the clothes I wore on the day but I noticed my trousers were ripped slightly where I was cut on my leg and I saw I had a bandage around the area under the trousers. I limped over to the door with no weapon or amour. I didn't know if it was safe or not but since it seemed someone was taking care of me, I thought I should go out the room. As I stepped out of the door and closed it I was standing on a stone corridor with only one wall. To your right was the wall with the doors leading to several rooms. The left had half a wall to let you look over the side. I was in a circle building and noticed I was on the third floor, down below was the grass and I saw many soldiers in a green uniform. I'd never seen them before so I don't know where I am. Suddenly a hand touched my shoulder and I gasped and knocked the hand off,me. As I turned around in fear Daniel stood looking at me. "It's fine Jake were safe now". I was relieved to see him, he didn't look to bad but I imagine his bandages are under his clothes too. "Where are we?". "We are in Little Wood. The next state we need to gain on our side". "What about Pleasant Plains? What happened back there? Where's Jeff? Wheres James and the document and the peace offering?" I asked looking confused with so many questions. "Calm down Jake! You passed out in the caves, as did Jeff. I managed to kill the last of the goblins and then I got Alisha to send the best doctors to you both. They used a special kind on medicine to heal you both. But Alisha handed over her document, but she has been waiting to talk to you since, she's around here somewhere. James has her document safe along with the peace offering which was a healing book. Pleasant plains are intelligent and are quite good doctors". "Where's Jeff?" I asked not particularly caring what he just said. "He's just fine, he's also around here somewhere along with James. This is Little Wood castle a place where all there soldiers live. We need to speak to the two mayors of Little Wood Josh and Harry who are blacksmiths who live in this castle making swords and such". "How did we get here?". "Like I said Pleasant Plains know a few tricks with healing, they used a potion on you and Jeffery, his was weaker than yours therefore you have been out cold for about two weeks now". "EXCUSE ME!" I snapped. "Jake the doctors said you lost a lot of blood and needed rest and didn't think you'd let yourself get any so they put you down to make sure you live. They saved your life! And Jeffery's too".
I walked away in anger I didn't like the fact I had been asleep for two weeks, as I walked away I walked downstairs to the ground floor and started exploring. The soldiers greeted me and seemed happy to see me. That was when Alisha came running over in here green dress. "My Prince, I've waited two weeks to speak with you. However I'm glad I did I've followed you here and it's been like a small holiday for me here, anyway before I leave I need you to sign this document. It states that when you are king you will restore and open up the boarding school in Pleasant Plains". She told me holding a document and a pen with ink already on it. "Didn't i already sign this?" I asked. "Ok you got me, I may have lost the other document whilst getting doctors to your aid." She explained. "So you wrote a new one?" I asked. "Yes I apologise for the inconvenience my prince". I didn't really want to be working right now but at least she'd leave and go home if I signed the paper. So I did, and just like that she thanked me, packed up her things and left. Leaving me the document needed and the peace offering with James safely guarding them both, it had some old remedies inside it apparently. I assumed Alisha went back home in Pleasant Plains but then again who knows, she seemed happy here. She seemed like a nice person I hope she gets home safe and sound.
