Chapter 6

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A week pasted before we arrived in Old Quarter, things were very old here too. It had some statues of great leaders and the founder of our country. It however is a fairly poor state most people have just about enough money to pay the sky rocketing taxes and don't have a lot left for food. But it still has people on the streets. My carriage was taken to the town centre of Old Quarter which was the most busiest part of the state. People seemed a little nervous of me at first but when I smiled nicely at them and showed them I wasn't here to attack them or take things away they accepted me. Daniel walked me to Isabelle's house who was the mayor of Old Quarter. Daniel was greeted by a very tanned skinned lady, with long black hair and brown eyes. She was quite pretty and wore a slightly more provocative dress. It was not slutty but it was a rather slimming red dress with black stitching and it came just above her ankles so you could see her shoes which were black with a three inch sole. "Hello Daniel it's been what three years now?" She said happily as she hugged him. "I do apologise for the long delay of visiting but I must ask you of a favour. "I think I know what it is I've been expecting you, I've herd some small rumours about your attack against the thrown". "May we come in?" He asked.
Isabelle invited us in and we sat at her dinning table, she poured us out some red wine from her cask and gave us all a glass. "I assume you know what we need from you?" Daniel asked. "Of course I already signed my papers, the people have bored you won 89% and I got a treaty offering thing. But you will not get them from me without the signature of The Prince on this document". "What does it say?" I asked. "I figured that the war would have to be held in our state or at least most of it would. We are the state in between Worthington and the others. The guards are not going to want us all to enter Worthington and no one will want them in there states so the war will probably start here at least. Should this happen I want the Royal family to pay for all the damages caused from the war. Repairing houses of the families living here, shops and monuments will be rebuilt. Anything destroyed or damaged will be covered by you". "That's rather a heavy thing to ask for that would cost thousands!" Jeff told her. "Then you won't get what you want from me and the war won't go ahead" she told us. "What about covering half the costs?" James asked. "To be fair as heavy as the cost may be, it's not fair to the people living here that there homes are destroyed and they can't rebuild them". "Fine but were going to have to go easy on the destruction in this state, and leave as much as possible to Worthington itself" I told the group as I signed the papers. I then received a bag of old coins this country no longer uses anymore. "I didn't know anyone still had these? I've only ever seen these in a book" I said looking at these badly shaped rough and ragged looking coins "this state kept some for knowing its value in years to come". "Where next Daniel?" Jeff asked. "Ask Jake there only two options left?". "Let's go to Stone Market next I could use a shopping spree" I told him.
Shopping spree was right, the state was covered in shops when we arrived there a few days later. Furniture shops, toy shops, home good shops, weapon shops, clothing shops and much more. This was why I was so angry at Daniel when he wouldn't let me run into any of them. In fact he basically pulled me by the wrist to Adam the Mayor and Gunsmith of Stone Market. Adam was a burly man, black hair and a fairly hairy, huge, manly, muscly body. He looked strong and he had many children. Ten sons and two daughters all from the same woman who was his wife. I didn't actually meet his children or wife they must have been at home as I met Adam at his workplace. As we walked in he was loading a gun actually.
"DANIEL MY OLD PARTNER!" He called as he shook his hand. "It's nice to see you again Adam it's been a long time since we shot anything together". "That is true I think I know why your here, I have herd the rumours they are starting to go around the country". "So you will join us?" James asked. "Of course here's the papers, here is this gun I made a few days ago as a offering" he told us giving the things to Daniel. "What about the people do they agree?" Jeff asked. "I didn't bother asking them instead I had my children and wife make fake votes you won 79% may I say" he told us. "That's illegal Adam but if rumours are getting around the country it won't be long before your family find out Jake and your family will hunt you down when they find out. The war must happen soon Jake or we must hide you somewhere" Daniel told me. "We only have one state left, let's go there and win them over" I said as we quickly headed for the carriage.
