vii. the worst bombshell of the day ; the gods make me sacrifice food

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chapter seven

─── the worst bombshell of the day ; the gods make me sacrifice food

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         𝔅ad news, my entire life was a lie. Good news, my mum dying is now jostling for worst piece of news of the day.

You have to take the small victories.

Luke had swiftly led me onwards, showing me the metalwork shop, the arts and crafts room, the climbing room that looked like a walking health and safety hazard. Finally, he showed me the canoeing lake, talking softly as I just sort of floated along beside him, mind in a haze.

"Look, Sleeping Beauty, I'm sorry about all of this." He nudged me from my thoughts as we turned back towards the cabins. "I know how weird all of this can be and trust me when I say, it does get better. Truly."

I hummed, leaning down to look at the lake again. There were two teenage girls sitting cross-legged at the base of the pier, wearing blue jeans and shimmering T-shirts. They smiled and waved but I turned to see that they were waving at Luke instead of me.

"Does everyone in this place have a crush on you?" My joke was weak, but Luke laughed all the same.

"No." He sent me a half-smile as I cocked an eyebrow. First Annabeth, then there were those campers ogling him as we walked, then there was the boy who ran up to talk to him and was a complete stuttering mess (though that could have been because Luke looked kind of intimidating) and then those girls. "They're naiads anyway. Terrible flirts."

"What? And you're a good flirt?" Luke let out a hearty laugh. "I was being honest."

"If I was flirting with you, Sleeping Beauty, you'd be melted on the floor."

"Do your worst. I'm waiting." Maybe asking the hot guy to flirt with me wouldn't do wonders for my health. The last thing I needed was to go getting a crush on him or something ridiculous. "Anyway, can I go home yet?"

Luke sighed. "You are home now. This is the only safe place on earth for people like us."

"What? One's who are mentally disturbed?" Luke laughed at that, before shaking his head.

"No. Kids who aren't technically human. Well, half-human, half-not so much,"

"Half-human and half-what?"

"I think you know," I racked my brain, before sighing. I had an inkling but admitting it made it more real and I really didn't need the added stress right now. Luke watched me with a raised eyebrow, as I sighed and spoke.

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