I continued to walk around the castle and I happened to hear a lot of banging coming from the left side of the castle. With it's open plan space I easily found the door where the sound was coming from. As I looked inside I saw two large brick ovens, that was very expensive brand of oven actually, and it used coal not fire to run which was worth even more. However this oven was a little different it was a blacksmiths oven. To the left of the room were two young boys who looked around there early twenties, one was slim with tanned skin brown eyes and short brown hair. He seemed very good looking and as he looked up at me I could see with his cheeky smile he was a ladies magnet. The other boy seemed more shy with the way he stood watching the other boy. He was averagely built, slightly pale skin, dark brown hair and eyes. "So the Prince is awake?" The cheeky looking boy called. "Erm yes I just got up" I told him standing in the doorway. "Did Sir Daniel tell you to see us?" The shy boy asked. "Well yes he did, but I just happened to be passing and I saw you". "Well my name is Harry and my friend is Josh" the cheeky boy told me. "So your the blacksmiths of Little Wood?". "Yes we make the finest weapons in Little Wood most of the weapons people buy come from Little Wood" Josh told me. "I thought Little Wood was very low populated state?". "It is but only because Little Wood is normally the place where battles are taken. People don't exactly want there homes being blown up" Harry explained. "So what is Little Wood like?". "It's mainly forests, there's a few swamps with alligators, of course we have some towns. Not much else really" Harry explained. "Yet you make incredible weapons and armour?". "Even your sword you had came from Little Wood My Prince, we checked it out while you were asleep" Harry told me. "Oh I didn't know, Daniel Just gave it to me". "Daniel originally lived in Little Wood, right up until he was twenty and started working for The King" Josh explained. "Yes I herd about that, he joined my fathers army and well... Here he is today knighted as a sir and works closely with my dad, or at least he did. So what do I need to do to get you guys on my side?" I asked dreading the question the second it came out my mouth. How could it get worst than I've already been through. Sleeping in horrid conditions in Gardens Peak, or near enough getting myself killed in Pleasant Plains. What could possible be worst? They will most likely ask me to chop all the trees in Little Wood knowing my luck. "We are easy going here! Our army is big, and our men love a good old fight. Even myself and Harry have some skill in fighting. When Daniel told us his plan, we instantly wanted to join. Which is why we sent out the votes in Little Wood while you was asleep and you've passed" Josh explained. "So you don't want me to do anything?". "Just the one thing" Harry told me. Oh god may god have mercy on my soul, what could it be? "There is a rare gem in the heart of the largest swamp in Little Wood. If you can find it and bring it to us we would be very greatful. We will hand you the signed document and the peace offering for it" Josh explained. "I thought you were happy to join. Why am I doing this for you?". "It beats us going and getting killed?" Harry told me. "Get killed? What's in the heart of the swamp?" I freaked. "Just alligators, bats maybe and other creatures" Harry told me with a cheeky smile. Then it hit me the cheeky smile Harry had wasn't one used to get the ladies it was used to get him out of trouble. "How long will it take?". "I don't really know a few days maybe, but you will do it a lot quicker with the map we have" Harry told me pulling out a map that had been folded in his pocket.
After a debate with Harry and Josh I didn't exactly have a choice but to go after this gem they wanted. However to save myself time I did manage to get a bargain to get Harry to come along with us. The plan was that Harry and James would come along with us with the carriage and once we got to the swamp they would stay in a house in a nearby village. While myself, Daniel and Jeff would go after the gem in the swamp.
An hour later, the carriage moved along the dirty path whilst I had a conversation with Harry. "So have you got everything we need?" I asked making sure he hadn't forgotten his end of the deal. "Don't worry Jake, I have your document and peace offering you also won 74% of the votes". "That's rather low, considering Pleasant Plains was 88% and Gardens Peak 100% " James told me. "Well as long as you have the things with you that's all that matters. Now what would you say the odds are of dying on this task?" I asked looking worried. "Well really it depends if you run into alligators or not? If not then I'd say low, if you do then I'd say high" he told me pleasantly and gave his cheeky smile again. "Do people in this state like the Royal family?" Jeff asked. "Well, they don't particularly like Jake's father that much, his mother they like and they adore his brother and him". "Clearly they haven't met my brother" I complained and turned my head to look out the window to see nothing but trees and damp grass and mud. "So is it true? The reason your kicking your father off the throne is so you can marry your boyfriend?" Harry asked. "Yes and no I also want to make Worthington a better place". "Well I've never been a fan of the gays but hey they make just as good soldiers. As long as you get the gem I will be happy to fight for the gays!" Harry told me and then looked out the window.
We traveled along the path for an hour or so and pasted a village. I saw people cheering for me and waving. Which was a good sign I haven't had compliments in a while. I saw what the people lived in, they had standard wooden homes. They looked slightly worn and perhaps not the most stable but they seemed comfortable so I guess they are ok. They seemed like nice people, quite contempt and joyful. I wondered why since the big tax raise and the killings? Perhaps it is because they have seen me.