Finally we arrived a few days later in a dreadful place, Daniel left the carriage and James in a old shed just outside of town. He was asked to protect the carriage and was allowed to use the sword we was given as a peace offering if he needed. As we walked into the town a few miles ahead we had to take a few back roads so that most people didn't see us. People were talking about us and we didn't need anymore rumours going around about us. However the town was filthy and a lot of people were sick around the town. "You won't find many children around here playing happily, most children are working in the factories at the age of 4 working all day. It's that or begging on the streets!". The town actually smelt a little but then the countries sewage went here, these days with the advanced new ways of doing things people now put all there leavings into barrels and take them to a sewage carrier who then rides his horses taking the barrels right to Stone Henge and throwing it into the sewage tunnels.
However things got worst once we saw Mimi in action. "Look ahead it's a riot" Jeff said from behind a building in a back alley. We all came out from the alley and hide behind some boxes closer to the riot. "WHAT DO WE WANT!" A man shouted on a stand. "FAIR PAY!" The mob shouted. They repeated this over and over again, eventually Mimi came out onto a balcony which was attached to some building. Mimi had brown longish hair, with brown eyes and tanned skin, she was a skinny lady and walked with quite elegance and grace. She stood on the balcony looking down in here white and golden coloured dress which came to her feet and was bushy at the bottom. After a few seconds she pulled out a small gun from her pocket and fired it at the mans back on the stage leading the riot taking him down. Everyone gasped and was shocked including us three from behind the boxes. "Workers.... Let's not stand outside and chit chat about the things we want. I wouldn't mind not being in this hole you call a town and go back to my mansion in Rosy Lake but sadly I too have to work just like you, but I don't stand out here chit chatting about going home. I was going to tell you this at the end of the day but The King wants to make some changes to your work schedule. Your hours of working a day have been increased by two hours so you'll be doing fourteen hours a day. Starting tomorrow!" she said nicely and calmly. Everyone started mumbling and talking expressing there anger. "Now now people let us go inside and back to work. You wouldn't want to end up like this poor chap on the ground now would you" Mimi said with a lovely smile as everyone started to walk back inside the factory.
"That's just terrible!" Jeff said sounding angry. "I still stand by what I said before Mimi isn't all bad she's being pushed by your family to do things. This is why we must fight against your family Jake. Come on I know where Georgia lives I've visited her before she's a good friend of mine" Daniel explained as we moved on.
We continued walking until we reached some abandoned sewers with huge bolted doors shutting them off. However Daniel approached one and turned the revolving circle with handles coming from it to hold onto to. The door opened and the three of us entered it shutting the door behind us. It smelt a little inside but it wasn't dark there were fire torches on the walls, we walked down a long tunnel in the soggy pathway. Eventually we reached a rectangle room with a stone floor and boxes piled up around the place. There was another door ahead Daniel opened it to find a woman inside, she gasped and then calmed down. She had long brown hair with blue eyes and a chunky figure, wearing black trousers and white shirt with a golden over coat and brown boots. "Daniel! What the hell are you doing here?" She asked. "Looking for you" he explained. "Why the hell have you brought him here! You know better than to bring royalty into this place!" She snapped. "So she's not a fan" Jeff whispered to me. "He's different Georgia, he wants to be the next King and lead our country to a better place". "Oh yay, give him a medal" she said horrible as she turned back to her desk. "Let Jake prove himself to you and then you could join us in our fight against his family". "Sure why don't you go make yourself useful around here. There are plenty of people in this state that need help. Lets if your well groomed ass can actually bare going near someone who's homeless or a peasant!" She snapped. "Why don't you go outside Jake and take Jeffery with you and the two of you can go help some people in this town. Get food or water or give them some money. I'll stay here and go through some things with Georgia and explain our story" Daniel told me.
