lxxxviii. it took years, but dad finally let me in the house

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chapter eighty-eight

─── it took years, but dad finally let me in the house

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          𝔜ou know, it never gets easier when people die on your behalf. I hated this part the most about being a demigod, knowing that others blood was on your hands and there was nothing that you could do to change it.

You'd also think, being the daughter of the sea that blood washes off easily with salt water, but alas, it never did and I was left with another name to be added to the list of those who'd died instead of me.

By the time I come too again after a bit too long unconscious, I feel like someone's been repeatedly closing a fridge door onto my head. A large figure looms overhead, and for a moment, I convince myself that we did it.


"No, sister. It's me." My eyes focus a little more, and I find Tyson hovering over me, his eye wide and worried. 


"Yay! You remember, that is good, I was worried you might not." Tyson broke out into a toothy grin. He sounded older now, more mature, and I kept forgetting that he was growing up. I felt weightless and cold, and as I sit up, the vibrations in my skull get louder. 

A gossamer sheet had been covering my body, and I found myself on a bed of woven kelp, glowing pearls keeping the room alight. We were underwater.

"Where are we?" I'd never been here before.

"Daddy's palace." Tyson explained and maybe, if I was a little younger, I'd be excited. Now my brain had limited time for other emotions apart from worry. My shirt was singed from the flames, though the burns had healed from time spent underwater. I reached up, scratching at my chest to see if the hellhound scars were there, and they were. They were my first scars, and the ones that reminded me of where I came from, so I didn't want them to disappear. "We found you last night."

"Beckendorf was on board when the ship blew up." I'm trying to get up immediately at the thought. "Did you find him?"

Tyson's face went dark, before he sighed.

"I'm sorry, sister. No sign." I let my head tilt back, before sighing. Beckendorf was slightly younger than me and about to start college. He'd had a girlfriend, lots of friends and had his whole life ahead of him and he was gone. 

That was on me.

Looking back up, I wondered what to do. No one had any idea where to start. Well, nearly everyone. Nico di Angelo had a plan, one that screamed danger so loud, even I could hear it. Luke had veto-ed the plan super quickly, but I wasn't sure whether we should have. Maybe, it was time to reconsider. A distant blast shook the room, green light blazing as both of us turn towards it.

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