lii. my dad has no regard for my life it would seem

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chapter fifty-two

─── my dad has no regard for my life it would seem

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          𝕬ndi's horse, Blackjack, gave me a ride down to the beach, dodging the harpies as we went. I shivered at the cold breeze, waiting for Blackjack to touch down before I jumped off.

It's down there. Straight down, Blackjack nodded, a glint in her eyes.

"You do realize I'm not Andi and can't survive deep water, right?"

Is that supposed to be my problem?

"Wow," I muttered. "I can see why you're Andi's horse."

I jumped off of her back, left my bag with Blackjack, before stepping into the icy cold water. I shivered, cursing everything, before diving into the water. My body complained, shivering and tensing up at the ice, but I powered on, swimming down until I saw what the problem was.

Three hippocampi swam in a circle around an overturned boat. The hippocampi were beautiful to watch. Their fish tails shimmered in rainbow colours, glowing phosphorescent. Their manes were white, and they were galloping through the water the way nervous horses do in a thunderstorm. Something was upsetting them.

I got closer and saw the problem. A dark shape—some kind of animal—was wedged halfway under the boat and tangled in a fishing net, one of those big nets they use on trawlers to catch everything at once. Andi hated those things, complaining to me often enough about the terrible uses that they had as she spent time helping marine organizations for her degree.

Apparently this poor creature had been mucking around on the bottom of Long Island Sound and had somehow gotten itself tangled in the net of this sunken fishing boat. It had tried to get out and managed to get even more hopelessly stuck, shifting the boat in the process. Now the wreckage of the hull, which was resting against a big rock, was teetering and threatening to collapse on top of the tangled animal.

The hippocampi were swimming around frantically, wanting to help but not sure how. One was trying to chew the net, but hippocampi teeth just aren't meant for cutting rope. Hippocampi are really strong, but they're not all that smart.

Who are you? A hippocampus said when it saw me. The others joined in, asking the same thing.

I swam in for a closer look at the tangled creature. At first I thought it was a young hippocampus. But then I heard a strange sound, something that did not belong underwater: "Mooooooo!"

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