I continued our journey and Harry gave Daniel the directions. Eventually we came to a stop after travelling for almost four hours. Due to the swamp being so near this part of Little Wood was more muggy and humid. "So this where myself and James leave you. Here is the map you'll need. We will be in the town called Grassy Grove just next to the swamp" Harry explained giving the map to Daniel. Myself, Jeff and Daniel started stepping into the swamp and moving along in the water that came to our knees. "The things you make me do Daniel. I hope being King is worth it!" I complained pushing tall grass weeds out of my way. Daniel lead the way with Jeff in the middle and me at the back. "Unfortunately Jake your living the lives the peasants live at the moment" Daniel explained. "Only more extreme". "What is the gem anyway Daniel? Why is it so important?" Jeff asked while following him. "I'm not completely sure, I believe it's something to do with the states yearly sacrifice". "Sacrifice?" I asked sounding shocked. "Yes I a lot of witches live in this state". "Excuse me? Witches are illegal? Why wasn't I informed they need to die?" I asked. "Exactly why I never told you. You would have had them killed. These witches are powerful and they could help us in battle". "Witches are a just a bunch a old rubbish!" I told him. "When you see what they can do you'll disagree with yourself". We walked along the swamp, making our way deeper into it, the water level came to our wastes and it was getting harder to move. "I'm so tired my legs are sore from working so hard to move" I complained. "Mine as well. Daniel we must stop". "We cannot stop? What if trouble follows?". "Then we fight. At least I haven't got to walk to fight. I can stand and move my arms" I explained. "We haven't got that much further just another hour maybe?". "AN HOUR! I won't live another hour my legs will fall off!" I complained. After debating for a while Daniel gave in and we stood in the swamp for a while. It would have been nice to sit down but there wasn't exactly anywhere to sit down.
Eventually Daniel forced us to marched on and travel far, getting bitten my flies and moving gross weeds out the way. Eventually we made it to a large stone chapel on a grass land in the centre of the swamp. It looked old and various weeds and vines were growing on the chapel. The stone had turned a brownish colour over time. We pulled ourselves onto the grass and out of the swamp. We slowly walked up the old steep stairs to the front brown door of the chapel. Daniel and Nathan pushed the creaky doors open to let us inside. As we stepped inside we saw stone benches and a altar at the front of the room, and there it was sitting in a stone skinny platform. A purple gem about the size of a chicken egg. It was a purple see through gem that looked rather pretty. We ran up to it and I wasn't impressed. "Is that it! I spent hours in the swamp for this! I've got bigger gems in the bag I took with us from the castle!" I complained. "It must be valuable otherwise we wouldn't be here" Jeff told me. Suddenly a arrow flew past my head just missing it and hitting the wall behind us. As we looked to the front doors in fear we saw several white men with bows and arrows pointing at us. Each wearing a green ripped top, brown shorts and brown shoes. Each with different symbols on there faces and arms. "YOU COME WITH US!" One man shouted as the others marched over us pointing there arrows at us. They took the gem from us and tied us up around the hands and mouth.
They forced us to walk with them a different way through the swamp. It was tiring but we eventually came to what appeared to be there camp. Several tents were set up, a large fire pit with a roasting boar or something cooking over it. A few women tended to it but it didn't seem overly friendly. We were forced to step onto a wooden platform and the men took off the cloth tightly rapped around our mouths. "What is the meaning of this!" Daniel yelled. "Does no one know who I am! I'm the Prince!". "SILENCE! You were going to steal our gem!" A rather large man called stepping forward. "Only because we had to, we were asked to" I explained. "It was for those witches wasn't it? They cannot have it!" The large man told us. "Ok if someone doesn't let me go, you will all be murdered by the Royal guards. I'm the prince I don't get tied up!" I ordered while trying to break my hands free of the rope. "You will be punished for your crime!". "Excuse me!" I called sounding shocked and slightly high pitched. "You will be our prisoners. Stay locked away for your crimes in the dungeon. If you try to escape we will shoot you" the man explained. "I'm not liking those odds!" Jeff whispered. Three men came onto the platform and took away our swords and searched us for other weapons. That was then when they decided to to walk us into there dungeon to lock us away until morning. We stepped down the stairs which were behind the stage and and walked down into a slightly dark but dirty room. We were each locked in one cell room, it had stone walls and metal bars. With one brown used and worn bench. We each squashed onto it and sat quietly for a few minutes. "There's no way out of this one is there?" I asked. "No... Not until James realises we are gone for too long and then sends people to look for us. But it could be weeks before we are found even months" Daniel explained looking at the ground. "Great this is just perfect how am I meant to become King while I'm stuck down here!" I wondered. "We will get out of here in no time, lets just do as they say and before you know it they will be killed" Jeff told me. "They didn't even take off our ropes around our hands!" I said angrily.