The two of us left the sewers and returned to the town wondering how to help this town. "I think I have an idea Jake, you may have to get your hands dirty though" Jeff told me as he then took my hand and pulled me along quickly. The two of us ran almost out of the town and stopped by a workshop. "I saw this place on the way into the town. It's a good job I did because this place is the answer to our problem". "It's a workshop? What do you expect to get from this place?". "Wallpaper to stick to the walls of the orphanage. In the whole entire country there is only one orphanage and it's not to far from where we saw Mimi. I noticed a sign pointing in the direction it was in, anyway it must be underfunded and need of some new walls. We could even get the children some new beds to sleep on" Jeff said happily. "Great... We have some money left in the carriage we could get James to help too" I said nicely as I then rushed off to carriage while Jeff went inside to talk to the owner.
In just three short hours the three of us got to work, we walked into the orphanage everyone looking shocked to see us and inside we saw the place was basically falling apart. It was dirty but it had old broken and worn out tables and chairs for the kids to eat on. Very few beds and those were broken, the kids had rags to put over them to keep warm with. We started to get to work after James explained what we was doing. I didn't really want to go overboard with this place I mean I didn't have much skill in redecorating and I kinda wanted out of this town. It took a week to do the work, the three of us had no skill and well the wall paper on the walls wasn't perfect there were some lumps and gaps but it was reasonable. We got the kids lots of cheap beds that were in working order and not broken. We even got them some toys to play with and more cheap tables and chairs to use in the hall to eat in. We used some of the gold we had left which certainly helped the kids. Each night I snuggled to Jeff on the orphanage floor since we had no where else to go and we'd think about how soon we would both be back home. Living our lives as the leaders of this country.
We returned to Georgia that afternoon and she was in a much better mood and she was impressed with our work. "Well... For a Prince you sure are a decent person. What you did for the orphanage my not look perfect but to the kids and those that work there it's much more of a home now" she told us. "I will admit for a gay your a pretty nice guy. But then I liked you anyway" Harry told me coming out of the shadows of the room. We all smiled and then Josh stepped out too, "I'm off to go home now I was just visiting Daniel to help him with the war planning. Harry wishes to stay and help you. Good luck" Josh told us as he walked away. "Before you have my state officially on your side you must do one more thing for me. Rescue my friends from Mimi! Two days ago she kidnapped seven of my soldiers. The two of us are getting them back together. Here is your masquerade costume" she said handing me a brown package. "Costume?" I said looking puzzled. "We are attending her party this weekend and are going to get my men back!" She told me. "We will all be travelling back to Rosy Lake tonight. Myself, Jeff, Harry and James will stay in a inn for the night while you two go to the party" Daniel explained.
Saturday night was when the party took place. It was at Mimi's mansion in Rosy Lake. I was getting myself changed that night I wore white leggings with golden puffing shorts and black boots. I had a frilly white shirt and golden silky jacket which came down just past my bum. To add to the attire I wore white gloves, a golden triangle hat and a red mask across my eyes and nose. "You look stunning. Are you ready to go?" Georgia asked walking into my room where a matching outfit but a girls version which was a golden puffy dress with black stitching and a white handkerchief in between her boobs. She wore the same hat and boots and a similar mask but hers was white and more girly. "Lets do some damage tonight" I said and smiled.
The two of us walked to Mimi's house very late into the party as we walked through the front door a lot of the guests had left or were passed out on the floor. We walked upstairs searching around the rooms. We walked into one room where Georgia saw one of her friends alive in a cage. "HENRY!" She called as she ran to him. "Get out of here this is a trap!" He called. "Where are the others?" She asked. "They are all dead Mimi knew your come today. She was ordered by the King to take your men knowing you'd both show up to get them back. She's been ordered to kill you both!" He explained as a bullet entered his head. We both gasped and looked around seeing no one. "Up here" Mimi called from a balcony. "You evil bitch!" Georgia called. "Please a few silly men died it's not the end of the world. Don't be so dramatic, now as you know I've been ordered to kill you" she said as the doors behind us shut and locked from servants. There was no other way out of the room. You couldn't get up to Mimi on the balcony she was much to high. I noticed behind us was another balcony but it had no railing around it, it was just a platform to stand on. That was when I realised we was in trouble! "I'm not going to kill your myself of course, I've got a lot of friends that are willing to" she said happily. Suddenly goblins starting jumping down from the platform. They looked just like the ones I fought before in the caves.
