Part 8

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Lee stood at the front door on the rickety old porch, scowling at the thought of you being forced to live there. His balled up fist hammered against the door, almost putting it through with his anger. A few moments later and the door was opened by Mrs Riley.

"Oh, Sheriff, what a pleasant surprise." She gave him a nervous smile, trying her best not show it.

Lee glared at her. "Mrs Riley," He nodded. "Bobby-Ray home?"

"Yes, Sheriff." She nodded. "Just upstairs."

"Would ya' get him." Lee placed his hands on his hips, making him look even more intimidating to the middle aged widow.

She nodded and scurried off to bottom of the staircase. She called up to her son before turning back to face the Sheriff as he entered the house. "Would ya' like a drink, Sheriff? Coffee?" She moved in to the kitchen.

"No. I won't be here long." He glared at her, slowly taking a step towards her. "He tell ya' about last night?"

Mrs Riley shook her head, "What about last night?" She asked as she kept her gaze fixed in front of her as she made coffee.

Lee stared daggers at her before turning his head towards Bobby-Ray as he stepped off the bottom step. His gaze narrowed on the young man before he turned on his heels and headed for him. "C'mere," He grabbed Bobby-Ray by the collar.

"Hey!" He called out, trying to pull the Sheriff's hands off him. "Get your damn hands-"

"Stop it!" Mrs Riley yelled at Lee.

Lee shoved the boy into the wall, holding him by the throat just like Bobby-Ray had with you. "Shut the fuck up!" He snarled at her. "Your debt with George Y/L/N," He shoved his free hand into his inside jacket pocket and pulled out a stack of money. He threw it towards the woman. "It's cleared. Ya' here?"

"But -"

"No buts!" He squeezed his hand a little tighter around Bobby-Ray's throat until he gasped. Lee smirked, "Your little game of blackmail, is done. Ya' leave George, and Y/N alone." He turned back to Mrs Riley. "If ya' don't, I'll put his ass in jail." He said as he let go of Bobby-Ray.

The boy dropped to the floor gasping and coughing. Lee paid him no attention as he made his way towards a terrified Mrs Riley.

"Understand? 'Cause I ain't fuckin' 'round. I hear 'bout either of ya', goin' anywhere near, or doin' anythin' to hurt, or upset my girl, I'll put him away. For good. No bail, no way out. Leavin' ya' to fend for yourself... Who knows," Lee smirked as he reached up and grabbed a hold of her jaw tightly causing her to cry out. "I might even kill ya'." He whispered.

She shook her head, "Please... No."

Lee let go of her before straightening himself out and then taking his hat off, running his hand over his hair before neatly replacing his hat. "Do you understand me, Mrs Riley?"

She nodded, her eyes with fear, knowing the Sheriff meant every word of his threat. "Y-Yes, Sheriff."

"Good." Lee smiled. "Have a good day, ma'am." He tipped his hat before turning and narrowing his eyes at Bobby-Ray. "Bobby-Ray." He almost growled as he walked last him and out the door, slamming it shut behind him, leaving him with a pleased and smug smile on his face.

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