xcv. you get an insult and you get an insult and-

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chapter ninety-five

─── you get an insult and you get an insult and-

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          𝔚ill Solace was nominated to come with me to help the wounded, the rest of his siblings still searching for Michael. I steal another motorbike, taking it to the Plaza Hotel at speeds that would make my mom kill me.

It only took us five minutes to reach the hotel.

Tactically speaking, it wasn't the best place for a headquarters. It wasn't the tallest building in town or the most central, but it would do. I bring it to a screeching stop, both Will and I clambering off as we head for the hotel.

I'd never actually been inside and I was impressed at the décor, but I had more important things to worry about. They'd taken up occupancy of the penthouse suites and when the elevator doors dinged open, it was carnage.

Hunters and campers were crashed out, some being treated with ambrosia, others in the human methods as people raided food and drinks from minibars. Most were quite badly beaten up, but they were alive.

"Romy!" Jake turned, from where a Hunter was sewing up a gash on his arm. "We're getting reports-"

"Later." I pat his shoulders. "Where's Annabeth?"

"The terrace. She's alive..." I don't stay to hear the rest, pushing out and onto the terrace. Annabeth was laying on a lounge chair, her face pale and sweaty. Silena is trying to treat her, talking to Luke in a quiet voice. Will moved me aside, unwrapping the bandages to examine the wound and I tense. It's green which isn't exactly the healthiest colour for skin.

She'd taken that knife for me? She'd taken that knife for me and I let that happen?

"Poison on the knife." Luke muttered, Annabeth barely being conscious to talk. "How bad?"

"Could be better, could be worse. Hasn't gone past the shoulder, few more minutes, we'd be screwed." Will explained, pulling nectar from his healing bag. "She has to stay still."

I grab onto her arms, Luke holds her by the shoulders and Silena takes her legs as Will pours the nectar on. Annabeth tried to writhe, but we keep her still, silvery tears falling down her cheeks as I hush her, soothing her softly. Will binds it, humming a hymn to Apollo before standing up, shakily. He's pale and Silena helps him sit down. 

"We need stuff, medicine an-"

"Travis!" Will barely finished his sentence before Luke's calling for his brother. "No stealing. Medical supplies, as much as you can get. Pay with cash. Take some others, raid a few. We need a lot, nectar and ambrosia are running out."

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