In fact Daniel was right, it was going be be a long time before anyone found us! The first few days went by, they were the most painfully boring with nothing to do. We got three meals a day to be fair, but they were old pieces of scrap meat and there wasn't much of it for us, to be honest the meat didn't look fresh either. A week went by and James still wasn't around, my hair was dirty and messy, my clothes started to smell along with my body. Jeff was starting to loose his big manly figure as his body weight started to drop with the lack of food. Daniel wasn't exactly pretty either. I don't really like to talk about it but we had to make a poo corner in our cell. I'm sure you can imagine what that means. In fact I was beginning to think that James is never going to come. On the brighter side at least our ropes had been taken off on day five. We were very grateful for that, we could move freely around our box cell.
However on our ninth day in our cells our heroes came James came downstairs and was horrified when we saw our conditions. He had Jeff's sword in his hand and whacked the rusty lock on the door a few times until it broke. As he opened the door Jeff and Daniel leaped out in happiness. "YOU TOOK YOUR TIME!" I yelled. "I'll explain later! We are on our way to Rosy Lake!" James ordered as he ran up the stairs making us follow him. It was the first time in nine days I had seen true daylight. The sun hurt my eyes at first, I had to cover my face with my dirty hands to keep them from hurting. I looked around me and saw these strangely dressed women standing with the hands slightly in the air with there heads lifted and all the men who took us here were on the floor screaming in agony or dead I think . James rushed us into the carriage as him and Harry jumped on front and galloped away from the danger.
Everything was such a blur after that. Things were spinning around my head and I felt sick and dizzy. Perhaps the sun was playing tricks on me, I defiantly know I blacked out a few times on the carriage. The lack of food, clean water and sun was really taking it's effect on me. Every part of my body stank with some kind of Oder. At least I wasn't the only one, Jeff and Daniel were exactly the same.
The next thing I was really sure about was when I awoke that I was safe. I was laying in a really comfortable double bed with Jeff next to me. Both of us were still a mess and we had stank up the room and the bed was slightly dirty around the parts we slept on. The bed was a cream and red colour. Cream on the inside and red on the outside. As I looked around the room I saw expensive paintings on the bedroom walls and beautiful glass windows. Now someone who has glass windows must be rich or at least wealthy. As I stepped up to the window I saw a beautiful crystal clean lake enormous lake that was bigger than anything I had ever seen. So that could only mean we were in Rosy Lake. Now I've only ever left Worthington a few times and I can count them all in my head. They have all been to come to Rosy Lake, this is Worthington's richest state. Everyone here is rich or at least wealthy. The lake outside is beautiful it's just stunning with its Crystal waters, it's a very peaceful place to sit. You can walk along the boardwalk right into the centre of the lake and stand under the stone gazebo it's a very popular place to get married in this state. The reason I've come to Rosy Lake is either for a family holiday and my family would date in our holiday house and relax. Or it was to come see Jeff when we first met. Jeff originally is a Rosy Lake citizen but moved to Worthington because of me. Just as I started to remember how myself and Jeff first met James walked into the room to the left of me. "Ah Prince Jake I just heated up a bath for you and it's got some soap on the side for you. Sir Daniel has had his bath and is waiting for you and Jeff to join him under the stone gazebo in the lake". "Why are we in Rosy Lake? Where is Harry?" I asked looking puzzled. "All will be explained soon, now you have a bath and I will lay out your clothes for you and make you and Jeff some breakfast you could both use fattening up" James explained as he hurried me into the bathroom and shut the door. As I looked around the room I saw a golden wash pot, a shiny golden bath and shiny sliver bucket which was the toilet. It wasn't that different to the bathrooms at my castle. Except mine was bigger and had more jewels and decorations. I stepped into my hot