Part 1

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"G'mornin', Sugar," Sheriff Bodecker tipped his hat at you as you walked towards him on the street.

You smiled softly at him and came to a stop. "Good mornin', Sheriff."

"How are you this mornin'?" He asked looking down at you with a suttle smirk.

You hummed, "All the better for seeing you, Sheriff." You smiled up at him.

Lee shook his head with a chuckle. "Ain't no one ever better for seein' me, Sugar."

"If you say so."

Lee nodded as he glanced over your shoulder and frowned. "Since when was your Grandpa friendly with Mrs Riley?" He asked, nodding his head in their direction.

You glanced over your shoulder with a frown. "He ain't. But Mrs Riley sure is eager to set me and Bobby-Ray up." You turned back to the Sheriff. "Even when I ain't interested."

"You ain't interested? Thought a pretty thing like you would fall head over heels for a boy like him." He folded his arms over his chest with a deep frown as he leaned on the cruiser.

You rolled your eyes with a playful smile, "That's just it, Sheriff, he's a boy, and not a man."

The Sheriff began grinning at you. "Glad to hear it."

"My grandaughter ain't buggin' you is she, Sheriff?" Your grandpa walked up behind you.

Lee stood up and shook your grandpa's hand. "Course not, George. You know she's always as sweet as her apple pies." The Sheriff winked at you making you blush and smile.

"I wondered when you'd mention those." You giggled and slipped your hand into the basket you held, "Here you go." You smiled at him as you handed him a freshly baked apple pie.

The Sheriff's eyes lit up as he licked his lips. "Ya' ain't gotta sweeten me up, ya' know, Sugar." He winked, making you blush and look away.

"C'mon now, Y/N, we gotta get on. Nice seein' ya, Sheriff." Your grandpa gently pushed you forwards.

"Bye, George... Sugar," The Sheriff nodded.

"Good bye, Sheriff." You smiled sweetly at him over your shoulder before turning away, swaying your hips just a little more than usual.

Lee quickly cleared his throat and got back into his cruiser before anyone noticed the bulge in his pants. God, damn it, he was crazy about you.

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