xcvi. pigs can fly they just don't want to prove it

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chapter ninety-six

─── pigs can fly they just don't want to prove it

─── pigs can fly they just don't want to prove it

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          "ℜomy, you alright?" Luke checked in as soon as we were on our way back to the hotel. "I know it's hard, but you can't, we can't feel sorry for Puck."

"I don't." I corrected him. "I feel sorry for Brooke, for Puck's dad, for all the hundreds of other parents who aren't gonna have their children come home."

"I'm worried for Annabeth, they grew up together and now, she's going to have to fight her." Luke took my hand, tugging me closer. "I'm not sure if she's gonna be able to do it. You know, they were like siblings, really close friends."

"She'll do fine."

"I don't know." Luke sighed, before shaking his head. "There's no point dwelling on it now."

"I'm more worried about all of those fires. How many humans are in danger because of decisions that have been made by others?" I turn, looking at the fires out in Harlem, before shaking my head. Thalia and Grover had already disappeared as I shifted Pandora's box on my him, not wanting to drop it in case I accidentally let hope out. "I think we need to lock this in a vault somewhere, so no one gets any funny ideas."

"I'll take it. You go and sleep." Luke took it from me as I searched for a spot to hide in. When I did fall asleep, it only brought me new nightmares.

I saw the undersea palace of my father. The enemy army had gotten closer now, entrenched a few hundred yards from the palace walls. The temple was alight with Greek fire and I could see my younger brother hurrying to eat food with his comrades. As I watched, the outer wall exploded, some of Tyson's comrades dissolving into sea sand and I could see the look of fear on my little brother's face, before he grabbed his club and followed the other soldiers back out to sea, though I screamed for him not to.

He didn't hear.

Then, the scene shifted and I was with Ethan Nakamura in the enemy camp. The army was huge, and I recognised where the generals were meeting immediately. Medusa's lair. It was abandoned, statues broken and the warehouse roof was caved in. 

Mostly, I saw monsters but there were mercenaries too and demigods, the purple banner hanging outside of the emporium.

"Nakamura. The master would like to speak to you." Ethan stood up as Prometheus approached.

"Something wrong?"

"You'll have to ask him." Prometheus smiled as the other demigods snickered, making snide comments. Ethan readjusted his eye patch, heading for the warehouse as I followed along behind the teenager, who looked so small in comparison to me in that moment.

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