Only little ones were jumping down from the balcony, they were pretty easy to kill. We quickly sliced them up and killed them. Suddenly bigger ones were jumping down I knew that they were stronger I had fought them before they jumped down about ten of them. We dove into battle Georgia was pretty good at fighting which I didn't realise she dodging moved and slicing up the goblins taking minimal damage. I however made the mistake of looking at someone else while fighting a goblin came up from behind and clawed across my back ripping into my jacket and shirt cutting my back making me bleed. I stepped forward a bit in pain and shock to them receive a punch to the face from another goblin taking me down to the floor. Georgia rushed over to help me stabbing one goblin and then taking on the second one. I couldn't afford to stay down I had to get up and keep fighting. It was exactly what I did I held my sword and I dove back into battle trying to ignore my back.
Soon we killed the goblins and no more jumped down. "Hmm well to be fair I did expect you to beat the goblins they aren't exactly hard to fight" Mimi said. That was when the next load of enemies jumped down. I recognised them instantly too, the same men who held me captured in a cage in Little Wood. I gasped and stepped back, "we've come back for you!" One man said as all ten of the men raised there weapons whether they be bows and arrows or swords.
Actually that was a hard fight and both me and Georgia got injured during it, myself worst than her. The battle started fine we were sword fighting with the guards out of range from the three archers. I killed a couple of guys and so did Georgia, I then dived over to the archers killing one of them by stabbing them to the stomach. Georgia then started to get cut in the fight with the three remaining swords men. They cut across her stomach and left arm, I then turned around to then get an arrow shot at me. I dodged half the attack but it still hit me in the leg, I screamed loud and the archers laughed at me. Georgia then ran over shoving the swordsmen out of her way, the archers didn't see her coming and she stabbed them both from behind. Georgia then pulled the arrow from my leg out and I screamed in pain as I laid on the floor bleeding. Georgia turned around and finished off the last swords men. When she did she rushed over ripping a piece of clothing from one of the dead men and wrapping it around my leg, she then got another piece and tied it to my leg so it wouldn't come off. It was on tight so it slowed the bleeding down, but I didn't help the pain. "Are we finished? I'm sure I'm not allowed to have you perform medical aid. But then again you'll be dead soon so what does it matter" Mimi said.
The next load of men started jumping down and once again I recognised them. The men that were terrorising Gardens Peak. Ten or so men started to jump down. "JAKE ITS FIGHT OR DIE I CANT PROTECT YOU!" Georgia shouted. I think she meant it more in an encouraging way to get me to stand rather than ordering me around. Either way I pulled myself up and leant more over onto my right leg which was the better leg and stood firmly ready to fight. The men started coming at me but I used more moves on these men that Daniel had taught me. They worked to my advantage in a fight. These men looked more scary than they actually were they were not highly skilled fighters they knew basic sword fighting moves. Hence why it was easier for us both to fight these men. Georgia took minor injuries no cuts just a few bruises, I only two took small cuts to my left arm which my jacket took most of the damage from. "ENOUGH! MIMI CANT YOU SEE WERE GOOD FIGHTERS WE WONT GO DOWN!" Georgia shouted. "Oh silly I still have time to kill you, bring on the next enemies!" She called happily.
Suddenly these strange looking women started jumping down from the platform. They were tanned skinned women with little clothing, they wore a black ragged t shirt with red shorts and black boots with tattoos on there arms. They held little knives in there hands and screamed out at us. "Ah yes these women I picked up on a trip I took once, they are just itching to kill someone" Mimi said happily. The women were very fast moving they moved around the room like lighten bolts, I've never seen six women move so quickly in all my life. They literally had us on our toes the whole fight. You whacked your sword one way then you had to turn around to whack it the other way. The fight actually went on for over half an hour because it took so long to kill the little bitches. We both got cut up quite badly with there knives during the fight both of us received many cuts all over our bodies. However eventually all six were dead and we had enough of Mimi's little game.