bath and immediately started washing my face, hair and body. Within thirty seconds the water was looking dirty. But I kept scrubbing and scrubbing until I felt clean. I got up and dried myself down and as I left the bathroom a beautiful young women had set up a dressing table for me. A lovely white small dressing table she must carry around to do her styling. The young lady had blonde hair that came half way down her back. She had bright blue eyes and wore a white and black dress, it was white at the top with full sleeves and was black at the bottom which was poofy. It reminded me of something a servant would wear back at the palace, but she dressed more classy. "Hello my prince it's a honour to be styling your hair today and your beloved boyfriend Master Jeffery. "How do you know about him? I asked stepping towards her. "I am a close friend of Rochelle the Mayor of Rosy Lake and the votes were sent out unfortunately you didn't win the votes. "You only received 31%" she told me as I sat down. "Oh no! If your state doesn't back me up I can't be King?" I said looking sad. "Don't worry my prince Sir Daniel has a plan" she told me as she started to dry my hair further and begun styling it.
It took about three hours or so but eventually myself and Jeff had bathed, eaten and had hour hair trimmed and made up. I wore a lovely white jacket over a white shirt, with dark blue shoulder pads and buttons along with black trousers and black boots. Nathan wore a red jacket with white buttons, white trousers and black boots. We approached Daniel at the stone gazebo and saw Harry standing next to him. "It's about time you boys got here. Well Jake we are lucky Harry and James had found us because if they hadn't we would still be locked up and Harry wouldn't be holding his gem". "What happened how did you find us?" Jeff asked. "There are a lot of witches in our state. At first myself and James spent days looking for you but gave up and decided to turn to a few witches. They started a spell which lead us to you". I begun laughing at the thought of what he had said. "witches are a load of rubbish" I told him. "They saved our lives Jake there are true good witches out there which is what Harry wants to speak to you about". "I want you to sign this paper, it states that when your king you will legalise witches in our state. At the moment in all states they are illegal. But we want them legal in our state, we know we have true good witches using natural ingredients. Other witches can come and live in our state if they wish but we need it to legal" Harry explained holding a piece of paper and inked pen. I had a thought for moment, I guess it wouldn't be the end of the world if they were made legal, they don't effect me at least I hope not. "As long as the witches are banned from using magic on the Royal family or outside your state I will make it legal" I told him. "I figured you might say that so I had wrote that in the document" Harry told me giving me the pen of which I then signed the paper. Harry then left in no time giving me what I needed, the paper and offering which was a sliver old sword which I'm sure had a story behind it but I wasn't going to ask about it. Daniel then decided to give us two pieces of bad news. "You lost the votes only 31% wanted you as our new king. However I know how we can get them on our side, show these people that you are a true King you need to enter the Rosy Lake tournament in August, I will train you and Jeff until then and if you win Jake the people will have to vote for you to be the next King. If you can show them you can fight they would love that. Besides it would do you good to train for this you need to be tough and strong for our big battle at the end to get the throne. I will train Jeff too but only so he can be stronger too" Daniel explained. "Well if you think it will help, then I guess I can't say no" I told him. "Good as of tomorrow it's boot camp for you both" he told us and walked away.
Marvellous I get to spend the next three months sweating and working hard. At least I can spend it in a rich part of the country. On the brighter side Daniel is right it will help me in our final battle. I think it will be nice to spend three months with Jeff this will be like a holiday. Yes I will be training most of the day but even if I get to spend my evenings with him I'd be happy. We can relive the days when we first met and show our love for each other.

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