Part 24

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Warnings: 18+ readers, drugging/spiking, Bobby-Ray once again trying to hurt Sugar, implied/possible rape?, Sugar being bad ass

Lee was in a terrible mood and everyone in the station new about it. It was only his second week back working and he was back to working his ass off, picking up the slack. The only good thing about being back at the station was he could get back to working his debt with Leroy off.

Lee had noticed you were worrying about your grandpa after you'd stopped off on Lee's third day back at work. George hadn't been well over the last few days and the house had started to get in a state. He'd also not been eating properly so you were worrying he wasn't looking after himself. Lee didn't want you to worry so he said it was for the best that you went back home, he no longer needed you to look after him as much as you had been doing, although he had been enjoying having you around the house as much as you had been. And to make matters worst, you wouldn't even be at home for him to spend the night with, with you wrapped in his arms where you belong.

You were staying at Lizzy's house for a girls night, whatever the hell that was. He hoped it involved the pair of you wearing silk pj's and having pillow fights as you talked about how lucky you were to have Lee as your man.

His telephone began to ring, making him frown as he looked at the clock. It was well after eleven at night, who the hell could be calling him.

"Sheriff Bodecker," He grumbled in to the telephone.

"Lee, it's me." You hurried, your tone laced with panic.

Lee frowned as he day back in his chair, "Sugar, y'kay?"

"I'm worried 'bout, Lizzy."

"Lizzy? Why?" Lee raised his eyebrow.

"Her friends gave her something and now she can barely stand up."

Lee's brow deepened as he strained his hearing. He could hear music and loud laughter in the background. "Sugar, what's goin' on?"

"Lizzy's friends showed up at her house with all these other people, and now there's this full blown party. It wasn't meant to be like this, and I'm really worried, Lee."

Lee sighed, "What did they give her, Sugar?" He asked as he began to stand from his chair.

"I DON'T KNOW!" You snapped at him making Lee growl low in his chest. You took a deep breath, "I-I'm sorry, Lee, I just... I'm scared. Her, her friends laughed, when I asked what they'd given her... And, they said, they'd put it in my drink too, when I'd gone to the bathroom..." Your voice shook before you sniffled.

Lee's face paled. "They what? Sugar, you need to make yourself sick! Get it--"

Before Lee could finish his sentence the line went dead and the last thing Lee heard was your scream. He yelled into the telephone but it was useless.

Lee slammed the telephone back down, not even checking to see if it stayed in place as he grabbed everything he needed before he threw the door to his office open. "Okay, listen up deputies!"

You tried to hold Lizzy up the best you could as you stared at Bobby-Ray. The telephone dangled against the wall forgotten about. You were trying to think of a way to get away from Bobby-Ray and his creepy looking friend, but it seemed impossible.

"What are ya' doin' 'ere, Bobby-Ray?" You asked.

"It's a party, ain't it." He smirked at you. He looked over at Lizzy, "Looks like she's havin' a good time." He chuckled.

You shook your head as Lizzy wobbled, her head lolling forwards. "If you call bein' almost unconscious a good time then yeah, she's havin' a blast." You glared at him.

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