Part 12

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Lee made it his mission to right his wrongs. He never wanted you thinking again he wasn't intrested in you. He wanted you to know just how much he loved you. So every day he'd stop by with a bunch of flowers, or a box of chocolates (that you'd share with him). If for some reason he couldn't, like he was stuck in the office doing paperwork, he'd call you up just to hear you talk. He might not get a lot done whilst talking to you, but he didn't mind staying a little later.

You tried to stand in the shade as the hot sun beats down from above you, but thanks to the towns gossips stopping you and your grandpa, it was impossible. You hated church functions. They were nothing but boring gatherings for the gossips to spread rumours.

"I have to say, George, we were shocked not to be hearing wedding bells any time soon for this one." Mrs Jones, one of the older town gossips, placed her hand on your arm.

Your grandpa rolled his eyes. "When she's ready, I ain't forcing her."

"But dear, what was wrong with Bobby-Ray? He's such a lovely young man." Ms Cole smiled at you.

You glared at her, "He wouldn't take no for answer or keep his hands to himself." You folded your arms across your chest, smiling to yourself as the woman shared a shocked look.

"Surely you're mistaken, dear. Bobby-Ray wouldn't do such a thing." Ms Cole said.

"Ya' callin' my grandaughter a liar?" Your grandpa scowled at the woman. "Cause she ain't. That boy is no good. Twice, he laid his hands on her. Who knows what he would have done if the Sheriff ain't step in when he did."

The two woman shook there heads and scoffed. "Now, that's a man who ain't no good." Ms Cole nodded.

"What sort of man ain't married at his age? He's no good." Mrs Jones added, "You should be careful around him, Y/N, he'll corrupt ya'."

You glared at the two woman. "Lee is a good man." You defended him.

Mrs Jones sighed, "To you, perhaps, but that's cause he's only after one thing."

You scoffed, shaking your head. "'N how do ya' know it ain't me, who's only after one thing, hmm?" You raised your eyebrow at them with a smirk.

"It's true, ladies. The thin's she begs me to do would make a whore blush." Lee smirked that signature smirk as he appeared by your side from nowhere.

Mrs Jones and Ms Cole shared a look of horror making you and your grandpa laugh.

"Excuse me, ladies, but I need to borrow my girl for a moment." He sent them a wink as he placed his large hand on the lower of your back and guided you away from the two gossips.

You let out a playful giggle as you turned to face Lee once the two of you were far enough away from them, and tapped his shoulder. "They're going to be talkin' now."

"Hey," Lee chuckled, slipping his hands over your waist. "Yer the one who started it, with yer filthy mouth." He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek making you blush. "Ya' look pretty today, Sugar." He grinned running his eyes down your figure.

You blushed even more, brushing a piece of your fallen hair behind your ear. "Thank you." You looked up with a smile. "I thought ya' were workin'?" You asked toying with the front of his uniform shirt.

Lee nodded running his hands up to your bare shoulders. "I am. But I thought I'd stop by 'n ask if ya'd like to come to mine for dinner? I'll cook... Or poison ya'." He winked with a chuckle making you giggle.

"I'd very much like that, Sheriff." You smiled up at him.

"Good." Lee grinned before clearing his throat, his face becoming serious, "I also, wondered if, hmm... Perhaps, ya'd like to, hmm..." He looked around to make sure no one was listening in to your conversation before he leaned in close to your ear. "Stay the night?" A light dusting covered his cheeks, "Not 'cause I'm gonna force ya to-" He cleared his throat and looked over his shoulder making you bite back your giggle. You did enjoy seeing Lee get flustered. "I just worry 'bout ya' bein' on yer own whilst, George, is workin' the night shift. I thought, I wouldn't worry, knowin' yer safe, at home... With me." Lee's face burned a little more.

Your smile stretched across your lips. "That's very sweet of ya', Lee, thank ya'."

Lee nodded, clearing his throat and stood tall. "Pick ya' up 'bout four?" You nodded with a grin. "'right, see ya' later then, Sugar." Lee grinned at you before he pressed a kiss to your cheek making you blush.

You ignored the stares from the town's gossips as you waved goodbye to Lee. All you could think about was, how much self control does your Sheriff Bodecker have exactly?

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