"ENOUGH NOW MIMI WE ARE NOT GOING DOWN!" Georgia shouted. "I will admit I thought if any of my friends would kill you, I would have put my money on those women. But I have one last friend to show you, if you beat them I will let you leave and I'll tell Jakes father that you simply didn't show up to the party" she said politely as she then looked at the balcony.
Suddenly two giant beasts jumped down. These two large wolf looking people jumped down, with giant claws and big muscly bodies they were over seven foot tall and towered over us there muscles on there arms were the size of our heads. There faces were hairy like there bodies but there eyes were red and they had sharp teeth. They growled and clawed at us both quickly cutting into our bodies. The fight began and the beasts blocked a lot of our moves with there claws. It took us both a long time to actually hit them and draw blood. However we both got terribly cut up in this fight. The creatures wouldn't stop clawing at us ripping into our flesh blood was dripping from us both and we were getting weaker. But we had a break through point I managed to stab one of the beasts in the lower stomach. As it then put its hands over the stab wound I then cut it's throat. Now we only had one to deal with, it made things easier on us. We both attacked the one beast together and it was dead in a few minutes we both stabbed it to death.
"Very well I guess you won. I will get the servants to show you the front door and I will tell Jake's father you never showed up. I am a women of my word" Mimi said as she walked away. "HEY COME BACK HERE IM NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!" Georgia shouted as she then bent down and coughed up some blood. I limped over bleeding badly as we both carried each other out of the mansion.
We collapsed outside Mimi's house where we were soon found by a passing stranger. They got us help and Jeffery and the others came quickly to our aid. Luckily Rosy Lake was rich and they had a very good hospital. We were quickly rushed there and got medical help by some great doctors. The two of us were ok in the end we each loss a lot of blood but managed to recover.
A week later the two of us spoke for the first time in the hospital, we spoke in the hallway, as we limped to the toilet we found each other. "I've been looking for you, how are you?" She asked. "Getting better yourself?" I asked. "I'm healing, that was some fight and I know I said I'd give you my documents and that once we rescued my men but I need one more thing from you before I give you what you need". "It's not another fight is it because that would actually kill me" I told her. "No no no it's a document to sign. If you sign it, it means that you agree to end suffering in our country especially in Stone Henge, help end slavery and help end the suffering from homeless people and help those in need so they can get there lives back on track" she asked. "As soon as you send me the document I'll gladly sign it" I told her.
Later that day I received a piece of paper and a pen from Harry who then swapped the packages. Georgia got the signed paper from me and I received her documents and her peace offering which was a old compass.
It was three weeks before I was back in pretty good shape to be out and about again. Daniel as usual filled me in with the news. He told me that our army wasn't big enough to fight my family. He had been looking into getting another country to help us but he needed more time. In the mean time he needed myself and Harry to travel to the castle where I used to live and watch the speech that my father was going to give this Saturday morning. Naturally I went with Harry and I got on the horses from my carriage which we left in Rosy Lake and galloped off for my old home. We both wore masks so people didn't know who we were.
Saturday mornings was a little nervous we each didn't know what the speech was about and it was safe to say it was horrifying. People gathered around my home in the front garden it was packed full of people, with many guards standing around. My father walked out onto the balcony so he could be seen by all. "Fellow citizens we have traitors among us! I have herd that there is a revolution against me and I will not stand for it! This is one of the traitors!" My father said firmly. As he stopped talking, out from the front doors of the castle two guards dragged out Josh who looked like be had been beaten badly. "Josh!" Harry said quietly in shock. "He is one of the many on my kill list! I order you all to find the mayors of each state and bring them to me and they will be punished for rebelling against me! I also want my son brought to me for shaming our family!" He told us. A guard then pulled out a gun and shot Josh in the head. Everyone then gasped and started mumbling and talking amongst each other worrying. "Oh my god!" Harry said looking away in fear and shock. "We must get back to Stone Henge and meet Daniel and the others to tell them what's happened! We also better keep our masks on for a while!" Harry told me as we both ran away from the chaos.

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